You will also want to check under the following webpages for more specialized Emergency or Transitional Housing Resources!

Crisis Pregnancy & Pregnancy Resources 
Domestic Abuse & Sexual Violence Resources 
Foster Youth Resources
Hospice Resources
Housing Resources 
Human Trafficking Resources
Immigration Resources 
Mental Health & Substance Abuse Resources
Parolee Resources
Runaway Resources 
Veteran Resources 


Emergency RV 
Emergency RV provides urgently needed shelter to First Responders and victims of wildfires or other natural disasters. 
If you lost your home due to a recent wildfire / natural disaster and are in need of emergency-transitional housing, please complete the "Survivor Intake Form" on the site.


MDHHS – State Emergency Relief (SER): 
Visit your DHS office or log into 
If you need help with rent, rent arrangement, security deposits or moving expenses, and one of the following circumstances exists for your household, you may be eligible for relocation assistance.
1.    Homeless, living in a shelter, a car, or on the street
2.    Living temporarily with other people following a fire or natural disaster that occurred not more than 60 days before the 
       date the group files an application for emergency relief
3.    Living with other people to escape a domestic violence situation 
4.    A court summons or judgment was issued which will result in the family group becoming homeless
5.    Your family group needs adequate housing to avoid a foster care placement or before a child(ren) can return home from
       foster care.
A MDHHS employee determines the family must be relocated from unsafe housing or for the protection of the children. The 
group receives final written notice to vacate condemned housing from local public agency authorized to issue such an order.



Sharing the Warmth of Lenawee County / "Helen's House"
427 W. Maumee 
Adrian, MI 49221
Phone: 517-203-9857
We strive to be a leading partner in Lenawee County ensuring that no individual or family ever has to spend the night 
outdoors because they cannot find safe shelter. We intend to be that beacon of hope for the homeless that provides a compassionate environment as our guests take the path forward.

Housing Help of Lenawee 
P.O. Box 692
307 E. Church 
Adrian, MI 49221
Phone: 517-264-0782
H2Lenawee may assist with first month's rent, past due rent and mortgage foreclosure. An in-depth assessment is made regarding a client’s financial and housing situation. Case management, client outreach, landlord mediation, budgeting, 
housing search and referrals along with other support services are provided in this program. The goal of this program is 
to prevent or reduce the amount of time a household is homeless.  
H2Lenawee has units of transitional housing (TH) for families who have minor children in the household. The TH program provides affordable housing for up to two (2) years as well as support services, life skills training, and weekly case manage-
ment. The goal of the TH program is to stabilize each family and assist them with overcoming barriers to permanent housing 
and therefore, encouraging lifelong self-sufficiency.
H2Lenawee provides emergency shelter (ES) programs for homeless families with minor children in the house- hold. In 
addition to emergency shelter, H2 Lenawee provides daily case management, life skills training, and support services, 
such as laundry facilities, transportation assistance and much more. The ES program is provided at no cost to the family. 
The goal of the ES program is to assist homeless families in overcoming barriers on a successful journey to permanent
housing. Short-term motel sheltering may be provided for persons that cannot be served by current Lenawee County 
shelter programs.

Community Action Agency   
400 W. South
Adrian, MI  49221
Phone: 517-263-7861     800-438-1845
Housing assistance & counseling, Links to Home Ownership, rental assistance. See the top of the page for a new Veterans Program called Supportive Services for Veteran Families

Salvation Army
217 W. Church  
Adrian, M I 49221  
Phone: 517-265-2038

Family Counseling and Children's Services of Lenawee County
220 N. Main  
Adrian, MI 49221
Phone: 517-264-5733

American Red Cross / Washtenaw-Lenawee County Chapter
4624 Packard  
Ann Arbor, MI 48108
Phone: 734-971-5300   866-971-5300
If you are a victim of a natural disaster or home fire, please call the Red Cross at 866-971-5300 for immediate assistance. 
Teams are on call 24/7 ready to meet you whenever disaster strikes.


Community Housing Network  
570 Kirts Blvd. #231
Troy, MI 48084
Phone: 248-928-0111      866-282-3119
The Homeless Leasing Assistance Program (HLAP) and the Chronically Homeless Leasing Assistance Program (CHLAP) are Permanent Supportive Housing Program. Both programs provide monthly rental assistance and program-related supportive services to participants. Applicants must meet specific program criteria to qualify. These qualifications include the head of household having a severe and persistent mental illness or Developmental Disability. One must also be HUD-defined home-
less which includes living on the streets, in a shelter, or coming from transitional housing as long as the person was home-
less the night before. Program participants are required to progress in program goals while in the LAP which includes obtain-
ing permanent housing, increasing self-sufficiency, and increasing skills and/or income.  

P.A.T.H. Program   (Projects for Assistance in Transition from Homelessness)
Phone: 586-466-8704
A housing program that serves individuals and families in Macomb County who are homeless and who have a mental illness. PATH can also provide some financial assistance for placement costs and can help to secure furniture and other necessary household items. Individuals must be homeless or at imminent risk of becoming homeless. Individual must be able to provide documentation verifying his or her homelessness.

Macomb County Warming Center / The Ray of Hope Day Center
176 Northbound Gratiot Ave.  
Mount Clemens, MI 
Phone: 586-329-4046  

Macomb County Winter Shelter                                  
Trinity Lutheran Church of Warren 
8150 Chapp Ave. 
Warren, MI 48089
Shelter Phone: 586-277-2500
For men and women ages 18+ only. Clients may start lining up at 6 p.m. and open check-in is from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. 
Client arrivals after 9 p.m. need to contact the shelter first. Case management services, clothing & hygiene pantry 
& much more! 

Perfecting Community Development Corporation
Amelia Agnes Home for Women & Children Macomb County Shelter
7616 E. Nevada 
Detroit, MI 48234
Phone: 586-323-7066    313-365-2273
THE AMELIA AGNES TRANSITIONAL HOME FOR WOMEN’s mission is to provide quality housing and support services 
to women and children while assisting them with becoming self-sufficient by identifying their own strengths and solutions 
through: Housing Stability, Educational Advancement, Economic Independence, Parenting & Life Skills, Self-Actualization 
and Spiritual Growth. Serves Oakland, Wayne & Macomb Counties. 
The Amelia Agnes Transitional Home is our homeless shelter program where women and children can begin again with 
dignity and respect. The program provides each family with a private suite and support services in efforts to assist them 
with becoming self-sufficient. Residents learn to combat homelessness while improving decision-making and problem-
solving skills along with eliminating barriers hindering educational and economic growth while gaining intervention tools
for life restoration. 

The Macomb County Homeless Coalition 
196 North Rose
Mt. Clemens, MI 48043
Phone: 586-213-5655
Has a Housing Resource Specialist to assist families who are living "doubled up" (living with family or friends) OR living 
in motels or hotels for any length of time and in need of case management services.

Macomb County Rotating Emergency Shelter Team (MCREST)
20415 Erin 
Roseville, MI 48066
Phone: 586-415-5101      1 p.m. to 4 p.m. 7 days a week
The Shelter will provide support services, child care, job placement assistance, and more. The shelter will allow the county 
to help more people, upping capacity from 30 to 46 or more. The women's and children's shelter is located at 215 St. Main 
in Mount Clemens. Until the separate men's shelter is built, the church network will continue to provide support for men 
in need. 

Salvation Army MATTS & Soup Kitchen
24140 Mound 
Warren, MI 48091
Phone: 586-754-7400
Macomb's Answer to Temporary Shelter (MATTS)
The Salvation Army MATTS is a goal based shelter with an average stay of 90 days. MATTS is a drug and alcohol free emer-
gency residential unit for men, women, and children in Macomb County. Residents are offered case management and coun-
seling, referrals, clothing, medical care, and financial assistance. Also offers community services including AA meetings & referrals to other community agencies.

Family Youth Interventions
418 Cass Ave.
Mt. Clemens, MI 48046
Phone: 586-465-1212
15 day residential shelter for adolescents ages 10-17 who are runaways, are homeless or are experiencing a crisis at home 
or in school. Helping families help youth become successful adults.  

The Warming Center
PO Box 53
Roseville, MI 48066
Phone: 586-321-0998 
All homeless (rotating churches in wintertime)

Macomb County Warming Center
Mt. Clemens, MI 
Phone: 586-321-0998   Monday 9-3 p.m.  
Tuesday & Thursday 9-4 p.m.
November thru March ONLY. Comprised of rotating sponsor churches to provide blanket, pillow, warm supper, light break-
fast to individuals who do not qualify, have extended their time, or have been turned away from an existing shelter. Intake 
hours are 8 p.m. to 7 a.m. Monday-Sunday.  
Ray of Hope Day Center
24450 Gratiot (South of 10 Mile)
Eastpointe, MI

Mount Clemens Salvation Army / Emergency Drop-In Center
55 Church 
Mt. Clemens, MI 48043
Phone: 586-469-6712
An adult drop-in center that provides day room (warming/cooling center) that is open from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m., showers, 
meals (breakfast & lunch), clothing assistance, and hygiene items. Assistance with bus tickets or prescriptions may also
be available in some cases as well as referrals for other agencies.  Computer lab is available Mondays at 1:00 p.m. and Thursdays at 11:00 a.m. to assist clients with locating employment and creating resumes.  
The Salvation Army--More House
42590 Stepnitz
Mt. Clemens, MI 48046

Leonard House
23032 Wellington
Warren, MI 48089


Any individual looking for assistance should make contact with the Coordinated Entry System in their area!
Monroe County Opportunity Program / M.C.O.P.
Emergency Shelter Grant Funds  
1140 S. Telegraph
Monroe, MI 48161
Phone: 734-241-2775
Grant funds are used to prevent homelessness. One month's rent is available if a financial plan is in place and 
to provide emergency shelter in area motels for those who are income eligible while grant funds are available.
A decision (denial) letter from DHS is required to receive funds.

United Way's First Call for Help
216 N. Monroe 
Monroe, MI 48162
Phone: 734-242-4357 24 hours
Offers local resources and referrals.

The Salvation Army Family Manor
815 E. First 
Monroe, MI 48161
Phone: 734-241-0440
Housing for families & single women for up to 90 days. Can handle up to 12 families and 5 individuals. 
May put client and children in hotel for up to five days. Serves Monroe County ONLY.
The Warming Center  
1018 E. 2nd  
Monroe, MI     (inside the Church on 2nd Street) 
Open from 8 p.m. to 8 a.m. daily when the temperature is 32 degrees or below. Can handle up to 30 people. 

Philadelphia House I & II  
Men's homeless shelters for single men ONLY 
218 Washington  
Monroe, MI 48161  
119 E. Third 
Monroe, MI 48161
Phone: 734-241-0255
Serves Monroe County ONLY. A transitional shelter where assistance is provided for up to two years. 

Women Empowering Women / Paula's House
Monroe, MI 
Phone: 734-384-8922
Transitional house for homeless women who have substance abuse problems. Program is for 1-2 years and the goal 
is permanent housing upon successful completion of program. Women pay 30% of their income as rent, up to $450.00 
a month. Five beds are available. 

3604 S. Custer 
Monroe, MI 48161
Phone: 734-240-3190
Supervised transitional housing for disabled & mentally ill adults ages 45 and up, who are ambulatory and homeless. 
Assistance provided for up to two years....has 36 beds. MUST have a Referral Letter from an agency in order to be 

Southeast Michigan Veteran Service Center
14 S. Monroe
Monroe, MI 48161
Phone: 734-242-5895
Weekdays only 9-5 p.m. ONLY.   Male Veterans ONLY 

Family Counseling and Shelter
14390 LaPlaissance   Suite 106
Monroe, MI 48161
Phone: 734-241-0180
Emergency shelter for Domestic Violence. Women and children age 17 and under only. Men are housed at another 
location. Stay is 30 to 90 days depending on individual circumstances.  

Main Address
924 E. 2nd 
Monroe, MI 48161
Phone: 734-244-5444      734-241-5590 (Shelter)
1018 E. 2nd 
Monroe, MI 48161
Phone: 734-241-5590
The shelter is open 365 days a year at all hours. 75-Bed Facility. Separate floors for men, and women and children
Clients typically stay 90 days. Longer stays are available as needed
Clients are given 3 meals a day. The facility is heated and cooled
Case management, Housing Placement Assistance, Life skills training.
Resource referrals  855-HELP-GCH


Any individual looking for assistance should make contact with the Coordinated Entry System in their area!

Phone: 248-928-0111

The Oakland Shelter's Resource Guide  
Offers information on shelter and housing for this County.

Community Housing Network  
570 Kirts Blvd. #231
Troy, MI 48084
Phone: 248-928-0112      866-282-3119
The Homeless Leasing Assistance Program (HLAP) and the Chronically Homeless Leasing Assistance Program (CHLAP) 
are Permanent Supportive Housing Program. Both programs provide monthly rental assistance and program-related 
supportive services to participants. Applicants must meet specific program criteria to qualify. These qualifications include 
the head of household having a severe and persistent mental illness or Developmental Disability. One must also be HUD-
defined homeless which includes living on the streets, in a shelter, or coming from transitional housing as long as the per-
son was homeless the night before. Program participants are required to progress in program goals while in the LAP which includes obtaining permanent housing, increasing self-sufficiency, and increasing skills and/or income.  

Grace Centers of Hope (formerly Pontiac Rescue Mission)
35 E. Huron 
PO Box 430618
Pontiac, MI 48343-0618
Phone: 248-334-7939 
Grace Centers of Hope's vital programs include the One Year Life Skills program for men, women, and children. All guests 
in our programs benefit from food and shelter services, counseling, life skills courses, vocational education, and our career 
and education center. The results of our efforts have helped many to obtain GEDs, become homeowners, regain custody of 
their children, and develop the courage to change their lives. In order to keep our men, women, and children safe and secure,
 we do have requirements that must be met to be a part 

South Oakland Citizens for the Homeless / Welcome Inn Day Center 
1717 W. 13 Mile
Royal Oak MI 48073
Phone: 248-850-3219
Our mission is to provide a safe and welcoming space for those experiencing homelessness, offering compassionate 
support and practical assistance to help people transition out of difficult situations.

Hospitality House Food Pantry 
2075 E. West Maple   Suite B204
Commerce Twp., MI 48390
Phone: 248-960-9975
Breathing Room is NOT a rental assistance program. Breathing Room is an EMERGENCY TRANSITIONAL HOUSING PRO-
GRAM. HHFP will authorize off-site emergency short term housing for eligible unhoused persons and OR households at imminent risk of becoming homeless.  
Authorized off site-shelter means lodging within a hotel or motel. HHFP works exclusively with several hotels near the 
pantry vicinity to accommodate clients. The program is designed to provide a bridge of temporary shelter (30 days max)
while granting the participant adequate time to find more stable housing and is not intended for individuals who are chron-
ically unhoused. Potential applicants who apply without a viable housing plan after 30 days of emergency shelter will not 
be considered.

Mailing Address:
46156 Woodward Ave.
Pontiac, MI 48342
Phone: 248-920-6000
South Oakland Shelter
18505 W. 12 Mile 
Lathrup Village, MI 48076
Phone: 248-920-6000 #5500
Our SOS program maintains 30-35 unrestricted shelter beds. SOS accepts men, women, and children. Clients receive access 
on a first call, first serve basis. SOS partners with over 60 congregations and operates year-round. Each week, a congregation takes on the responsibility of hosting SOS’s shelter guests and provides them with overnight accommodations, three daily meals, transportation, and meaningful interactions with caring volunteers. In addition to shelter, SOS has an on-site clothing closet, showers, & washers and dryers all allowing clients to look and feel their best as they seek employment and housing. 
Over 80%f our shelter guests successfully enter into housing. Also has a housing program!

OLHSA (Oakland Livingston Human Services Agency)
Central Office (Oakland County)
196 Cesar E. Chavez Ave.  
P.O. Box 430598
Pontiac, MI 48343-0598
Phone: 248-209-2600     800-482-9250 Toll Free
South Office (Oakland County)
1956 Hilton 
Ferndale, MI 48220-1719
Phone: 248-542-5860
OLHSA (Livingston County)
2300 E. Grand River Suite 107 
Howell, MI 48843-7574
Phone: 517-546-8500
Emergency Housing Referral Programs:
OLHSA assists residents in finding the available programs and services to meet their needs. If those needs cannot be 
met at OLHSA, residents are referred to other local agencies or organizations for help.
Homeless Case Management Services:
OLHSA can provide counseling to identify and resolve factors causing homelessness. Includes help to locate affordable
housing, financial assistance to move in, interpersonal counseling, employment and public assistance resources.
Homeless Prevention:
Provides eligible homeless or potentially homeless applicants with first month's rent or rental arrearage assistance.

HOPE Hospitality and Warming Center  
249 Baldwin Ave.
Pontiac, MI 48342
Phone: 248-499-7345
Hours of Operation:
Monday through Friday Noon-6:30 PM   Shelter 7 PM-8 AM
Weekends-- Shelter Hours 7 PM-8 AM
HOPE Warming Center's adult shelter is open from 7 PM until 7 AM providing dinner, triage healthcare, showers, access 
to resources that can be a pathway out of homelessness, and, of course, overnight shelter. HOPE is a low -barrier shelter, 
which means that while we have a zero tolerance for bringing drugs and/or alcohol on the premises, sobriety is not a con-
dition for entry to the shelter. We do, however, expect and strictly enforce that shelter guests will follow staff directions 
and exhibit good behavior. No previous registration is needed to spend the night at HOPE. 
Intake begins nightly at 5 p.m. You must arrive IN PERSON at 5 p.m. for intake to see if there are open beds. They accept residents that stayed the previous night first. If there are open beds, they will accept new residents. ID is not required for admittance. 

Perfecting Community Development Corporation
Amelia Agnes Home for Women & Children 
Macomb County Shelter
7616 E. Nevada 
Detroit, MI 48234
Phone: 586-323-7066     313-365-2273
THE AMELIA AGNES TRANSITIONAL HOME FOR WOMEN’s mission is to provide quality housing and support services
to women and children while assisting them with becoming self-sufficient by identifying their own strengths and solutions 
through: Housing Stability, Educational Advancement, Economic Independence, Parenting & Life Skills, Self- Actualization
and Spiritual Growth. Serves Oakland, Wayne & Macomb Counties. 
THE Amelia Agnes Transitional Home is our homeless shelter program 
where women and children can begin again with dignity and respect. The program provides each family with a private suite 
and support services in efforts to assist them with becoming self-sufficient. Residents learn to combat homelessness while improving decision-making and problem-solving skills along with eliminating barriers hindering educational and economic growth while gaining intervention tools for life restoration. 

New Bethel Outreach Ministry
175 Branch
Pontiac, MI 4834
Phone: 248-333-7010
Homeless shelter for single women and children. Open Monday thru Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Common Ground
1410 S. Telegraph
Bloomfield Hills, MI 48302
Phone: 246-456-8150

The Sanctuary
122 S. Washington 
Royal Oak, MI  48067
Phone: 248-542-2260
For runaway youth ages 10-17 for boys and girls.

A Step Forward
122 S. Washington
Royal Oak, MI 48067
Phone: 248-547-2260
For young men and women ages 16 to 21.

Oakland Livingston Human Service Agency--Central Office  
196 Cesar E. Chavez Ave.
PO Box 430598
Pontiac, MI 48343
Phone: 248-209-2600
OLHSA provides assistance to the low-income, the elderly, and persons with disabilities in order for them to become 
self-sufficient. Assistance includes outreach and emergency services, housing services, AIDS home support and hou-
sing, family support services among others. OLHSA is also now offering the new Supportive Services for Veteran 
Families listed at the top of the page! 
345 E. 9 Mile 
Ferndale, MI 48220
Phone: 248-542-5860

Carriage Town Ministries Men's Shelter
605 Garland 
Flint, MI 48503
Phone: 810-233-87

Baldwin Center  
212 Baldwin Ave.
Pontiac, MI  
Phone: 248-332-6101
Runs warming shelters. 

South Oakland Shelter
431 N. Main 
Royal Oak MI 48067
Phone: 248-546-6566
Rental assistance, homelessness prevention as well as rapid re-housing programs.  

Open Door Outreach Center
7170 Cooley Lake 
Waterford MI 48327
Phone: 248-360-2930
Crisis funding for residents of Waterford, White Lake, W. Bloomfield, Keego Harbor, Sylvan Lake, Walled Lake 
and parts of Wixom.  

See Chaldean American Ladies of Charity listing above under Metro Detroit & Wayne County!!

Catholic Social Services of Oakland & Hispanic Services
295 W. Huron 
Pontiac MI 48341
Phone: 248-338-4250
Will assist older homeowners dealing with delinquent taxes to assess their particular situation, explore all possible 
solutions and link those homeowners with needed community resources. 

Oakland County Community Mental Health Authority
2011 Executive Hills Blvd.
Auburn Hills MI 48326
Phone: 800-391-2003    Crisis Line: 800-231-1107
For persons with a severe and persistent mental health illness receiving services through OCCMHA, security deposit 
funds and/or first month's rent may be available. Contact the housing specialist for more information.  


Experiencing a housing crisis, contact the Veteran Administration (VA) at 1-877-424-3838. 
Also see below!

YOUTH:  (ages 10- 20
Experiencing a housing crisis, contact Ozone House at 734-662-2222. See below!

If you are experiencing DOMESTIC VIOLENCE, contact SafeHouse Center at 734-995-5444.
(See the Domestic Violence page on this website)


Any individual looking for assistance should make contact with the Coordinated Entry System in their area!
Housing Access for Washtenaw County (HAWC)
Phone: 734-961-1999
HAWC is Washtenaw County’s central intake for individuals and families who are homeless or at-risk of homelessness. 
The central intake is the single point of entry for all emergency shelters and housing resources that are available to serve 
people experiencing homelessness in the county. Residents of Washtenaw County may call HAWC for housing assistance, information and/or referral. Please note: there is a severe shortage of housing resources in Washtenaw County and HAWC 
is not able to help all people who are experiencing a housing crisis. 
​HAWC Call Center Hours:  Monday thru Friday   8:30 am- 5:00 pm

D.A.P.C.O./ Destiny & Purpose Community Outreach / DAPCO VILLAGE 
1980 Ellsworth
Ypsilanti, MI 48197 
Phone: 877-832-127   #103
DAPCO Village - emergency accommodations for Un-housed Veteran Females and their children

Michigan Ability Partners
Ann Arbor Office
3810 Packard Suite 260
Ann Arbor, MI 48108 
Phone: 734-975-6880
604 Greenwood Place
Jackson, MI 49203
Phone: 517-841-5780
Permanent Supportive Housing  
MAP maintains housing stability for the chronically homeless by offering subsidized rent and long-term case management services. MAP owns and operates seven properties, and continues to develop affordable housing. Participants eligible for
this program are homeless, low-income, and have a documented disability.
Rapid Re-Housing  
Rapid Re-Housing helps individuals experiencing homelessness quickly locate and obtain housing, & provides short-term 
rental assistance. Participants receive case management services to help them stabilize in their new home. MAP creates 
strong relationships with local landlords who work with us to serve those with housing barriers. 
Supportive Services for Veteran Families
To procure and retain housing for homeless Veterans, MAP provides:
1.   Affordable housing help through payment of application fees, security deposits &move-in costs
2.   Short-term rental subsidy
3.   Access to job training and placement services
Through temporary financial assistance and other supportive services, this program helps individual Veterans and Veterans 
with families find stability in their new housing and self-sufficiency as they work towards financial independence. 

Ann Arbor Housing Commission
727 Miller Ave.
Ann Arbor, MI 48103
Phone: 734-794-6720

Ypsilanti Housing Commission
601 Armstrong  
Ypsilanti, MI 48197
Phone: 734-482-4300
The Housing Commission administers the low-income public housing and Section 8 programs within the City to ensure 
that participants are provided with adequate, safe, and affordable housing opportunities. All applicants must complete 
an application to be assigned a position on the waiting list. Selection is based on factors such as income limits and fam-
ily status. Applications are accepted Monday through Friday from2:00 to 4:00 p.m. at the Housing Commission office for public housing only. Contact the Housing Commission for information on the status of the Section 8 program.
There are currently 218 public housing units within the City of which 26 are designated for senior housing. Under the 
Section 8 program, applicants must locate housing units where landlords are willing to participate in the program. 
Applicants are required to pay 30% of their monthly income toward the rent while the Section 8 housing voucher covers 
the remainder of the rent payment.

Avalon Housing
1327 Jones Dr.
Ann Arbor, MI 48105
Phone: 734-663-5858
Avalon Housing is a community-based, non-profit organization that was created in 1992 to develop, own, and manage 
permanent supportive housing. Our mission is to provide affordable housing and support services for Washtenaw 
County's lowest income households, with a priority on people who are homeless or at-risk of homelessness, and who 
have a mental or physical disability.

Shelter Association of Washtenaw County 
Delonis Center
P.O. Box 7370
312 W. Huron
Ann Arbor, MI 48107
Phone: 734-662-2829 #254   734-961-1999 
The Shelter Association offers those experiencing homelessness a wide array of services, in one central location, 
all year long. More than 30 community organizations partner with the Shelter Association to help make these services 

SOS Crisis Center & Community Services
Administration Office:  
101 S. Huron  
Ypsilanti, MI 48197
Phone: 734-485-8730
Resource Center:
114 N. River  
Ypsilanti, MI 48197
SOS provides temporary shelter for larger families up to three months, with caring, intensive supportive services to help 
them become stable and find permanent, long-term housing. SOS also offers Rapid Re-Housing (RRH)—a new, nationally recognized model—in which homeless families are moved quickly into permanent affordable housing and receive rental assistance for up to 12 months.
Our housing services are for families with children. For example: a grandparent caring for a grandchild; a single mother 
or a single father with kids; or two parents with children.

Safe House Center
4100 Clark 
Ann Arbor, MI 48105
Phone: 734-995-5444 24 hours
The SafeHouse Center HelpLine is staffed 24 hours a day, 365 days a year to answer calls from survivors of domestic viol-
ence and sexual assault. Advocates and volunteer counselors are available to answer questions and provide support for survivors and their family members and friends. Advocates provide information and referrals, & will help answer any ques-
tions the caller may have about accessing Safe House services. For example, a survivor can call to find out about support 
groups that are currently running or to make a Non-Residential Counseling appointment.
The Help Line also provides a service called the Language Line, which allows a survivor that speaks a language other 
than English to have a conversation with Safe House staff through a confidential interpreter.  Again, this service is avail-
able 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

The Salvation Army of Washtenaw County
Ann Arbor Corps.
100 Arbana Dr.
Ann Arbor, MI 48103 
Phone: 734-668-8353
Ypsilanti Corps. 
9 S. Park 
Ypsilanti MI 48198
Phone: 734-482-4700
Salvation Army Staples Family Center Shelter
3660 Packard  
Ann Arbor, MI  
Phone: 734-761-7750
The Staples Family Center is a safe, drug-free homeless shelter operated by The Salvation Army of Washtenaw Co. (TSA
-WC). Residents and house staff work together to keep the house running smoothly by assisting each other with meal preparations and daily chores. The Staples Family Center by The Salvation Army of Washtenaw County (TSA-WC). Resi-
dents and house staff work together to keep the house running smoothly by assisting each other with meal preparations 
and daily chores. The Staples Family Center has provided hope and direction to individuals and families since TSA-WC 
first began operating a family shelter more than 20 years ago.
Veteran Haven of Hope House
809 Henry 
Ann Arbor, MI 48104
Phone: 734-668-8353
The Veterans Haven of Hope House is a two-year transitional housing program for homeless veterans, which provides individualized services to help transition them back into mainstream society. Veterans Haven of Hope House is operated 
by the Salvation Army of Washtenaw. 
Services provided include:

Ozone House
1600 N. Huron Dr.
Ypsilanti, MI 48197
Phone: 734-662-2265     Crisis Line 734-662-2222 (24 hours)  
Ypsilanti Youth Drop-In Center
102 North Hamilton (1 block from bus station)
Ypsilanti, MI 48197
Phone: 734-485-2222
Ozone House is now offering regular hours to screen young people, ages 17.5 – 24, for housing opportunities.  
These include:
You can stay at Safe Stay for up to 3 weeks and participate in:
After leaving Safe Stay, we help you return to a safe home with a personalized action plan and ongoing therapy and 
services. We are the only agency in Washtenaw County (Ann Arbor, Ypsilanti, and the surrounding areas) that provides
free, confidential, and voluntary shelter and support services to homeless youth including runaways and high-risk youth 
ages 10-20 and their families.

Home of New Vision / Transitional Housing for the Recovering Woman
3800 Packard  Suite 210
Ann Arbor, MI   48108
Phone: 734-975-1602
Home of New Vision is a non-profit organization that has provided innovative transitional housing, rehabilitation, and 
therapeutic services for individuals committed to ongoing recovery from chemical dependency in Washtenaw County 
since 1996. Our transitional homes and therapeutic services are open to any chemically dependent person who has a 
desire to live a life free from the bondage of drugs & alcohol.

6633 Stoney Creek 
Ypsilanti, MI 48197
Phone: 734-485-8725      734-669-8265
Dawn Farm offers residential treatment, sub-acute detoxification, outpatient treatment and transitional housing. We 
will help you decide upon the best option for you or your loved one.

Interfaith Hospitality Network of Washtenaw County
4290 Jackson 
Ann Arbor, MI 48103
Phone: 734-822-0220  
Alpha House provides shelter for families experiencing homelessness. Currently, Alpha House can shelter six families 
at a time. While in shelter families have a private space of their own, receive 3 meals each day and are provided items 
for their personal and hygiene needs. Each family is assigned a Housing Support Coordinator to help them located safe, affordable housing. Families also work with the Alpha House Employment & Personal Finance Specialist to locate em-
ployment, education and training opportunities in order to increase income.
Rapid Re-Housing (RRH) is an intervention, informed by a Housing First approach that is a critical part of a community’s 
effective homeless crisis response system. RRH rapidly connects families and individuals experiencing homelessness to permanent housing through a tailored package of assistance that may include the use of time-limited financial assistance 
and targeted supportive services. RRH programs help families and individuals living on the streets or in emergency shelters solve the practical and immediate challenges to obtaining permanent housing while reducing the amount of time they exper-ience homelessness, avoiding a near-term return to homelessness link & linking to community resources that enable them to achieve housing stability in the long-term.  All shelter spaces in Washtenaw County are filled by Housing Access (see top 
of County listing).

Father Patrick Jackson House
1014 S. Main
Ann Arbor, MI 48014
Phone: 734-761-1140
Father Pat Jackson House is a non-denominational, not-for profit organization serving homeless, pregnant and parenting adolescents and their children. Services include shelter, independent living preparation and educational assistance. The 
program houses 10 teenage families each year and provides information and referrals to an additional 250-300 people, 
including teens, family members, school counselors and other service providers.

Peace Neighborhood Center 
Main Office: 
1111 N. Maple 
Ann Arbor, MI 48103
Phone: 734-662-3564
The Peace House Transitional Housing Center provides temporary housing for families as they work to get back on their
feet. While staying at Peace House, families meet regularly with Peace staff members to come up with action plan to add-
ress their issues and attain self-sufficiency.  

615 S. Mansfield 
P.O. Box 980465 
Ypsilanti, MI 48198
Phone: 734-483-9363 
Permanent Supportive Housing
Special Needs:
Synod provides permanent supportive housing for seniors who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. We are dedicated 
to the elimination of homelessness among the elderly through the development of supportive housing: low-income housing combined with support services.
Deake House:
To carry this mission forward, Synod, in partnership with the Housing Bureau for Seniors, purchased and established Deake House, an SRO (single resident housing) designed exclusively as permanent supportive housing for homeless seniors.
Opened in 2008, Deake House can be a tenant’s home forever. There are no limitations on length of stay. Tenant rents are set 
at an amount deemed limit- affordable to those with fixed, low incomes and include heat and utilities. Support services are provided by agencies that specialize in working with seniors and with issues that often accompany aging. In addition, Deake  House tenants can access the assistance of Synod support staff working 24/7 in nearby sister programs.

For Lenawee, Macomb, Monroe, Oakland & Washtenaw Counties