Be sure to visit the first Burial Resources page FIRST before continuing onto this page!
Simply click on the highlighted link above!
(located off the Veteran Resources page)
Pinetop Assistance League (PAL)
The Pinetop Perkins Foundation
P.O. Box 1916
Clarksdale, MS 38614
The Pinetop Assistance League (PAL) provides financial assistance to elderly musicians
for medical and living expenses.
We cover expenses such as:
1. Temporary home care services
2. Transportation services to and from doctor’s appointments, health and/or social services such as (but not limited to) dialysis, chemotherapy, radiation
3. Transport to and from grocery/pharmacy stores etc.
4. Doctor visits and procedures
5. Emergency services
6. Financial aid for household utilities or other basic living expenses
7. Assistance with burial costs
The Blues Foundation
421 S. Main
Memphis, TN 38103-4464
Phone: 901-527-2583
The Blues Foundation established the HART Fund (Handy Artists Relief Trust) for Blues musicians & their families in financial need due to a broad range of health concerns. The
Fund provides for acute, chronic & preventive medical & dental care as well as funeral and burial expenses.
ICNA Relief & Muslim Family Services
12500 Mitchell
Detroit, MI 48212
Phone: 313-366-6800
Janazah Funeral Assistance:
Every Muslim has a right to a Janaza, a proper Islamic burial. Many families cannot afford
all of the services that accompany a burial or may not be aware Their Muslim family requires this service. Other burial options such as crematIon is a far cheaper option but are haram in Islam.
Because of this, there are those in our community for whom cremation is the only option.
At ICNA Relief MI we can assist with the costs of Janaza. We want to make this service more accessible to the families of our deceased Muslim brothers and sisters, and with your help,
we can avoid their cremation or any other un-Islamic burial.
Six Feet Over (for assistance with SUICIDE ONLY)
PO Box 32394
Detroit, MI 48232
Phone: 313-288-2207
Do you need assistance paying for costs associated with the loss of your loved one?
We may be able to help with costs associated with:
- Funerals and memorial services
The Catholic Funeral & Cemetery Services
25775 W. 10 Mile Suite C
Southfield, MI 48033
Phone: 248-204-0082
As a ministry of the Catholic Church, we are committed as a charity to offer innovative programs that provide financial assistance, FREE options, and unique programs that
meet the needs of our faith community.
All Souls Remembrance Program:
Catholic Funeral & Cemetery Services (CFCS) offers at no charge, to anyone, of any faith,
who has cremated remains at home or is considering scattering, the dignified committal
of the remains at any of our cemeteries. The committal will occur at the All Souls Remem-
brance Crypt and then the remains will be permanently interred within the consecrated
grounds of the Catholic Cemetery.
Mother Teresa Program:
Mother Teresa firmly believed that love begins at home and that we should reach out to
those in need in our family first, then our community, our country and our world. It is in
this spirit that CFCS created the Mother Teresa Program that allows the poor and desti-
tute in our community to receive sacred & dignified cemetery services.
Precious Lives Program:
This program provides caring cemetery financial support for those who have suffered the
loss of a child. The program also provides sacred interment services in the Order of Chris-
tian Funerals, for hospitals within the community, for the death of an unborn child at any
of our Catholic Cemeteries.
The Salvation Army--Adrian Corps.
217 W. Church
Adrian, MI 49221
Phone: 517-265-2038
We assist families and individuals who face the loss of loved ones (burial costs) and other various needs. We strive to continue meeting crisis needs, but also hope to work with some families through Pathway of Hope to prevent future crisis and build encouragement and hope within the families. For residents of Lenawee County ONLY.
Wayne Metropolitan CAA
7310 Woodward Suite 800
Detroit, MI 48202
Out-County Service Hub
2121 Biddle Ave.
Wyandotte, MI 48192
Phone: 313-388-9799
Providing financial assistance towards burial and cremation services.
Did you know that as an honorably discharged veteran of the United States Armed Forces
you and your spouse are entitled to FREE burial or cremation interment at a National Cem-
etery, as well as other funeral services worth up to $7,000 per person?
Click below to request a FREE Veterans' Final Wishes Organizer and ensure that your
The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) burial allowance is a monetary benefit that is
generally paid at the maximum amount authorized by law for an eligible Veteran's burial
and funeral costs. VA may grant additional benefits for plot, interment, and/or transport-
ation expenses. VA automatically pays a burial benefit to the eligible surviving spouse of
record when a Veteran's death is reported.
For burial in a national cemetery, you’ll receive an allowance for:
- The plot (gravesite) or interment
- Transporting the Veteran’s remains for burial
Note: The Veteran’s family will need to cover the cost of funeral director services, like cremation.
NOTE: The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) furnishes upon request, at no charge to
the applicant, a government headstone or marker for the unmarked grave of any deceased eligible Veteran in any cemetery around the world, regardless of their date of death. Female Veterans married to a Veteran are entitled to their own separate grave, headstone or marker, burial flag and Presidential Memorial Certificate. However, they may choose to be buried in
the same grave site as their spouse.
Department of Veterans Affairs - Memorial Programs Service (41B)
Phone: 800-697-6947
The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) furnishes upon request, at no charge to the appli-
cant, a government headstone or marker for the unmarked grave of any deceased eligible Veteran in any cemetery around the world, regardless of their date of death.
We provide:
If the Veteran served on or after April 6, 1917, and the grave is marked with a private head-
stone or marker, the Veteran may be eligible for a medallion.
Please visit the National Cemetery Administration webpage to download the VA Form 40-1330M, Claim for Government Medallion and to obtain additional information about the VA headstone and marker program, including information about the available headstone, marker and medallion types and styles. Completed applications may be faxed or mailed for
Wayne County Veteran Services Office
400 Monroe #405
Detroit, MI 48226
Phone: 313-224-5045
Wayne County, Michigan Veterans Services Department is set up to provide financial hard-
ship resources & services to veterans, their spouses, and dependents. They provide emer- gency services, such as Medical Assistance, Clothing & Food Vouchers, Furniture & Home Appliances, Moving Expenses, Help with Utility Payments, Rental & Mortgage Assistance, Property Taxes, Home Repair, Auto Payments, Repairs & Insurance, Burials, Bus Passes
and more.
Veteran Funeral Expense Assistance
Wayne County Veteran Services Division provides assistance with funeral expenses.
Those veterans and spouses with assets less than $40,000 excluding the family resi-
dence, are eligible. The veteran must have received an Honorable Discharge from the
United States Armed Forces, with at least 90 days of recognized war time service.
Spouses of veterans are not eligible for government marker. The county of Wayne will
provide up to $1000.00 toward burial benefits and $50.00 toward the cost of installing
a Government Marker.
Midwest Memorial Group
31300 Southfield
Beverly Hills, MI 48025
Phone: 248-290-0338
Veterans living in Michigan are now eligible to get a complimentary certificate for burial
space in a private cemetery, in advance of need, at no charge for the property. You must arrange the pre-planning of their funeral.
Participating Cemeteries:
- Acacia Park Cemetery / Beverly Hills
- Cadillac Memorial Gardens East / Clinton Twp.
- Cadillac Memorial Gardens West / Westland
- Woodmere Cemetery / Detroit
- Forest Lawn Memorial Park / Detroit
- Mount Hope Memorial Gardens / Livonia
- Oakland Hills Memorial Gardens / Novi
- Oakview Cemetery / Royal Oak
- Roseland Park Cemetery / Berkley
- United Memorial Gardens / Plymouth
- Washtenong Memorial Park / Ann Arbor
All Monroe County MI Veterans
Vietnam Veterans of America, Monroe County Chapter 142 is offering Cemetery plots/grave
sites at Roselawn Cemetery in LaSalle, MI for any United States veteran. A veteran is any
man or women 17 or older who served or was currently serving in the U.S. military at the
time of his / her death or had received an Honorable or General Discharge from said service.
Although the actual site would be donated a no-cost for the veteran, Roselawn Cemetery
does charge a fee for opening & closing of grave sites which would have to be paid by the veteran's family. These sites do NOT have the ability to allow for a spouse or loved one to be buried next to them, so these sites are primarily for single, divorced or no spouse or family member co-located site needed. If all four of these conditions can be met, please contact Larry Richterat 734-735-9646 OR 734-242-0841 for further details.
The Federal Department of Veterans Affairs currently has two National cemeteries in MI.
The Fort Custer National Cemetery
15501 Dickham
Augusta, MI 49012
Phone: 269-731-4164
Great Lakes National Cemetery
Grand Mall and Office Center
4200 Belford
Holly, MI 48442
Phone: 866-348-8603 Toll-Free
For Burial in a National Cemetery:
Burial benefits available include a grave site in any of our 135 national cemeteries with available space, opening & closing of the grave, perpetual care, a government headstone
or marker, a burial flag, and a Presidential Memorial Certificate, at no cost to the family.
Some Veterans may also be eligible for Burial Allowances. Cremated remains are buried
or interned in national cemeteries in the same manner and with the same honors as cas-
keted remains.
Burial benefits available for spouses & dependents buried in a national cemetery include
burial with the Veteran, perpetual care, and the spouse or dependents name and date of
birth and death will be inscribed on the Veteran's headstone, at no cost to the family. Eli-
gible spouses and dependents may be buried, even if they pre-decease the Veteran.
Spouses and dependents are not eligible for a government-furnished headstone or marker unless they are buried in a national cemetery, state Veteran's cemetery, or military post or
base cemetery. Note: There is no charge for the headstone or marker itself, however arran- gements for placing it in a private cemetery are the applicant's responsibility and all setting fees are at private expense.
Female Veterans married to a veteran are entitled to their own separate grave, headstone
or marker, burial flag and Presidential Memorial Certificate. However, they may choose to be buried in the same plot as the spouse.
No-cost burial benefits include:
1. Grave site in any of VA's national cemeteries with available space
2. Opening and closing of the grave
3. Perpetual care of the grave site
4. Headstones, markers, and medallions
5. Burial flag
6. Presidential Memorial Certificate