U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development 
451 7th Street S.W.
Washington, DC  20410
Phone: 202-708-1112
Website: https://www.va.gov/housing-assistance/home-loans/loan-types/native-american-direct-loan
Program Overview:
The Section 184 Indian Home Loan Guarantee Program is a home mortgage product specifically designed for American Indian and Alaska Native families, Alaska villages, tribes, or tribally desig-nated housing entities. Congress established this program in 1992 to facilitate homeownership 
and increase access to capital in Native American communities.
With Section 184 financing borrowers can get into a home with a low-down payment and flexible underwriting. Section 184 loans can be used, both on and off native lands, for new construction,  rehabilitation, purchase of an existing home, or refinance.


NADL PROGRAM / Native American VETERANS     
Phone: 888-349-7541
Email: NADL@va.gov 
Website: https://news.va.gov/press-room/va-lowers-interest-rates-makes-housing-more-affordable-
The Department of Veterans Affairs announced that it has lowered the interest rate for VA Native American Direct Loans from 6% to 2.5%, making access to housing loans more affordable for Native American Veterans. Through the VA Native American Direct Loan program, VA provides direct loans 
to Native American Veterans — and to Veterans who are married to Native American non-Veterans —
to help buy, build or improve a home on trust land. These loans give Native American Veterans the opportunity to obtain housing with no down payments, limited closing costs, and no monthly mortgage-insurance costs. By law, VA is only authorized to provide direct loans through the NADL program —meaning that VA can only provide this decreased interest rate to Native American Veterans or to Veterans who marry Native American non-Veterans. However, VA is able to help all eligible Veterans obtain housing through VA-backed loans.  
Veterans who close their NADL loans on or after March 13, 2023 will automatically receive the 2.5% interest rate for the life of the loan. Veterans who currently have an NADL loan with an interest rate 
of 3.5% or higher will be able to refinance the loan to take advantage of the lower rate.
The 2.5% interest rate is effective as of March 13 and will be available for no more than 24 months.
This rate reduction is a part of VA’s comprehensive efforts to deliver valuable benefits to Native American Veterans. VA also continues to work toward publication of a final rule in the Federal Reg-
ister that would waive certain copayments for eligible American Indian and Alaska Native Veterans. Under the proposed rule, VA would reimburse eligible Veterans for certain copayments paid on or 
after January 5, 2022. For homes outside of trust land, the VA-Guaranteed Home Loan program is available to Native American Veterans.


Please also see the Veteran Resources webpage as well as the Veterans Financial Resources.


The Good Neighbor Next Door Program
Website: https://www.hudhomesusa.org
Good Neighbor Next Door is HUD’s program that rewards law enforcement officers, teachers, firefighters, and emergency medical technicians with the opportunity to purchase a home in a revitalization area for a 50% discount if they qualify.


Community Housing Network 
5505 Corporate Drive, Suite 300
Troy, MI 48098
Phone: 248-928-0111 Toll Free: 866-282-3119
196 N. Rose St, Suite 30 
Mt. Clemens, MI 48043
Phone: 586-221-5900
Email: HRC@chninc.net
Website: https://communityhousingnetwork.org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CHNmi
Through our Housing Resource Center, we provide services for individuals and families in 
a housing crisis, fleeing domestic violence, or experiencing homelessness. We also provide information about additional resources for people experiencing a housing crisis.​
Homeless Street Outreach (PATH)
Our PATH program works with those who are experiencing on-the-street homelessness. Through canvassing and outreach efforts, we locate our most vulnerable community members to connect
them to housing resources, services, and support.
Homeless Services & Housing Choice Vouchers:
CHN compiles information about local shelters, subsidized housing, and waitlists to help our participants navigate to services that aren't provided by us but may be available based on individual/household eligibility.
Rapid Rehousing:
We help individuals and families experiencing homelessness and/or fleeing domestic violence
by finding affordable rental housing and providing monthly rent subsidies. Our goal is to help 
our participants regain their housing stability as quickly as possible.
Permanent Supportive Housing Programs:
We help people with disabilities and chronic health conditions who have experienced homeless-
ness find long-term housing and wrap-around services to help them stay in their homes.
Homeownership Programs:
Our homeownership programs help low- and moderate-income households purchase a quality, affordable home. These programs are available for specific homes in Oakland and Macomb 
counties that have been purchased and rehabilitated by Community Housing Network.

Habitat for Humanity
Website: https://www.habitat.org/about
Habitat for Humanity is a global nonprofit housing organization working in local communities across 
all 50 states in the U.S. and in approximately 70 countries. Habitat’s vision is of a world where every
one has a decent place to live. Habitat works toward our vision by building strength, stability and self-reliance in partnership with families in need of decent and affordable housing. Habitat homeowners 
help build their own homes alongside volunteers and pay an affordable mortgage.
Affordable housing for low-income families provides selected families with help in the building of affordable housing. There is an application process, 250 "sweat equity" hours per adult in the family and income guidelines of 50% of the HUD median income. 
Habitat for Humanity--Detroit        
14325 Jane 
Detroit, MI  48205
Phone: 313-521-6691  #129
Email: info@habitatdetroit.org
Website: www.habitatdetroit.org 
Macomb County HFH
34950 Little Mack Ave.
c/o Baker College
Clinton Township, MI  48035-4071
Phone: 586-263-1540
Email: hhicks@macombhabitat.org
Website: www.macombhabitat.org   
HFH of Oakland County
150 Osmun 
Pontiac, MI  48342-3125
Phone: 248-338-1843
Email: info@habitatoakland.org
Website: wwwhabitatoakland.org
HFH of Western Wayne County
50430 School House 
Canton, MI  48187
Phone: 734-459-774
Email: aden@habtatwwc.org
Website: www.habitatwwc.org    
HFH Monroe County (also Veteran Ramp Program)    
14930 LaPlaisance  Suite 111
Monroe, MI  48161
Phone: 734-243-2048
Website: https://habitatmonroemi.org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/hfhmonroe
Habitat for Humanity Huron Valley
950 Victors Way   Suite 50
Ann Arbor, MI  48108
Phone: 73-677-155
Email: execdir@h4h.org
Website: www.h4h.org
Habitat for Humanity Lenawee 
1043 E US-223
Adrian, MI  49221
Phone: 517-265-6157
Website: https://www.habitat-lenawee.org/housing-programs/become-a-homeowner

National Faith Home Buyers
615 Griswold Suite 506
Detroit, MI  48226
Phone: 313-255-9500
32150 Dorsey Suite 16
Westland, MI  48186
Phone: 313-255-9500
Website: https://nationalfaith.org
Our Mission is to assist our clients in realizing the American Dream of home ownership. Our 
program provides individuals and families with resources, knowledge, & financial assistance 
to become homeowners. Will also provide help to prevent or avoid foreclosure.

​First-Generation Down Payment Assistance Program
​Website: michigan.gov/FirstGenDPA
Michigan offering new $25,000 in down payment help to first-generation homebuyers!
The Michigan State Housing Development Authority (MSHDA) has launched the First-Generation 
Down Payment Assistance program, a pilot initiative offering $25,000 in down payment assistance
to eligible first-generation homebuyers. The program aims to help buyers cover upfront costs, in-cluding down payments, closing costs, and prepaid expenses.
Who Qualifies for Assistance?
To be eligible for the First-Generation Down Payment Assistance program, applicants must meet 
the following requirements:

Michigan State Housing Development Authority 
(Program Hotline)
401 S. Washington Square
Lansing, MI 48933
Phone: 517-373-8017
Website:  www.michigan.gov/mshda
Loans, down payment assistance, acquisition/rehabilitation of a home. Serves All.


City of Detroit Down Payment Assistance Program
Website: https://detroitmi.gov/departments/housing-and-revitalization-department/homebuyers/
You may qualify for up to $25,000 in down payment and closing cost assistance when buying a 
home. The City of Detroit’s Down Payment Assistance Program is funded through $17.2 million 
from the American Rescue Plan Act.
Detroit Down Payment Assistance Program is for:

City of Taylor Community Development Program 
23555 Goddard 
Taylor, MI 48180
Phone: 734-287-6550
Website: http://www.cityoftaylor.com/208/Home-Repair-Programs-CDBG-HOME-PIP
CDBG Home Rehabilitation Loan Program (CDBG, HOME, PIP)
These programs are designed to provide emergency and other repairs of homes owned by 
lower-to-moderate residents. In general, the program allows improvements to a home to bring 
it to minimum code standards, correct barriers to mobility and health, and to address safety 
hazards and energy improvements. The most common repairs include roofs, electrical, plumb-
ing, and furnaces. Other repairs are allowed under the program, but remodeling is not covered, 
nor is substantial reconstruction 
The Programs are funded through the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development 
(HUD’s) CDBG program. Work is performed by qualified, licensed and insured contractors.
The homeowners must agree to sign a Mortgage and Promissory note, which is filed against 
the property to secure the loan. There is no interest charged & no payments are made during 
the life of the deferred loan, unless the homeowner moves or there is a change in the owner-
ship of the property. 
​HOME Program:
HOME provides formula grants to States and localities that communities use - often in partner-
ship with local nonprofit groups - to fund a wide range of activities that build, buy, and rehab-itate affordable housing or provide direct rental assistance to low-income people.
MSHDA - Property Improvement Program (PDF);
PIP is a state program that helps residents with repairs in their home. Different from the HOME 
or CDBG Home Rehab program, PIP allows year-period payment plans.


See Habitat for Humanity above!


See Habitat for Humanity above!

Macomb Community Action 
VerKuilen Building
21885 Dunham Road, Suite 10, 
Clinton Township, MI 48036
Phone: 586- 469-6999
Email: mca@macombgov.org
196 North Rose Street, 
Mount Clemens, MI 48043
(586) 469-6964
Email: mca@macombgov.org
Max Thompson Family Resource Center
11370 Hupp
Warren, MI 48089
Phone: 586-759-9150
Website: https://www.macombgov.org
A special savings program for families with limited income to accumulate as much as $3,000 for 
a down payment on a first home. An individual Development Account (IDA) is a special savings program between a family and Macomb Community Action. The family must make an average
monthly deposit of at least $20.00 to reach a savings goal. For every $1.00 the person puts in; 
up to $3.00, is matched in a separate account for three years. Eligible families must have a child
in the home under the age of 18, must be a working adult, employed at a minimum of 30 hours consistently for 90 days; have a reasonable credit history or readily repairable credit, attend 
budgeting classes and homeowner training sessions, maintain monthly contact with the Case 
Manager and maintain a "Participant in Good Standing" status. Income guidelines are used. 


See Habitat for Humanity above!

Monroe County Opportunity Program (M.C.O.P.)
1140 S. Telegraph 
Monroe MI  48161
Phone:  734-241-2775  #202
Website:  www.monroecountyopp.org
Assistance is provided in obtaining MSHDA services including: the above programs and IDEA accounts, low-interest mortgages, and first-time homeowner assistance. 
M.C.O.P. --- Homebuyer Purchase Rehab
Funding for down payment assistance and costs for repairs needed on the home. If home is 
located in City of Monroe, M.C.O.P. can help with up to $10,000 down payment assistance &
$20,000 in rehab.  


A subsidiary of Pontiac-based Lighthouse of Oakland County
Phone: 248-920-6200  
Plans to buy six Ferndale houses that are in foreclosure, fix them up and re-sell them to first-
time buyers. The project will help rehabilitate neighborhoods and provide housing to lower-
income buyers. Lighthouse has offered a similar program in Pontiac for about 15 years.

Oakland County Homebuyer Program for Vacant Foreclosed Properties (NSP)
Community & Home Improvement Division
250 Elizabeth Lake 
Pontiac, MI  48341-0414
Phone: 248-858-1529
Website:  www.oakgov.com
Oakland County's Home Buyer Program provides loans to home buyers for down payment assistance, closing costs, prepaid, reasonable discount points, home improvements or 
other financing associated with purchasing eligible vacant foreclosed single-family homes 
located within select participating Oakland County communities. The home must be purch-
ased by the home buyer as their primary residence. Home buyers must income-qualify based on income limits established by HUD. Home buyers with incomes at or below 50% of Area 
Median Income (AMI) are eligible for assistance. Eligible incomes by family size are identified 
in Attachment B. See the website for further details!


See Habitat for Humanity above!

Phone: 248-209-2620 
Email: autumnb2@venturehousing.org 
Website: https://www.olhsa.org/venture-housing
Venture, Inc. believes that home ownership should be a reality for Oakland and Livingston 
Co. residents of all income levels.  We match home buyers to the right homes, facilitate home purchase, provide a list of lenders, and support homebuyers through down payment assistance
(when eligible) and home ownership counseling.
Links to Home Ownership Program of Washtenaw County
Financial management education
Qualifying families must have a minor child under 18 and meet income guidelines.

Washtenaw County MSU Extension
705 N. Zeeb 
PO Box 8645
Ann Arbor MI  48107-8645
Phone: 734-997-1678
Washtenaw County Community Housing Alternatives
Phone: 734-434-6559

Bargains & 

Subscription Sites:

These two sites are 
free for seven days 
and offer monthly 
subscription levels 
($29 to $49) after that!






Government Homes:


Fannie Mae


Freddie Mac

This page was last updated: March 3, 2025