Wayne County Veteran Services Office
400 Monroe #405
Detroit, MI 48226
Phone: 313-224-5045
Wayne County, Michigan Veterans Services Department is
set up to provide financial hardship resources and services
to veterans, their spouses, and dependents. They provide
emergency services, such as Medical Assistance, Clothing
and Food Vouchers, Furniture and Home Appliances, Moving
Expenses, Help with Utility Payments, Rental and Mortgage
Assistance, Property Taxes, Home Repair, Auto Payments,
Repairs and Insurance, Burials, Bus Passes and more.
Detroit Veterans Center
4161 Cass Ave.
Detroit, MI 48201
Phone: 313-831-6509
Dearborn Veterans Center
19855 W. Outer Drive Suite 105
Dearborn, MI 48124
Phone: 313-277-1428
Lenawee County Dept. of Veteran Affairs
1040 S. Winter Suite 3017
Adrian, MI 49221
Phone: 517-264-5335
- Closed at Noon to reopen at 1:30 p.m.
Macomb County Veterans Services
Verkuilen Building
21885 Dunham Suite 3
Clinton Township, MI 48036
Phone: 586-469-5315
Most services require an appointment, please call for more
Information. M- F 8:30 a.m. to Noon and 1 p.m. - 4 p.m.
Monroe Department of Veterans Affairs
965 S. Raisinville
Monroe, MI 48161
Phone: 734-240-3287
Bedford Township Veterans Center
760 W. Temperance
Temperance, MI 48182
Phone: 734-224-7032
Serves Veterans and their families who live in or are from the Bedford area. Provides application assistance for benefits, transpor-
tation, auto repair, utilities, housing and educational opportunities. VA Representative available twice per month by appointment.
Offers food & household pantry, family support and support meetings, peer-to-peer service-connected PTSD support, housing
resources, job mentorships and training opportunities. Welcome Homes, active-duty support, referrals and cafe.
Oakland County Veteran's Services
1511 Crooks Entrance B
Troy, MI 48084
Phone: 248-655-1250
1200 N. Telegraph Bldg. 26E
Pontiac, MI 48341
Washtenaw County Veterans Services
Physical Location:
2155 Hogback
Ann Arbor, MI 48108
Phone: 734-973-4540
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 8645
Ann Arbor, MI 48107-8645
Michigan Veteran Resource Service Center
P.O. Box 30104
Lansing, MI 48909
Phone: 800-MICH-VET (800-642-4838)
The MVRSC is staffed by technicians during the day, while trained 211 agents take over after hours, ensuring someone is there to
answer calls 24/7. Trained technicians are knowledgeable in all areas concerning veteran benefits and resources. Veterans can call
to request copies of their discharge documents, inquire about available benefits including medical, compensation and pension, or
to be connected to a VA-certified Veteran Service Officer who can walk them through the claims process.
Veterans having temporary financial issues should call the number above OR fill out an Emergency Assistance Form online. MVAA
works to connect veterans with available resources including the Michigan Veterans Trust Fund.
Social Work Services by Department Of Veterans Affairs (VA)
Veterans Health Administration (VHA)
1500 Weiss
Saginaw, MI 48602
Social work services are an integral part of your overall health care. Social Workers are available to assist you in a variety of settings
to include the primary care clinic, during hospitalization, at Emergency Department visits, in mental health and rehabilitation units, &
upon enrollment in specialty medical programs to name a few. We want to assist you, your family members, and Caregivers in resolv-
ing housing, finance, mood, relationship, and physical limitation issues in individual, group, or family treatment, whichever suits your
needs. We work with both VHA and community programs, linking you to resources and services in support of your treatment goals.
Trained, appointed volunteers, dedicating their time, assisting commanders and supporting families so they can help provide the tools
and resources to help create READY, Resilient Families.
1. Utilizes volunteers to provide information and comprise a support network for the unit, its Families and Community
2. The Family Program within our state includes both Air and Army National Guard members
3. The FRG can also include family members of service members on active-duty from other branches of the military, retired, and community partners
Family Programs Office
Family Programs Office, SRFSA
Taylor Armory FRSA
Jackson Armory FRSA
Having problems receiving your Disability benefits?
VA Regional Office / Veterans Benefit Section
Patrick V. McNamara Federal Bldg.
477 Michigan Ave. Room #1200
Detroit, MI 48226
Phone: 800-827-1000
John D. Dingell VA Medical Center
4646 John R
Detroit, MI 48201
Phone: 313-576-1000
A Veteran or family member can go directly to the building above and be assigned a Service Officer who can review and assist with
benefits applications. You can also go to the the John D. Dingell VAMC in Detroit and also see certified Service Officers that can help.
The Veteran's Benefits Administration sends 2 people to this hospital twice a month as well on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of every month!
Blue Water Navy Veterans’ disability claims to be decided beginning Jan.1, 2020! Did you serve in the offshore waters of the Republic
of Vietnam between Jan. 9, 1962, and May 7, 1975? If so, then you’re considered a Blue Water Navy (BWN) Veteran. On Jan.1st, 2020,
the Blue Water Navy Act of 2019 goes into effect and extends the presumption of herbicide exposure, such as Agent Orange, to BWN
Veterans who served as far as 12 nautical miles from the shore of Vietnam and have since developed one of 14 conditions related to exposure.
Veterans Integrated Service Network
(VISN) 11
PO Box 134002
Ann Arbor, MI 48113
Phone: 734-930-5950
Brain Injury Association of MI
7305 Grand River Suite #100
Brighton, MI 48114
Phone: 810-229-5880 800-444-6443 800-772-4323 Veterans Toll-Free
Services Offered:
Our Continuing Education Series offers specific conferences, webinars, and events throughout the year that educate communities
and professionals on brain injury.
We work vigorously alongside our provider network to establish, protect and preserve the laws, policies and systems that comprise
the very foundation of Michigan's robust network of brain injury care.
We provide critical assistance and community involvement opportunities for brain injury survivors and family members on a grass-
roots level through the monthly meetings of our 20 chapters and support groups across the state.
Defense & Veterans Brain Injury Center
1335 East-West Highway Suite 5-100
Silver Springs, MD 20910
Phone: 800-870-9244
DVBIC's mission is to serve active-duty military, their beneficiaries, and veterans with traumatic brain injury through state-of-the-
science clinical care, innovative clinical research initiatives and educational programs, and support for force health protection
services. DVBIC fulfills this mission through ongoing collaboration with the Department of Defense (DoD), military services, Dept.
of Veterans Affairs (VA), civilian health partners, local communities, families and individuals with TBI. At 18 sites supported by a
Washington, D.C-area headquarters, DVBIC treats, supports, trains and monitors service members, veterans, family members and
providers who have been, or care for those who are, affected by traumatic brain injury.
V. A. Center for Women Veterans
Some of the services for women veterans are Center for Women Veterans, Outreach for Women Veterans, Health Care for Women
Veterans, Sexual Trauma Counseling and Comprehensive Health Care Centers.
Mesothelioma Lawyer Center
The professional Mesothelioma Lawyer Center provides educational materials and legal council for veterans affected by mesothel-
ioma. They also help locate some of the most reputable and reliable mesothelioma attorneys based on your location history and
work experience. For more information on their advocacy efforts or for additional legal documents, please visit their website or fill
Veterans Crisis Line
Phone: 800-273-8255 TEXT: 838255
The Veterans Crisis Line connects Veterans in crisis and their families and friends with qualified, caring Department of Veterans
Affairs responders through a confidential toll-free hotline, online chat, or text. Veterans and their loved ones can call 1-800-273-
8255 and Press 1, chat online, or send a text message to 838255 to receive confidential support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week,
365 days a year. Support for deaf and hard of hearing individuals is available.
Veterans & First Responders in Crisis
Phone: 800-273-8255
A simple act of kindness can help someone feel less alone. Your actions could help save a life.
The Marine Corps DSTRESS Line
Phone: 877-476-7734
24/7 anonymous phone, chat and referral service using a 'Marine to Marine' approach
Tragedy Assistance Program For Survivors (TAPS)
Phone: 800-959-TAPS(8277)
Whether you are in emotional crisis, need to connect with TAPS resources and programs, or just want to remind yourself that
you are a part of a loving, supportive family.
The Gary Sinise Foundation Avalon Network
A cognitive health and mental wellness network providing transformative care to veterans and first responders experiencing
post-traumatic stress, traumatic brain injury, and substance abuse. Its programs are free through the generous support of the
Mission 22
Mission 22 is funding Veterans to get treatment for PTS, TBI and other issues they are facing when they need it the most, right
now. If you or someone you know needs support, please contact us today!
Stephanie Zarb
Traverwood 3
2025 Traverwood, Suite C
Ann Arbor, MI 48105
Phone: 734-998-5829 888-22-BUDDY 888-822-8339
Landon Dupee
Volunteer Veteran
Phone: 734-548-2460
A peer-to-peer outreach program that trains veterans to provide peer support and linkage to needed resources for Post-9/11
service members and veterans. The Program was developed in partnership with the Michigan Army National Guard to meet
the unique needs and challenges faced by Citizen Soldiers and Reservists.
Get help with:
- Health, Family, and emotional concerns
W2SM / Warrior to Soul Mate Program
Chaplain Service
Detroit VA Healthcare System
Detroit, MI
Phone: 313-576-3362
A new program that provides hope and renewal to relationships impacted by military service, deployments and war. It provides
a safe and healing environment for Veterans to renew and reconnect with their significant other through the teaching of comm-
unication skills. This program is supported by Practical Application of Intimate Relationship Skills (PAIRS) curriculum. PAIRS
is a research validated and educational approach to creating and sustaining positive relationships. Workshops are offered on
weekends and provide communication skills to enhance emotional intimacy and bonding within the relationship.
Veterans and civilian support staff who have served in Iraq or Afghanistan and are now returning to civilian life, tackling job or
career problems, or struggling with depression and anxiety, may find help through Eastern Michigan University's free counseling
services. Services also can be extended to family members. Counseling is provided by advanced graduate students. Faculty, who
are licensed professional counselors and psychologists, will supervise all counseling. Phone: 734-487-4410.
Oakland University graduate students also provide free counseling through the School of Education and Human Services Coun-
seling Center in Pawley Hall at the Auburn Hills campus, 2200 Squirrel Road. Phone: 248-370-2633.
To provide special recognition for the service of military veterans of WWII and the Korean Conflict, a 2001 Michigan law author-
izes Michigan school districts to award high school diplomas to WWII and Korean veterans. A veteran must be 65 years of age,
or, if deceased, have reached the age of 65 by the date of death; before graduation from high school, the veteran enlisted or
was drafted into the U.S. armed forces between December 16, 1940 and December 31st, 1955 (Korean Conflict); when enlisted
or drafted, the veteran was enrolled in a high school, and did not subsequently graduate from high school, the veteran was
honorably discharged from the service. Contact your local school district's Superintendent's office!
Michigan Veterans Trust Fund-Tuition Grant Program
A program administered by the Michigan Veterans Trust Fund provides payment for the education of the children of a veteran
who is totally disabled from service-incurred causes, was killed in the line of duty, has died subsequently from a service-related
disability, was totally disabled before death from a service-connected illness or injury, or who is listed by the federal government
as missing in action in a foreign country. Recipients must be attending a post- secondary education institution in MI. Information
and application forms are available from your county Veterans Affairs office or on the Internet at http://www.va.gov
Wayne County Community College District Veterans Affairs Office
801 W. Fort
Detroit MI 48226
Phone: 313-496-2634 #6924
Contact the WCCCD Veterans Affairs Office for assistance completing forms, certification, registration, resources and Veteran
benefits necessary for a successful college experience.
Wayne State University / Vet Success Services (VSS) Program
Colonel Gregory Gadson Office of Military and Veterans Academic Excellence
Student Center Building Suite 687
Phone: 313-577-9180
"Returning Veterans Tuition Assistance"
Western Michigan University
Veteran's Dept.
Phone: 269-387-4115 Brenda Hamlyn
Offers veterans a free semester following their discharge or leave from active-duty. It will cover tuition charges not covered by
other tuition-specific programs. A Veteran should apply within 6 months of his / her deployment and must begin taking classes
within the six-month period. If the student is applying for a summer session, they can defer the RVTA to the Fall semester if they
would like to. You can receive the RVTA only ONE time. Vets MUST be eligible for VA benefits.
Veterans Emergency Grant Program by Wells Fargo
Scholarship America Home Office
Phone: 800-537-4180
The Wells Fargo Veterans Emergency Grant Program provides emergency financial assistance to veterans and their spouses who
are enrolled in higher education. This program ensures veterans already enrolled in post-secondary education are able to stay in
school without creating undue financial hardship for themselves or their families.
1. Must be a honorably-discharged (no longer drilling) veteran or spouse of disabled veteran who has served in the United States
military and has received a Certificate of Eligibility from the Department of Veterans Affairs or another document of service.
2. Must be already enrolled in full-time undergraduate (first Bachelors degree) or graduate (first Masters degree) study at an accred-
ited two-year or four-year college, university, or vocational-technical school.
3. Must have completed the FAFSA.
4. Must use any military education benefits for which you are eligible in the upcoming academic year.
5. Must have a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.0 on a 4.0 scale, or its equivalent.
6. Must be eligible for Federal Funding-Subsidized and unsubsidized federal loans &/or Federal Pell Grants.
Grants can be used for: expenses such as housing/rent, utilities, medical/dental expenses, personal automobile repair expenses,
public transportation/bus pass or childcare.
Horatio Alger Scholarships
90 Canal Center Plaza #320
Alexandria, VA 22314
Phone: 703-684-9444
One Scholarship. Endless Opportunities.
As one of the nation's largest need-based privately-funded college scholarship providers, the Horatio Alger Association assists
high school students who have faced and overcome great obstacles to pursue their dreams through higher education. While
many scholarship programs primarily recognize academic achievement or leadership potential, the Horatio Alger Scholarship
Program awards students who have exhibited determination, integrity and perseverance in overcoming adversity, as well as
critical financial need.
The most underused state benefit in Michigan is the Children of Veterans Tuition Grant. This grant provides undergraduate
tuition assistance to students ages 17-25 who are the natural or adopted child of a Michigan veteran. The veteran must have
died or have become totally and permanently disabled as a result of military service. The families of our veterans are just as
important to us as our Veterans, which is why we want to ensure that they take advantage of all of their benefits. For more
The James and Dorothy Stanton Foundation Scholarship, for U.S. Armed Forces veterans from the Iraq or Afghanistan wars,
as well as their children & spouses, are available for those who wish to attend Macomb Community College. For information,
contact the college's Financial Aid Office at 586-445-7228. Website: www.macomb.edu
Victory Gym and Veterans Health Club
3879 Fort St. (next to Dollar General) (new address and phone!)
Wyandotte, MI 48192
Phone: 734-556-3227
Conquering PTSD Through Physical Activity, Peer Support and Connection. FREE to Veterans and First Responders such as
Police, Fire, Rescue, Corrections, etc.
Oakland County Parks Recreation Voucher
Active and retired U.S. military veterans who live or reside in #OaklandCounty still have time to claim a FREE recreation voucher
from Oakland County Parks! The county already offers free Annual Vehicle Permits to active and retired service members, along
with older residents 62 and older, and individuals with permanent disabilities.
AARP Home Modification Benefits Guide
AARP can advise veterans & military families on making homes easier to navigate for caregivers and those needing care.
The Benefits Guide will show them how to:
- Discover benefits to help them purchase, construct or modify their home
- Apply for home modification grants and related assistance and programs
- Locate free help from certified veterans service organization representatives
U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs officials say these grant programs offer more than $150 million in funding each year, but fewer
than half of eligible veterans take advantage of them.
Detroit Regional Benefit Office
Patrick V. McNamara Federal Building, 12th floor
477 Michigan Ave.
Detroit, MI 48226
Phone: 800-827-1000
The VA’s Specially Adapted Housing (SAH) Grant helps veterans with certain service-connected disabilities live independently
in a barrier-free environment and can be used in a variety of ways:
- To construct a specially adapted home on land to be acquired;
- To build a home on land already owned, if it is suitable for specially adapted housing;
- To remodel an existing home if it can be made suitable for specially adapted housing; or
- To pay against the unpaid mortgage principal balance of an adapted home already acquired without the assistance of a VA grant.
There are no income guidelines listed on the website.
Repairs related to making a home suitable for specially adapted housing.
If you are a service member or veteran with the following types of permanent and total service-connected disabilities, you may
be entitled to a (SAH) grant:
● Loss of or loss of use of both legs,
● Loss of or loss of use of both arms,
● Blindness in both eyes having only light perception, plus loss of or loss of use of one leg,
● Loss of or loss of use of one leg together with the loss of or loss of use of one arm,
● Certain severe burns, or
● Loss of or loss of use of one or more lower extremities due to service on or after Sept. 11, 2011, which so affects the functions
of balance or propulsion as to prevent moving about without the aid of braces, crutches, canes, or a wheel chair. The home must
be owned by an eligible individual. A maximum of three grants, up to a maximum dollar amount, is allowed per individual.
To apply for a grant, fill out and submit VA Form 26-4555 Application in Acquiring Specially Adapted Housing or Special Home
Adaptation Grant. You can access this form by applying via www.ebenefits.va.gov, by downloading the form and mailing it to
the nearest Regional Loan Center, by calling VA toll free at 1-800-827-1000 to have a claim form mailed to you, or by visiting the
nearest VA regional office.
V.A. Disability Housing Grants Available!
Did you know the VA offers housing grants for service members and veterans with certain service-connected disabilities to buy
or change a home to meet their needs and live more independently? Changing a home may involve installing ramps or widening
doorways. With a Specially Adapted Housing (SAH) grant, for example, you can get up to $101,754 for fiscal year 2022. This is
the current total maximum amount allowed for SAH grants.
Homes for Our Troops
6 Main
Taunton, MA 02780
Phone: 866-7-TROOPS (866-787-6677)
To build and donate specially adapted custom homes nationwide for severely injured post-9/11 Veterans, to enable them to rebuild
their lives.
Military Warriors Support Foundation
211 N. Loop 1604 E #25
San Antonio, TX 78232
Phone: 210-615-8973
We award mortgage-free homes to combat wounded veterans and to unmarried Gold Star spouses whose loved ones were Killed-
Who Can Apply?
1. Must be a combat wounded veteran (Purple Heart recipient given priority) from any American conflict or be an unmarried spouse
of a veteran who was KIA during combat or combat training during any American conflict.
2. Must be honorably retired or separated from the military. (Those with compelling situations, whom are still active, but scheduled
to retire, or separate, from the military within 90 days, may be considered)
3. Must intend to use this home as your Primary Residence. (Priority will be given to applicants who do not currently have a mortgage. Applicants with mortgages may still be considered, on a case-by-case basis)
2361 Hylan Blvd.
Staten Island, NY 10306
Phone: 718-987-1931
Launched in September 2018, honors the legacy of those made the ultimate sacrifice while serving our country. The Foundation
will provide a 100 percent mortgage-free home to surviving spouses with young children. The Foundation is committed to raising
$250 million to provide 1,000 homes to Gold Star Families.
Are you a Veteran with a severe service-connected disability that affects your mobility? The Stephen Siller Tunnel to Towers
Foundation builds mortgage-free smart homes for our most catastrophically injured service members. Each home is custom
designed to address the unique needs of each individual. Smart homes host a myriad of features such as automated doors
and lighting, wider halls and doorways, special showers to accommodate wheelchairs, automatic door openers, cabinets,
counters, and stove tops that can be raised and lowered, back-up generators, and central heating and air conditioning sys-
tems that can be controlled by tablets. These homes enable our most severely injured heroes live better, more independent
The Stephen Siller Tunnel to Towers Foundation is committed to ensuring we never forget the events of 9/11 and the sacrifices
that were made and continue to be made by our first responders in the line of duty. Through the Fallen First Responder Home
Program, Tunnel to Towers aims to pay off the mortgage on the family home of every law enforcement officer killed in the line
of duty that leaves behind young children. It is the Foundation’s mission to provide these families with the stability and security
that they so desperately need. By lifting this financial burden, promising their home will be theirs forever, we hope to offer some
relief when tragedy strikes.
The Gary Sinese Foundation / R.I.S.E. Specially Adapted Smart Homes
We’re constructing one-of-a-kind specially adapted smart homes for our nation’s most severely wounded heroes. This initiative predominantly supports our Post 9/11 defenders, that were injured in combat operations or during training while performing their
duties. These 100% mortgage-free homes ease the daily challenges faced by these heroes and their families who sacrifice along-
side them.
U.S. Dept. of Veteran Affairs
Phone: 877-424-3838 available 24/7
Access services for homeless and at-risk Veterans.
Wayne Metro Community Action Agency (Wayne County Veterans only)
Phone: 313- 388-9799
In addition to case management services, many of the Wayne Metro’s SHHS programs are able to provide financial assistance
in the form of:
Please note: Due to the requirements and/or limitations of the grants, the amount and type of assistance will vary from program
to program.
Wayne Metro serves survivors of domestic violence by providing short-or medium-term housing stability assistance to help families
move quickly into safe, permanent housing, and then providing the necessary support as they rebuild their lives.
- Security deposit assistance
- Application fee assistance
SSVF Case Managers will assist Veterans and their families to obtain VA or other public benefits, childcare, transportation services,
mental health and substance abuse treatment, and opportunities for skill building, job training, and education. SSVF Case Managers
will work closely with veteran-serving agencies and community partners to facilitate veterans accessing these services regardless of meeting eligibility criteria.
- Rental arrearage and late fees
Detroit Rescue Ministries Mission
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DetroitRescueMinistries
DRMM has housing prioritized for Veterans at our 211 Glendale location in Highland Park.
The new apartments include kitchenettes, upgraded fixtures and renovated common areas that will meet the needs of veterans to
serve as permanent, sustainable housing. Renovations were supported through donations from our partners the Rocket Community
Fund, Community Solutions and The Home Depot Foundation.
Central Office (Oakland County)
196 Cesar E. Chavez Ave.
P.O. Box 430598
Pontiac, MI 48343-0598
Phone: 248-209-2600 800-482-9250 Toll-Free
OLHSA (Livingston County)
2300 E. Grand River Suite 107
Howell, MI 48843-7574
Phone: 517-546-8500
OLHSA (Madison Heights)
711 W. 13 Mile
Madison Heights, MI 48071
Phone: 248-209-2600 800-482-9250 Toll-Free
Mobile Welcome Center Locations
Commuity Sharing Outreach Center
5061 Duck Lake
Highland Charter Twp., MI 4835
920 Baird
Holly, MI 48442
Novi Public Library
45255 Ten Mile
Novi, MI 48375
Dates: Tuesdays
Oxford Villages Offices
22 W. Burdick S
Oxford, MI 48371
Salem-South Lyon District Library
9800 Pontiac Tr.
South Lyon, MI 48178
Woodside Bible Church/Pontiac Dream Center
830 Auburn Ave.
Pontiac, MI 48342
Are you or someone you may know a Veteran in need of housing or at-risk of losing permanent night-time residence?
OLHSA may be able to assist:
If any of the following apply, individuals may qualify for housing assistance: a DD-214 (OLHSA can assist with obtaining this),
honorable or dishonorable discharge, service in the Reserves, homeless or at risk of becoming homeless. Veteran families
may include a single individual or multi-person household where the head of household or spouse has served our country.
Community Resource and Referral Centers (CRRCs)
301 Piquette
Detroit, MI 48201
Phone: 313-576-1580 877-484-3838 Toll-Free
Provides Veterans who are homeless and at-risk of homelessness with one-stop access to community-based, multi-agency
services to promote permanent housing, health and mental health care, career development and access to VA and non-VA
Piquette Square Apartments
285 Piquette
Detroit, MI
Phone: 313-841-3727
Southwest Solutions in Detroit has opened a four-story, 150 apartment building in Detroit to provide long-term housing and
care for homeless veterans, both male and female. Married couples may also apply but no children are taken.
Gary L. Miles Veteran's Home
Miles Manor Apartments
307 Salliotte
Ecorse, MI 48229
Phone: 313-389-2700
A Senior housing apartment complex designed for homeless male veterans aged 55 and older. The Home will help provide
a place for our homeless veterans who have served honorably.
17955 E 11 Mile
Roseville, MI 48066
Phone: 586-285-5606
The goal of Vets Returning Home is simple: to end chronic homelessness among veterans in our communities. Our mission
is a volunteer operated 11,000 square foot facility with 43 beds and commercial kitchen. 6 of the 43 beds are dedicated to
females only. We provide a stable and sober living environment to veterans in crisis. Onsite services including employment readiness training, aid with job placement, disability benefit connection, legal support and life skills training. Community
support both physical and financial has been vital to our ability to continue our mission. Vets Returning home receives NO
government funding. We have successfully transitioned on average 250 veterans a year back into society as a fully function-
ing community member.
Michigan Ability Partners
Ann Arbor Office
3810 Packard Suite 260
Ann Arbor, MI 48108
Phone: 734-975-6880
604 Greenwood Place
Jackson, MI 49203
Phone: 517-841-5780
Permanent Supportive Housing
MAP maintains housing stability for the chronically homeless by offering subsidized rent and long-term case management
services. MAP owns and operates seven properties, and continues to develop affordable housing. Participants eligible for
this program are homeless, low-income, and have a documented disability.
Rapid Re-Housing
Rapid Re-Housing helps individuals experiencing homelessness quickly locate and obtain housing, and provides short-term
rental assistance. Participants receive case management services to help them stabilize in their new home. MAP creates strong
relationships with local landlords who work with us to serve those with housing barriers.
Supportive Services for Veteran Families
To procure and retain housing for homeless Veterans, MAP provides:
- Affordable housing help through payment of application fees, security deposits and move-in cost
- Short-term rental subsidy
- Access to job training and placement services
Through temporary financial assistance and other supportive services, this program helps individual Veterans and Veterans
with families find stability in their new housing and self-sufficiency as they work towards financial independence.
Veteran Haven of Hope House
809 Henry
Ann Arbor, MI 48105
Phone: 734-668-8353
The Salvation Army of Washtenaw County's Veterans Program works jointly with the Veteran Affairs Ann Arbor Homeless
Outreach to offer this two-year transitional housing program housing up to 11 veterans at one time.
Monroe Community Opportunity Program (M.C.O.P.)
1040 S. Telegraph
Monroe, MI 48161
Phone: 734-241-2775
Depending on qualification, the Rental Assistance Program can help with up to 3 months of rent. Several guidelines apply
for those who qualify. It is required for individuals to fill out a state of emergency relief (SER) form through the Department
of Human Services (DHS), then receive a decision notice. Individuals must have proof of income to show sustainability as
ell as a late notice or eviction notice.
Supportive Services for Veteran Families (SSVF) is a program that offers housing assistance to low-income veterans to pre-
vent eviction and to assist homeless veterans moving into an apartment. Those who qualify also will receive case manage-
ment, access to personal financial planning, health care referrals, and benefits assistance.
Volunteers of America Michigan Veteran Services
21415 Civic Center Dr. Suite 306
Southfield, MI 48076
Phone: 248-945-0101
Veterans Transitional Housing
253 E. Milwaukee
Detroit, MI 48202
Phone: 313-463-7065
Veterans are welcomed to programs that provide case management, employment assistance and physical and mental health
services of the VA Medical Hospitals. Eighty percent who complete the program return to independent living.
Supportive Services for Veterans Families (SSVF)
Phone: 877-509-VETS (8387)
Help for very low-income veterans and their families to prevent homelessness, or rapidly rehouse those who already are homeless.
Case management and legal assistance, in addition to direct aid with rent, utilities, moving costs, etc. Serving 14 counties across
the state.
Available Services:
• Housing stability planning
• Employment and training services
• Legal assistance
• Security deposits for rent & utilities
• Rent assistance
• Utility assistance
• Transportation services
• Emergency supplies
• Moving Costs
• Financial Empowerment
• Connection to VA benefits & programs
• Connection to public benefits & mainstream, community resources
U.S. Dept. of Veteran Affairs
Phone: 877-424-3838 available 24/7
Access services for homeless and at-risk Veterans
Community Resource and Referral Centers (CRRCs)
301 Piquette St.
Detroit, MI 48201
Phone: 313-576-1580 877-484-3838 Toll-Free
Provides Veterans who are homeless and at-risk of homelessness with one-stop access to community-based, multi-agency services
to promote permanent housing, health and mental health care, career development and access to VA and non-VA benefits.
Health Care for Homeless Veterans
John B. Dingell VA Medical Center
Detroit, MI 48201
Phone: 313-576-1000 #3763
Contact Person: Frances E. McGivern, Coordinator
A nationwide project of the V.A. designed to assist homeless veterans in obtaining transitional support for re-entry into community
life. Those eligible include homeless vets in shelters or on the streets with discharge other than dishonorable. If in service after 1980,
must have served for at least 24 months active-duty, except vets who served in the Persian Gulf during the war.
Services include:
Medical and psychiatric evaluations, education and counseling in health care/veteran benefits/substance abuse/and social integration, assistance for vets applying for VA compensation and pension or VA disability, referrals for transitional housing, follow-up services at
the VA Medical Center, case management, information about the Dept. of Veterans Affairs & community resources.
Domiciliary Residential Rehabilitation Treatment Program (DRRTP)
VA Medical Center
4646 John R (located offsite of the VA Medical Center)
Detroit, MI 48201
Phone: 313-576-1000
An intensive residential treatment program for chronically homeless veterans to receive assistance in developing healthy
independent living skills in order to break the pattern of homelessness. Domiciliary resident candidates must obtain a ref-
erral fro a VA Medical Center.
Emmanuel House / Recovery House Program
18570 Fitzpatrick Ct.
Detroit, MI 48228
Phone: 313-270-4099 Hotline: 313-270-4099
17800 Woodward Ave.
Detroit, MI 48203
Phone: 313-865-6136
Substance abuse treatment / halfway house.
Detroit Rescue Mission Ministries
150 Stinson
Detroit, MI 48226
Phone: 313-993-4700
"Veterans Independence Program" (V.I.P.) helps vets with transitional housing. Must be over 18 and drug-free for the trans-
itional housing.
Veteran Haven of Hope House
809 Henry
Ann Arbor, MI 48105
Phone: 734-668-8353
The Veterans Haven of Hope House is a two-year transitional housing program for homeless veterans, which provides individ-
ualized services to help transition them back into mainstream society. Veterans Haven of Hope House is operated by the Sal-
vation Army of Washtenaw County.
Services provided include:
- Individualized case work services
- Weekly meetings with caseworkers
See Veterans Haven below!
Free lawn care & snow removal for the families of currently deployed military personnel, and post 9/11 disabled veterans with
a service-connected disability. To register, go to: www.projectevergreen.org, on the top, click on “GreenCare and Snowcare,”
then click on “Contact Us for Assistance or Questions.”
Home and Community-Based Care Services are available to all Veterans who receive VA care. Care must be ordered by a VA
provider. The VA pays for these services!
- Homemaker/ Home Health Aide
Provides personal care services in a Veteran's home. An aide can assist the Veteran with bathing, dressing, grooming, meal
reparation, medication reminders, shopping and errands
Designed to relieve a caregiver from the physical and emotional burden of caring for a chronically ill and/or disabled Veteran
in the home.
How to Apply:
Veteran Specialist Kimberly Willingham
VFW Life Member Post #1138
Will assist you at NO COST with applying for this VA benefit.
Downriver For Veterans
P.O. Box 275
2447 Fort
Wyandotte, MI 48192
Phone: 734-934-0532
We provide assistance to veterans in the downriver communities south of Detroit and north of Monroe, MI.
Love A MI Vet Project
1515 Fort Unit 255
Lincoln Park, MI 48146
Phone: 313-693-6556
Love a Michigan Vet Project provides numerous services to Veterans in Michigan. We work closely with four Veterans shelters
in the Detroit area. We serve dinner at one of the shelters monthly. We also service our veterans with resources. One example
is we have a food pantry and keep toiletries on hand. When a Veteran is in need, those items are available. We ship care pack-
ages overseas to those deployed. We also furnish the homes of Veterans when they leave the shelter. We adopt Veteran families
that are in need for Thanksgiving and Christmas. We provide Veterans with the information on how to find resources such as
counseling, employment, housing and legal aid. Anything a Veteran needs, we try to provide it.
Veterans Haven Inc.
4924 S. Wayne
Wayne, MI 48184
Phone: 734-728-0527
Veterans Haven provides housing, food, clothing, medical supplies and medical equipment, education and employment resources.
Help for Michigan disabled Veterans (including those with developmental disabilities and mental illness) with shelters, housing and more. Must not have a dishonorable discharge!
Volunteers of America Michigan Veteran Food Security Project (VFSP)
21415 Civic Center Dr. Suite 306
Southfield, MI 48076
Phone: 248-945-0101
The Veteran Food Security Project (VFSP) funded by the Bob Woodruff Foundation will have multiple components and serve MI
Veterans regardless of discharge status.
Available Services:
- Shelf-stable food items (One week of food)
- Hot food available at our Detroit Veteran Housing Program
- A garden at our Detroit Veteran Housing Program
Macomb Veteran Action Collaborative
Verkuilen Building Training and Conference Center
21885 Dunham
Clinton Township, MI 48036
The development of a "no wrong door" system of care where veterans and their dependents receive the care they need and are
referred to appropriate resources. MVAC meets the first Monday of every month at 9 a.m. In the event of the first Monday of the
month is a holiday, MVAC will meet the following Monday.
Strength in Numbers
Strength In Numbers is a group of people that help Veterans by providing household items, furniture, groceries, and more. We also
support Lapeer, Tuscola, Huron County Habitat for Humanity. They do home repairs and more for Veterans in need; we help where
we can! Please feel free to reach out at anytime if you have a question or concern.
FREE Legal Services for Veterans!
If you're a veteran and could use some help from the University of Detroit Mercy School of Law, call 313-596-0262.
The Law School is becoming the first law school in the state to offer free legal assistance to veterans across Michigan. And
lawyers and law students will make house calls using an RV-turned office.
The first of a fleet of 50 new mobile counseling centers for the Dept. of Veterans Affairs-Vet Center program, was put into service
with the remainder scheduled to be activated over the next three months. Each vehicle will be assigned to one of VA's existing
Vet Centers, enabling the center to improve access to counseling by bringing services closer to veterans. One of these new
mobile counseling centers will be based in Escanaba. The 38-foot motor coaches, which have spaces for confidential counseling,
will carry Vet Center counselors and outreach workers to events and activities to reach veterans in broad geographic areas, supplementing VA's 232 current Vet Centers, which are scheduled to increase to 271 facilities by the end of 2009. Vet Centers,
operated by VA's Readjustment Counseling Service, provide non-medical readjustment counseling in easily accessible, consum-
er-oriented facilities, addressing the social and economic dimensions of post-war needs. This includes psychological counseling
for traumatic military-related experiences and family counseling when needed for the veteran's readjustment.
Phone: 888-783-8190 (new clients) 586-510-1814 (office)
Lakeshore Legal Aid’s mission is to exercise all methods of legal advocacy, training and outreach to empower people, provide
access to the legal system, and preserve the dignity of clients. Lakeshore Legal Aid has 14 locations across Southeast Michigan.
Variety of Legal Issues
Stateside Legal provides a range of services across the country including self-help, discharge upgrades or military record changes,
health, housing, education, employment debt, family, criminal concerns, and resources that are specific to women and LGBTQ+
community. They serve Veterans, service members, people with military experience and their families.
Local VA Legal Services and Veterans Justice Outreach
Legal help for Veterans is available at VA and includes Veterans Justice Outreach Specialists and partnerships with legal clinics.
Veterans Justice Outreach Specialists identify justice-involved Veterans and contact them through outreach, and they often work
with Veterans treatment courts and free legal clinics. Moreover, they are frequently the point of contact for the 150+ legal clinics
that serve Veterans around the country.
VA Disability Benefits and Discharge Upgrades
VetLex is a dedicated web-based network of coordinated pro bono legal service providers. It connects Veterans to someone who
can help with a legal issue. Most legal work focuses on discharge upgrades and VA disability benefits, but VetLex has some ser-
vices for other legal needs in select locations. To use this resource, you’ll be asked to enter information about your legal situation,
then VetLex will connect you to a volunteer attorney in your area.
Legal Questions
American Bar Association (ABA) Free Legal Answers for Veterans is a virtual legal advice portal where income-eligible Veterans
and survivors can submit questions pertaining to non-criminal legal issues. Attorneys accredited with VA volunteer to answer
questions about VA benefits, discharge upgrades, and similar Veterans’ legal issues.
If you are a Veteran and have been summoned to the 28th District Court, you may be eligible to participate in the Downriver Reg-
ional Veterans Treatment Court. Please tell your Attorney, Judge, Magistrate, Probation Officer or any Court Clerk that you are a
Veteran so you may be considered for the program. Call the 28th District Court for more details at 734-258-3068, ext. #3643.
State of Michigan Re-Employment Rights for Veterans
Phone: 800-455-5228
In 2002 the Michigan Legislature enacted a law to strengthen the Michigan law regarding re-employment of employees after
military service.
SkillBridge. This Department of Defense program matches active-duty service members with 180 days or less left in service to interested employers. The service member continues being paid by the military while learning and training with the employer. Employers must fill
out the form on the SkillBridge website and be prepared to wait a month or so for a response, as the SkillBridge team is small and busy
with requests, Saur noted.
Army PaYS. The Partnership for your Success (PaYS) is an Army-specific program matching transitioning active-duty soldiers and Army Reservists with corporations including Amazon, Facebook and Tesla. Learn more at armypays.com.
Veterans’ Employment Services (VES). This is Michigan’s bread-and-butter veteran employment program – a free service through the Department of Labor and Economic Opportunity (LEO). Veterans start the process by contacting Michigan Works! (1-800-285-9675 or michiganworks.org). From there, veterans with barriers to employment such as a disability or lacking a high school diploma will work
with a Veterans’ Career Advisor (VCA) from LEO to prepare for employment. Then, when the veteran is job-ready, they’ll work with a
Local Veterans’ Employment Representative (or LVER) from LEO to be matched with an employer.
LEO also provides Michigan Rehabilitation Services (MRS) to both individuals with disabilities and companies. Potential employees get
help preparing for, pursuing and retaining careers, while businesses get help in employee development, business consulting and corp-
orate relations. In addition, private, for-profit employers that hire disabled veterans may qualify for the Work Opportunity Tax Credit
(WOTC), a federal business credit facilitated through LEO.
Veteran Readiness & Employment (VR&E). This is a VA benefit (formerly Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment) for veterans with a service-connected disability. There are two VR&E employment specialists in Michigan, Mike Poyma and Dell McCaslin, who help veterans prepare for and get jobs. Poyma said the biggest issue facing veterans in the civilian workplace is getting used to the more relaxed, less disciplined culture. Learn more at the VR&E website.
InvestVets. This community-based organization works to reduce the military-civilian culture gap by offering free virtual network sessions between veterans and employers from various industries in Michigan. Learn more at investvets.org.
Compensated Work Therapy
U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
2215 Fuller
Ann Arbor, MI 48105
Phone: 734-769-7100 #53211
Our professional CWT staffs provide:
Evidence based and evidence informed vocational rehabilitation services. Partnerships with business, industry and government
agencies to provide Veteran candidates for employment and Veteran labor. Employment supports to Veterans and employers. CWT
programs strive to maintain highly responsive long-term quality relationships with business, government agencies, and industry
promoting employment opportunities for Veterans with physical and mental health challenges. CWT programs are located within
all VA medical centers
O*NetOnLine.com is a Website that has a specialized tool that enables veterans to align DOT or MOC codes with similar civilian
jobs. Veterans can find sample job titles, tasks, skills and related occupations.
Affirmative Action Register
Phone: 800-537-0655
The National EEO Recruitment Publication directed to females, minorities, Veterans, and disabled persons. Check this publication
to find professional job openings across the country!
Patriot Express Pilot Loan
Phone: 313-226-6075
Available to active-duty service members as well as veterans and their spouses. The Small Business Association is making the
Patriot Express loan available through its network of participating lenders across the county. The loans, which are available in
amounts up to $500,000 which can be used for most business purposes, including a start-up, expansion, equipment purchases,
working capital, inventory or business-occupied real estate purchases.
Veterans Empowerment Tools (VET) Program
Jewish Vocational Service and Community Workshop
29699 Southfield
Southfield, MI 48076-2063
Phone: 313-833-8100 Donna Rhodes 248-449-5000 (Main)
Veterans with service-related disabilities are assisted in successfully re-integrating into the community. Services provided include
support groups, anger management techniques, volunteer and socialization activities, one-on-one support and vocational and edu-
cational counseling.
To qualify for the program, Veterans must have:
1. At least a 10% service-related disability
2. An open case with VA Vocational Rehabilitation Unit and Employment Chapter 31 services
3. A direct referral to JVS from a VA counselor
Two ways to apply:
•Complete the VA application form 28-1900 and mail or drop off at the nearest veterans service center
Michigan Ability Partners
Ann Arbor Office:
3810 Packard Suite 260
Ann Arbor, MI 48108
Phone: 734-975-6880
Jackson Office:
2301 E. Michigan Ave. Suite 108
Jackson, MI 49202
Phone: 517-841-5780
MAP partners with Veterans and people who have disabilities in support of their self-directed transformation to self sufficiency.
MAP is a private nonprofit agency located in southeast Michigan that has been creating opportunities for Veterans, people with
disabilities, mental illness, addictions, and homelessness since 1985. MAP provides housing, job placement, and financial man-
agement for these at-risk individuals. Each year MAP assists close to 1,500 vulnerable individuals.
Michigan's Opportunities for Veterans Employment (MOVE)
Phone: 800-455-5228
MOVE, part of the Dept. of Labor and Economic Growth, identifies, contacts and recruits veterans separating to Michigan for
employment opportunities that match their qualifications and career interests. The program seeks to meet the staffing needs
of the business community in Michigan with veterans re-entering civilian life after a single term or after retiring from the armed
Michigan Rehabilitation Services (MRS)
Lansing Main MRS Office
1048 Pierport Suite #1
Lansing, MI 48913
Phone: 517-241-5122 877-901-7302 517-241-3940 (TTY)
Veterans with disabilities should also investigate the State of Michigan Rehabilitation Services program administered by the MI
Dept. of Labor and Economic Growth. Services may be available to supplement USDVA allowances for vocational rehabilitation
in cases of special need or for placement, tools, and equipment. Employment services may also be available to veterans whose
disabilities are not service-related.
Rehabilitation Institute of Michigan
261 Mack Blvd.
Detroit, MI 48201
Phone: 313-745-1160
Provides vocational assistance to persons with a physical disability who are returning to work after an illness or injury. Services
include vocational counseling, job development, and job placement.
Helmets to Hardhats
A free program that helps transitioning military, guardsmen, and reservists find great careers. The program works with the 15
building and construction trade unions to list construction careers and works with qualified employers to list all other types of
careers. Here you can list your skills online to be viewed by potential employers and view employment and training opportunities
throughout the U.S.
Operation Hero for Hire
OperationHeroforHire.com houses a customized online information center with examples of military-to-civilian resumes, interview
tips, important links and more. You can find out how to draw parallels between skills acquired in the military and those required in
civilian positions.
Marine For Life Network (M4L) connects transitioning Marines and their family members to education resources, employment
opportunities, and other Veterans services that aid in their career and life goals outside of military service.
For information on VetFran, the International Franchise Association program, go to www.franchise.org.
Volunteers of America Michigan Veteran Services
21415 Civic Center Dr. Suite 306
Southfield, MI 48076
Phone: 248-945-0101
The Homeless Veterans Reintegration Program (HVRP) provides comprehensive employment training and placement for veterans.
Our services prepare veterans for the workplace and address employment barriers through coordinated care. Employment Specialists
work alongside veterans to ensure they are ready to return to the work force.
• Employment readiness training
• Resume building
• Interview coaching
• Career counseling
• Employer referrals
• Computer training for job application assistance
• Job placement
• Referrals to additional employment services
• Transportation assistance
• Interview clothing assistance
• Work attire for new employment
• Tools and equipment
• Miscellaneous expenses that inhibit employment
Military Warriors Support Foundation
211 N. Loop 1604 E #25
San Antonio, TX 78232
Phone: 210-615-8973
Military Warriors Support Foundation awards payment-free vehicles to combat wounded veterans and to unmarried Gold Star
spouses whose loved ones were Killed-In-Action.
Who Can Apply:
1. Must be a combat wounded veteran (Purple Heart recipient given priority) from any American conflict or be an unmarried spouse
of a veteran who was KIA during combat or combat training during any American conflict
2. Must be honorably retired or separated from the military. (Those with compelling situations, whom are less than 90 days from
retirement or separation may be considered)
3. Must be able to obtain vehicle insurance
4. Must not have more than 1 vehicle loan
8716 Fisher
Yale, MI
Phone: 810-304-0100
Cars 4 Vets is an amazing non profit that provides fixed up or donated vehicles to Veterans in need. I am proud
to be a Volunteer to play a small part in giving back to Veterans whom have given so much for us.
Michigan Veteran Home at Chesterfield Township (MVHCT)
47901 Sugarbush
Chesterfield Township, MI 48407
Email: DMVA-MVHCT-Admissions@michigan.gov
Website: https://www.michigan.gov/mvh
D.J. Jacobeti Michigan Home for Veterans
425 Fisher
Marquette, MI 49855
Phone: 906-226-3576
Grand Rapids Home for Veterans
3000 Monroe Ave., N.W.
Grand Rapids, MI 49505
Phone: 616-364-5300
The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) burial allowance is a monetary benefit that is generally paid at the maximum amount
authorized by law for an eligible Veteran's burial and funeral costs. VA may grant additional benefits for plot, interment, and/or transportation expenses.
VA automatically pays a burial benefit to the eligible surviving spouse of record when a Veteran's death is reported. For burial
in a national cemetery, you’ll receive an allowance for:
- The plot (gravesite) or interment
- Transporting the Veteran’s remains for burial
Note: The Veteran’s family will need to cover the cost of funeral director services, like cremation. You must file a claim for a
non-service-connected burial allowance within 2 years after the Veteran’s burial or cremation. If a Veteran’s discharge was
changed after death from dishonorable to another status, you must file for an allowance claim within 2 years after the dis-
charge update.VA automatically pays a burial benefit to the eligible surviving spouse of record when a Veteran's death is
reported. If no surviving spouse is of record, VA will pay the first living person to file a claim of those listed on our website.
The Fort Custer National Cemetery
15501 Dickham
Augusta, MI 49012
Phone: 269-731-4164
Great Lakes National Cemetery
Grand Mall and Office Center
4200 Belford
Holly, MI 48442
Phone: 1-866-348-8603 248-328-0386 Burial Arrangements: 800-535-1117
Midwest Memorial Group
34300 Southfield
Beverly Hills, MI 48025
Phone: 248-646-4228
Veterans living in Michigan are now eligible to get a complimentary certificate for burial space in a private cemetery in advance
of need at no charge for the property. The number of spaces allocated for veterans is limited and available on a first-come, first-
served basis in advance of need only. Applications will be processed in the order they are received. Veterans or members of their
household who already own property at one of the Midwest Memorial Group's participating cemeteries are not eligible. There is a
limit of one certificate per household.
The participating cemeteries are:
ACACIA Park Cemetery
31300 Southfield
Beverly Hills, MI 48025
38425 Garfield
Westland, MI 48185
34224 Ford
Westland, MI 48185
11851 Van Dyke Ave.
Detroit, MI 48234
17840 Middlebelt
Livonia, MI 48152
9400 W. Fort
Detroit, MI 48209
43300 W. Twelve Mile
Novi, MI 48377
1032 N. Main
Royal Oak, MI 48067
29001 N. Woodward Ave.
Berkley, MI 48072
4800 Curtis
Plymouth, MI 48170
3771 Whitmore Lake
Ann Arbor, MI 48105
All MONROE COUNTY MI Veterans and their families:
Vietnam Veterans of America, Monroe County Chapter 142 is offering Cemetery plots / gravesites at Roselawn Cemetery in
LaSalle, MI for any United States veteran. A veteran is any man or woman 17 or older who served or was currently serving
in the U.S. military at the time of his/her death or had received an Honorable or General Discharge from said service.
To receive the plot / gravesite, the following conditions must be met:
1. The veteran must be deceased.
2 There must be proof of U.S. military service (DD-214),
3 The family must show proof of residency in Monroe County at the time of entry into the service or proof of residency
immediately after discharge from service and
4. The family must express/show a need for the gravesite/plot due to financial hardship
Although the actual site would be donated a no-cost for the veteran, Roselawn Cemetery does charge a fee for opening/closing
of gravesites which would have to be paid by the veterans family. These sites do NOT have the ability to allow for a spouse or
loved one to be buried next to them, so these sites are primarily for single, divorced or no spouse or family member co-located
site needed. If all four of these conditions can be met, please contact Larry Richterat 734-735-9646 OR 734-242-0841 for further
For more Burial Resources, please look under the COOL LINKS on the Homepage of this site and under BURIAL RESOURCES.