If you are a Veteran, there are Legal Services especially for you besides the ones listed below!
For Expungement Resources for those with a prior record, please go to
Oak Park Legal Self-Help Center is NOW OPEN!
Oak Park Public Library
14200 Oak Park Blvd.
Oak Park, MI 48237
Phone: 248-691-7480
Located in the Oak Park Public Library visitors can access high-speed internet, computers,
and printers to use the Michigan Legal Help website. The Michigan Legal Help website con-
tains free, easy-to-understand information on common legal issues. Walk-ins are welcome, however, if navigation assistance is needed, it would be preferable to set up an appointment
by calling the Oak Park Public Library.
Office of Eviction Defense
Law Department
2 Woodward Ave. Suite 500
Detroit, MI 48226
How will the program work?
Under the ordinance, the program offers legal representation in 36th District Court for people
below 200% of the federal poverty guidelines — or a person making $29,160 or less in 2023--
facing eviction or involved in other proceedings that threatens the loss of a home, such as
mortgage and property tax foreclosures.
The plan is for tenants to connect with attorneys at their first hearing through the end of a case,
but the goal is to be more proactive with outreach in order to connect people with services sooner.
To determine eligibility, the nonprofit United Community Housing Coalition--the program vendor--
will request documentation of income.
When the ordinance passed in May, Detroit joined 14 other cities and three states that offer legal
representation for tenants in eviction proceedings, according to the National Coalition for a Civil
Right to Counsel.
National Network for Youth
741 8th Street SE
Washington, DC 20003-2802
Phone 202-783-7949
Youth struggling with homelessness may need legal advice to understand their options in
obtaining vital documents. This national hotline for youth can provide resources and assist-
ance in obtaining:
- State ID cards and licenses
All inquiries to the hotline are strictly confidential.
Access to Bankruptcy Court
c/o Paul R. Hage, President
27777 Franklin Suite 2500
Southfield, MI 48034
Phone: 248-727-1543
Send completed Applications to:
Access to Bankruptcy Court
c/o Schafer & Weiner PLLC Attn: Kim K. Hillary
40950 Woodward Ave. Suite 100
Bloomfield Hills, MI 48304
Access to Bankruptcy Court provides an experienced consumer bankruptcy attorney to low-
income individuals seeking relief under chapter 7 of the Bankruptcy Code whose applications
have been approved by ABC. To qualify for an ABC attorney, applicants must have a gross household income of less than 150% of the Poverty Guidelines published annually by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Check website for more details and to apply.
Lambda Legal
National Headquarters
120 Wall Street 19th Floor
New York, NY 10005-3919
Phone: 212-809-8585
Midwest Regional Office
65 E. Wacker Place Suite 2000
Chicago, IL 60601-7245
Phone: 312-663-4413
Our legal, education and advocacy work touches nearly every aspect of life for lesbians, gay
men, bisexuals, trans-gender people and everyone living with HIV.
National Center for Lesbian Rights
National Office:
870 Market Suite 370
San Francisco, CA 94102
Phone: 415-392-6257
Washington, DC Office:
1300 Pennsylvania Ave. NW #190-706
Washington, DC 20004
Phone: 415-392-6257
NCLR is a non-profit, public interest law firm that litigates precedent-setting cases at the
trial and appellate court levels; advocates for equitable public policies affecting the LGBTQ
community; provides free legal assistance to LGBTQ people and their legal advocates; and
conducts community education on LGBTQ issues.
NCLR’s legal, policy, and legislative victories set important precedents that improve the
lives of all LGBTQ people and their families across the country. Our free legal assistance
empowers individuals to assert their own legal rights. Our community and public education
broadens public support for LGBTQ equality.
PFLAG National Office
1828 L Street, NW Suite 660
Washington, DC 20036
Phone: 202-467-8180
Our 400+ chapter network provides confidential peer support, education and advocacy in
communities in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico. Our 200,000+mem-
bers and supporters cross multiple generations of American families in major urban centers,
small cities, and rural areas. PFLAG has been saving lives, strengthening families, changing
hearts, minds and laws since 1972. Our family and ally voice is integral to advancing equality.
Disability Rights Michigan
4095 Legacy Pkwy.
Lansing, MI 48911-4264
Phone: 517-487-1755 800-288-5923
Provides services in the following legal areas: Disability Rights, HIV/AIDS Rights, Children's
Disability and Special Education Rights, Employment rights, Housing Rights, Abuse & Neglect,
Social Security benefits.
Elder Law of Michigan, Inc. (ELM)
3815 W. St. Joseph Suite C-200
Lansing, MI 48917
Phone: Client Assistance: 866-400-9164
Phone: Administrative Line: 517-485-9164
For over 25 years, our organization has been helping older adults obtain peace of mind. We
don't believe you should have to make decisions like choosing between food and medicine
because of hard times. You are not alone. We can help! Make One Call for Help & connect
with pension, nutrition, and benefits access counseling! We help vulnerable adults of all ages,
and most of our services are free of charge. Every day, we help people solve problems, protect
their rights, and work to ensure that their basic needs are met. Our work includes putting healthy food on the table, discovering ways to help pay for utility bills, finding safe and affordable housing, and much more. All you have to do is make One Call for Help!
Epilepsy Foundation / Jeanne A. Carpenter Epilepsy Legal Defense Fund
3540 Crain Highway Suite 675
Bowie, MD 20716
Phone: 800-332-1000 24/7 Helpline
Progress has been made in diagnosing and treating epilepsy, but discrimination unfortunately
continues. The Epilepsy Foundation's Jeanne A. Carpenter Epilepsy Legal Defense Fund fights
epilepsy discrimination across all aspects of an individual's life, including work, school, and community life. It accomplishes these goals through public education, increased access to
legal services, and advocating for changes in discriminatory practices, policies, and laws.
The Epilepsy Foundation's Jeanne A. Carpenter Epilepsy Legal Defense Fund fights epilepsy discrimination in:
1, Employment
2. Education
3. Public accommodations (such as camps, childcare facilities, stores, hotels, theaters)
4. Programs and services, including police and first responder training
5. Housing
6. Insurance
7. Criminal justice concerns
Joey's Legacy-Seeking Truth and Integrity in Veterinary Medicine
121 Northpoint Dr. Suite 1610
Lexington, S.C. 29072
Phone: 803-520-7566
Joey’s Legacy joins you in grieving for pet companions who have fallen victim to veterinary
negligence, be it permanent injury or death. Our nationwide network of veterinary experts &
animal law attorneys seeks to hold negligent practitioners responsible for their mistakes.
Michigan State University College of Law / Animal Legal and Historical Center
648 N. Shaw Lane
East Lansing, MI 48824-1300
On this site you will find a comprehensive repository of information about animal law, including:
over 1200 full text cases (US, historical, and UK), over 1400 US statutes, over 60 topics and com- prehensive explanations, legal articles on a variety of animal topics and an international collection.
State Bar of Michigan Animal Law Section
The Animal Law Section of the State Bar of Michigan provides education, information and analysis
about issues of concern through meetings, seminars, this site, public service programs, and publi-
cation of a newsletter. Membership in the Section is open to all members of the State Bar of MI.
Michigan Bar Lawyer Referral Service
Phone: 800-968-0738
The State Bar of Michigan is pleased to offer information to help guide you to resources best
suited to help with your legal needs. Use this website to link to helpful legal information and
to find a lawyer to assist you with your legal matter. Legal representation may simplify matters
and help you reach a solution in an efficient and effective manner. Include this website in your
favorites for easy access as you consider your legal options.
Michigan Community Resources
615 Griswold Suite 805
Detroit, MI 48226
Phone: 313-962-3171
Provides pro-bono legal representation to MI nonprofit organizations that are working with disadvantaged communities and individuals who are unable to pay for traditional legal services.
Michigan Indian Legal Services
814 S. Garfield Ave. Suite A
Traverse City, MI 49686
Phone: 231-947-0122
The mission of Michigan Indian Legal Services (MILS) is to improve the lives of Native American
peoples, families, and communities through legal assistance and advocacy at no charge for those who are income-eligible for services. MILS is a specialized law office that serves the unique legal needs of the members of the native communities in Michigan to:
1. Protect families and cultural practices,
2. Secure fundamental rights and access to basic needs, and
3. challenge policies and practices that are harmful to our clients and client communities
Michigan Legal Services
2727 Second Street
Detroit, MI 48201
Phone: 313-964-4130
Our mission is to engage and advocate for public policies that address and remedy root causes
of poverty and fulfill essential human needs for families.
Michigan Protection & Advocacy Service Inc.
4095 Legacy Pkwy. Suite 500
Lansing, MI 48911
Phone: 517-487-1755 800-288-5923 TTY: 517-374-4687
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/michiganlegalhelp
Michigan Protection & Advocacy Service, Inc. (MPAS) is the independent, private, nonprofit
organization designated by the governor of the State of Michigan to advocate and protect the
legal rights of people with disabilities in MI. MPAS services include information & referral, short-
term assistance, selected individual and legal representation, systemic advocacy, monitoring,
and training.
MPAS has created the Special Education: An Advocate's Manual, which is a guide to the rights
and laws that govern special education and other rights of children with disabilities in Michigan.
The manual is divided into 15 chapters and can be downloaded or ordered in hard copy by con-
tacting MPAS.
ACCESS (Arab Community Center for Economic and Social Services
6451 Schaefer
Dearborn, MI 48126
Phone: 313-842-7010
The Legal Aid and Defenders Association (LADA) outreaches to East Dearborn location to pro-
vide free legal aid (civil legal services) once a week to low-income households.
Lakeshore Legal Aid Counsel & Advocacy Law Line
Phone: 248-443-8068 Counsel & Advocacy Law Line: 888-783-8190
Because justice for some is no justice at all. Lakeshore Legal Aid is a not-for-profit law firm providing a range of free civil legal services to people who are low income, seniors, and sur-
vivors of domestic violence and sexual assault in our communities.
Legal Aid and Defender Association, Inc.
613 Abbot Suite 630&
Detroit, MI 48226
Phone: 313-967-5555 Administrative 313-967-5800 / 877-964-4700 Legal Assistance
Legal Aid and Defender Association, Inc. (LAD), a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, provides comprehensive civil legal services to residents of Wayne, Oakland and Macomb counties who cannot afford an attorney. Founded in 1909, we are proud to be the oldest provider of free civil
legal assistance to low-income residents of MI. We have a full-time staff of attorneys, paralegals
and legal support staff.
Legal Services of S. Central Michigan (Monroe & Lenawee Counties)
898 S. Telegraph
Monroe, MI 48161
Phone: 734-241-8310 888-251-1598 Toll-Free
Washtenaw County Office:
15 S. Washington
Ypsilanti, MI 48197
Phone: 734-665-6181 888-665-6181 Toll-Free
Family Law Project (Washtenaw County Domestic Violence Cases Only)
15 S. Washington
Ypsilanti, MI 48197
Phone: 734-998-9454
Legal Services of South Central Michigan (LSSCM) provides free legal advice and representation
to low-income individuals, families & older adults in Barry, Branch, Calhoun, Clinton, Eaton, Hillsdale, Ingham, Jackson, Lenawee, Livingston, Monroe, Shiawassee, and Washtenaw counties.
Sugar Law Center for Economic and Social Justice
4605 Cass Ave.
Detroit, MI 48201
Phone: 313-993-4505
Provides legal advocacy, representation, education and technical support to community
groups, worker's rights groups and individuals seeking systemic change toward economic
and social justice.
The Salvation Army William Booth Legal Aid Clinic
Salvation Army Harbor Light
3737 Lawton
Detroit, MI 48208
Phone: 313-361-6340
Oakland Mediation Center
550 Hulet Dr. Suite 102
Bloomfield Hills, MI 48302
Phone: 248-338-4280 #211
Provides free and low-cost legal services throughout the state primarily in family, housing &
probate matters.
American Civil Liberties Union Fund of Michigan
2966 Woodward Ave.
Detroit, MI 48201
Phone: 313-578-6800
Constitutional issues, freedom of speech, due process, and privacy issues.
Detroit Metropolitan Bar Association / Federal Civil Pro Bono Project
645 Griswold Suite 1356
Detroit, MI 48226
Phone: 313-961-6120
Detroit Legal Services Clinic
Penobscot Building
13th Floor, Smart Detroit Conference Rooms
645 Griswold
Detroit, MI 48226
Phone: 313-961-6120 #206
The Detroit Legal Services Clinic provides information and advice from volunteer attorneys in
the areas of:
1. Divorce, Child Support, Domestic Relations
2. Expungements, Self-Representation
3. General Civil Law
Elder Law and Advocacy Center Legal Clinic
Hannon Center
4750 Woodward Ave,
Detroit, MI 48201
Phone: 313-833-1300 #32 Please pre-register each month!
Elder Law and Advocacy Center has partnered with Hannan Center to provide free legal services
for Wayne County older adults (60+) on the second Tuesday of every month at Hannan Center.
Neighborhood Legal Services
Neighborhood Legal Services Michigan (NLSM) offers one-of-a-kind services to promote health,
safety and self-sufficiency. We are a regional business and non-profit collaborative coordinating
S.E. MI community outreach and pro-bono partnerships for advocacy, education, and resources
of human survival. Abused and homeless individuals, children, seniors and those with life chall-
enging illness can sometimes qualify to receive services free of charge.
Housing Advocacy:
7310 Woodward Ave. Suite #301
Detroit, MI 48202
Phone: 313-964-1975
Children’s Justice & Education:
7310 Woodward Ave. Suite #301
Detroit, MI 48202
Phone: 313-874-5820 #2230
Free Legal Aid Clinic:
5425 Woodward Ave.
Detroit, MI 48202
Phone: 313-833-0058
Legal Advocacy / HIV-AIDS Victims:
7310 Woodward Ave. Suite #301
Detroit, MI 48202
Phone: 313-874-5820 #2224
Elder Law Center:
12121 Hemingway
Redford, MI 48239
Phone: 313-937-8291
Permanent Housing for the Disabled:
8900 Pardee
Taylor, MI 48180
Phone: 313-316-5356
Student Advocacy Center of Michigan
Washtenaw Office:
124 Pearl Suite 504
Ypsilanti, MI 48197
Phone: 734-482-0489
Jackson County Office:
925 Backus
Jackson, MI
Wayne County Office
7650 2nd Ave. Suite 226
Detroit, MI 48202
Education, Advocacy & Support:
- Special Education Students Facing School Discipline
- Not Yet Eligible for Special Education
- Immigrant / English Language Learner
- Pregnant and Parenting Teens
Eastern Market Clinic
2925 Russell
Detroit, MI 48207
Phone: 313-396-5300 Toll Free: 888-813-TEAM (8326)
TTY: 313-396-4270 Crisis: 313-258-3842
Team East Clinic
6309 Mack Ave.
Detroit, MI 48207
Phone: 313-331-3435 Toll Free: 888-813-TEAM
Southgate Clinic
14799 Dix-Toledo
Southgate, MI 48195
Phone: 734-324-8326 Toll Free: 888-813-TEAM
TTY: 734-324-8327 Crisis: 313-258-4758
Social Security Disability:
Attorney Bruce Jackson has dedicated his legal career to assisting members in obtaining SSD
benefits. Only 3 out of 10 people are awarded, on average, disability benefits. Having legal help
will drastically increase a member’s chances of obtaining this benefit.
The University of Detroit Mercy School of Law
651 E. Jefferson
Detroit, MI 48226
Phone: 313-596-0262
Detroit Mercy Law, inspired by the Jesuit and Mercy traditions, educates lawyers who are
committed to the pursuit of justice, service to others, and the highest standards of the legal
profession. You help people throughout your law school experience—starting in your first
year. Each year, our students provided 35,000+ hours of pro-bono legal services to residents
of Detroit and the surrounding communities.
Wayne County Dispute Resolution Center
Phone: 313-561-3500
Provides highly trained and experienced mediators and facilitators to help resolve conflicts.
Our process can open the doors to communication for all parties involved to achieve a peace-
ful resolution. We also offer State Court approved trainings. We are also able to assist with the
Eviction Diversion Program.
Wayne State University Law School
Free Legal Aid Clinic, Inc. (FLAC)
5425 Woodward Ave.
Detroit, MI 48202
Phone: 313-833-0058
Established in 1965, the Free Legal Aid Clinic (FLAC) provides legal assistance to low-income
and elderly residents of Wayne County in the areas of family law and elder law. FLAC focuses
on assisting victims of domestic abuse, elder abuse, or those who experience great barriers
to justice. This organization is the only student run legal aid clinic in the nation staffed entirely
by Wayne State University Law School students who provide legal services under the super-
vision of licensed attorneys, pursuant to Michigan Court Rule 8.120.
See Legal Services of S. Central Michigan above!
See Student Advocacy Center of Michigan above in Jackson County!
See Legal Aid and Defender Association, Inc. above!
See The Salvation Army William Booth Legal Aid Clinic above!
See Legal Services of S. Central Michigan--Monroe Office above!
Monroe County Senior Legal Services
1126 S. Telegraph
Monroe, MI 48161
Phone: 734-241-7644
We provide legal services to senior citizens in civil matters. This excludes bankruptcy, driver's
license restoration & criminal cases; the criminally accused. We do not handle lawsuits seeking seeking recovery of significant sums of money.
A person is eligible to receive MCSLS services if he/she is:
1. Sixty (60) years of age or older
2. A resident of Monroe County
3. If a person is already represented by an attorney in the particular case for which assistance
is sought, MCSLS cannot represent that person.
See Legal Aid and Defender Association, Inc. above!
See The Salvation Army William Booth Legal Aid Clinic above!
See the Oak Park Library program at the top of the page!
Oakland Mediation Center
550 Hulet Dr. Suite 102
Bloomfield Hills, MI 48302
Phone: 248-338-4280 #211
Email: info@mediation-omc.org
Provides free and low-cost legal services throughout the state primarily in family, housing,
and probate matters.
United Community Family Services / CALC (Chaldean American Ladies of Charity)
2033 Austin
Troy, MI 48083
Phone: 248-528-0130
Citizenship Instruction:
Citizenship Instruction Classes Prepares individuals for the U.S. Naturalization process by
preparing them for the civics test and interview.
Immigration Legal Assistance
On site immigration, attorneys & Accredited BIA Representatives assist clients with maintaining legal status in the U.S., renewing non-immigrant visas, and providing adjustment of status and naturalization application assistance. By Appointment.
See Legal Services of S. Central Michigan above!
Ann Arbor Dispute Resolution Center
PO Box 8625
4133 Washtenaw Ave. Suite B125
Ann Arbor, MI 48108
Phone: 734-794-2125
The Dispute Resolution Center offers affordable, constructive, restorative and healing
approaches to conflict resolution for the residents of Washtenaw and Livingston counties.
We have been working with individuals, schools, families, and businesses to build peaceful
communities since 1983, and are one of 18 Community Dispute Resolution Programs (CDRP)
in Michigan.
Student Advocacy Center of Michigan
Washtenaw Office:
124 Pearl Suite 504
Ypsilanti, MI 48197
Phone: 734-482-0489
Jackson County Office:
925 Backus
Jackson, MI
Wayne County Office
7650 2nd Ave. Suite 226
Detroit, MI 48202
Education, Advocacy & Support:
- Special Education Students Facing School Discipline
- Not Yet Eligible for Special Education
- Immigrant / English Language Learner
- Pregnant and Parenting Teens
The University of Michigan Law School / The Family Law Project: 1990
625 S State Street
Ann Arbor, MI 48109
Phone: 734-764-5279
The Family Law Project is a legal aid clinic providing low-cost services to battered women. The Project was created in 1979 by the University of Michigan Law School students and alumni and remains the only organization in Washtenaw County providing low-cost legal services in domestic violence cases.
Over 100 law students act as Student Attorneys, helping their clients get restraining orders &
child custody determinations. Each student is responsible for all of the legal work involved in
their case, including client interviews, filing court papers, and court hearings. Supervision is provided by a part-time Staff Attorney, six student Case Supervisors & a Student Administrator.
University of Michigan Law School in Ann Arbor is now offering assistance to those in Washtenaw for help applying for and keeping benefits such as Food assistance, Cash Assistance, Medicaid.
Phone: 734-274-9358
Washtenaw Association for Community Advocacy
1100 N. Main Suite 205
Ann Arbor, MI 48104
Phone: 734-662-1256
An advocacy organization to improve the lives of persons with developmental disabilities, as
well as persons with other mental or physical disabilities. Free services for those who qualify.