Many pages of this website can be a benefit to you! Also look under Educational
Look towards the bottom of this page for help with College & other expenses!
Youth in Transition, (Michigan's name for Federal Chafee funding) is a funding source available to cover expenses related to the development of self-sufficiency for youth
who experienced out of home care after the age of 14 and have not yet reached age
23. Eligible expenses must not be covered by any other government or community resources.
Where to find help:
1. A youth with an open case can access funds through his/her foster care case manager.
2, A youth with a closed case must apply for closed case services (YIT) in the current county of residence through the local MDHHS office.
3. A tribal youth who was or is only supervised by a tribal court may contact MDHHS
at 517-373-9219.
Foster Love
560 W. Lambert
Brea, CA 92821
Phone: 714-784-6760
Foster Love provides assistance to children in foster care and the foster community
at large. We currently offer diverse services for foster youth through tangible resources, educational scholarships, and supplemental support to foster agencies and foster parents. Offers a wide variety of services!
1977 N. Olden Ave. Suite #292
Trenton, NJ 08618
Phone: 609-883-8484
At One Simple Wish we believe that everyone should experience love, hope & joy. Join us in restoring hope & happiness to those who have been impacted by the trauma of foster care and childhood crisis.
Ticket to Dream Foundation
8413 Washington Blvd. Suite #100
Roseville, CA 95678
1407 Valentine Ave. Suite #104
Pacific, WA 98047
Phone: 916-292-9550
We match resources to the needs of foster children across the nation. From essential items to support services & technology, our goal is to improve thousands of foster children’s lives.
Big Family of Michigan, Inc.
23500 Pare
St. Clair Shores, MI 48080
Phone: 586-415-6968
Our vision has allowed us to expand our outreach to 45 of the 83 counties in MI
providing services and support support to foster children and their foster family
and grandchildren being raised by their grandparents. In MI, there are more grand-
parents raising grandchildren than there are foster children. The services for this
sector are deficient, as often these families do not qualify for any assistance. Our
vision is to ensure that all foster children & children raised by their grandparents
are not overlooked or forgotten.
Christy's Legacy Of Hope
24580 Kensington
Taylor, MI 48180
Phone: 313-291-0352
Many children are welcomed into foster homes with only what they are wearing.
A foster family doesn’t always have what that child needs when things happen
quickly. Christy’s Legacy of Hope fills these bags with everything a child would
need for 24 hours until their foster parents are able to get what is needed.
****Diapers, formula, toys, and other essential items are also donated. Just one
of the many ways Christy’s Legacy of Hope works to put a little smile on a sweet
Downriver Foster Closet
1753 Ford Ave.
Wyandotte, MI 48192
Phone: 734-288-3698
The Downriver Foster closet right now collects donations for gently used child-
ren’s clothing and items they would need daily for children that are in the foster
care system. We provide all downriver foster families with items they may need
for a placement.
Foster Closet of Michigan / 14 branches throughout Michigan!
Phone: 800-554-4966
Our organization provides clothing, underclothing, toys, shoes, baby equipment,
gear & in some cases furniture, to children placed in the foster care system in MI.
These items are new and like new items that have been donated to us. Children are
often placed into foster care with no personal items and in many cases they come
into care with only the clothes on their back. Our organization provides these kids
with stylish new or like new clothing and personal items helping to begin the pro-
cess of rebuilding their self-esteem and providing them with belongings they can
call their own. Foster parents & their children are able to come into our facilities &
pick out the items they need, for free, providing the children with the ability to offer
input in wardrobe choices and allowing them to express their personal tastes and
individuality, another big step in helping these children rebuild their lives and self-
esteem. Serves Wayne, Monroe, Macomb, Oakland & Washtenaw counties!
Friends of Foster Kids
39126 Van Dyke Ave.
Sterling Heights, MI 48313
Phone: 586-307-GIFT (4438)
We provide a “Christmas” for foster children in Macomb, Oakland and Wayne
counties, who have been removed from their homes due to abuse and neglect
and placed in temporary housing or shelters. In a season for family, granting a
child’s wish speaks softly of unconditional love from people who care.
Friends of Foster Kids has expanded its service to lend a hand to those who
have aged out of foster care at age 20 but are still in need of assistance. Many
find themselves with no family and no place to live. We help them by meeting
some of their basic needs to live independently.
1. Laptops for Students – FoFK helps purchase laptops, software, printers,
ink, and warranties for students.
2. College Text Books
3. Campus Bus Passes / Bicycles
FoFK purchases campus bus passes and bicycles to help with students
transportation to classes and job opportunities.
Michigan Foster Care Closet
37 Enterprise Dr.
Ann Arbor, MI 48103
Phone: 888-511-6322 #803
Michigan Foster Care Closet is a 501(c)3 non-profit that currently operates on
a 100% volunteer basis. We are a dedicated community of individuals that give
our time, talent and resources to provide the best quality "shopping" environ-
ment we can to our local children in need. MFCC is frequently contacted by
families who currently have foster children placed in their homes. These child-
ren tend to come with only the clothing on their backs. That’s where we come
in!! We currently provide clothing, shoes, toys, linens, nursery furniture, strollers,
car seats, supplies, hygiene products, safety equipment, etc. to our local foster
children and their families FREE of charge.
Michigan Kinship Care Resource Center at MSU
Phone: 800-535-1218
The Kinship Care Resource Center is one of several community programs in the
School of Social Work at Michigan State University. The KCRC serves kinship care families across the state by providing information and referrals to resources and services for caregivers and the children they are raising. KCRC also offers support
to professionals serving kinship families.
Our services include:
1. Information and referral assistance from Kinship Care Navigators to connect caregivers and service providers to resources to support kinship families
2.Contact list of local supports across the state and a calendar with their meeting information
3.Trainings, workshops and other events for kinship caregivers, service providers, policymakers and others
4. Resources with helpful information for kinship caregivers, service providers and researchers
Michigan Rufugee Foster Program & Mentor Assistance
SAMARITAS (formerly Lutheran Social Services of Michigan)
8131 E. Jefferson Ave.
Detroit, MI 48214
Phone: 313-823-7700
Our Refugee Foster Care Program serves youth who flee from war, violence or
persecution in dozens of countries. By the time they get to the United States,
they’ve been separated from and often lost contact with parents and other family members who can care for them and have often suffered great traumas – and
they’re not even 18 years old.
Muslim Foster Care Association
PO Box 7836
Bloomfield Hills, MI
Phone: 248-242-7244
MFCA provides many direct support services for Muslim foster youth. These range
from financial assistance in specific circumstances to connection to the Muslim
These are just some of the programs offered:
Comfort Packages:
When a child moves into the foster care system, they are oftentimes dropped off
with just the clothes on their back. To make their transition a little bit easier, MFCA
provides welcome packs with necessities and Islamic materials for each youth enter-
ing the foster care system in Michigan.
Faith-based Items & Clothing:
MFCA provides materials such as Qurans, Prayer Mats, Hijabs, Abayas, Kufis and
other cultural and Islamic clothing for any Muslim foster youth
Ramadan & Eid Gifts:
Ramadan is a time of great joy for families, but Muslim youth in the foster care
system may feel lost and lonely during this time. We provide many resources to
enable Muslim youth feel connected to their faith, these range from free Iftar meals
delivered to the doorsteps, organizing activities at the local mosque, sending Ram-
adan and Eid packages to foster families and Eid gift cards to each youth.
Financial Assistance Programs:
MFCA provides support to Muslim youth aged 18-21 transitioning out of foster care
to help set them up for adult life – this includes rent and grocery assistance during
their transition.
Oakland County Foster Care Closet
Located in the Crown Granite Building Showroom
24400 Sinacola Ct. Suite B
Farmington Hills, MI 48335
Phone: 248-419-4487
Children are often placed into foster care with no personal items and in many cases,
with only the clothes on their back. The Oakland County Foster Closet provides cloth-
ing, toys, shoes, baby equipment, hygiene items and in some cases furniture to child-
ren placed in the foster care system, & to those in crisis situations within Oakland Co.
Safe Haven 4 Kids of Michigan
6135 King
Marine City, MI 48039
Phone: 810-765-KIDS
Our desire is to provide a safe haven in an environment that will allow the children
to create positive, life changing memories. We strive to enable these children to rec-
ognize their talents, gifts and abilities; thus allowing them to embrace their self-worth
while gaining hope for their futures and become positive members of our communities.
Our immediate goal is to continue to provide a one week, life-changing camp for child-
ren ages 6-12 in the foster care system. We will continue to promote community aware-
ness and support by maintaining a healthy working relationship with the State of Mich. Department of Human Services and offering support to foster families.SH4KOM will
host multiple community events and fundraisers that function to raise necessary funding and allow us to promote our vision and raise awareness of the needs of our children.
9311 E. Outer Dr.
Detroit, MI 48213
Phone: 313-949-5010
We help foster children in & around Metropolitan Detroit to thrive by providing the
things our foster care system can't. We create first night bags, which are usually
like a brand new backpack. These backpacks include pajamas, socks, underwear, toiletries, and blankets for families like Stacy's, to ease children and foster families
into their new reality on that first night.
The State of Michigan has launched a Web Site to offer advice and opportunities
to foster children who are aging out of Michigan's child welfare system. The new Department of Human Services site-- information
about services and support for hundreds of current and former foster youths.
See FRIENDS OF FOSTER KIDS listing above as well!
Alternatives for Girls
903 W. Grand Blvd.
Detroit, MI 48208
Phone: 313-361-4000 #295
AFG’s Shelter Program provides a stable home, counseling, and life skills training
to homeless young women aged 15-21 and their children. The goal is to empower
them to lead productive and fulfilling lives. AFG’s Shelter can house up to 30 young
women and their children In addition to providing homeless young women with a
safe provides life skills classes, counseling and case planning services to those we
serve—all with the goal of giving them the tools they need to lead fulfilling and inde-
pendent lives a
Shelter programs include:
Stepping Stones:
A program for homeless and runaway young women ages 15-17 with the goal of
reunifying them with their families.
Emergency Shelter:
A program for homeless young women ages 15-21 and their children, with the goal
of providing a short-term safe and stable environment until they can get back on
their feet.
Transition to Independent Living:
Provides homeless young women with long-term shelter combined with life skills
classes, case planning services, and counseling, with the goal of providing young
women with the tools they need to be successful on their own.
Provides continuing support to young women ages 15-21 that have moved out of
our shelter as well as to youth who are homeless or are at risk of becoming home-
less in the community.
Catholic Charities of Southeast Michigan
24445 Northwestern Hwy. Suite 200
Southfield, MI 48075
Phone: 855-882-2736
CCSEM provides a full spectrum of adoption and foster care services to assist birth
families, foster children and their foster families, and prospective adoptive families
to successfully navigate the legal and governmental agency process as well as pro-
viding support through the emotional journey.
Serving the Counties: Lapeer, Monroe, St. Clair, Macomb, Oakland, Wayne.
Our services include:
1. Foster care, licensing, intake, and adoption
2. In-home studies for prospective adoptive or foster care parents
3. Adoption searches
4 . Informational classes
5. Supervised independent living for youth who have aged out of foster care
6. Independent living
Catholic Social Services of Washtenaw County
CSSW Main Building:
4925 Packard
Ann Arbor, MI 48108
Phone: 734-971-9781
Has foster care programs and many other programs to support foster families.
Common Ground Sanctuary
Administration Office:
1410 S. Telegraph (at Orchard Lake Road)
Bloomfield Hills, MI 48302
Phone: 248-456-8150 24-Hour Resource and Crisis Helpline: 800-231-1127
Common Ground offers many programs and services through its five locations
in Oakland County. If you would like more information about available programs,
please contact one of our offices listed below.
Mental Health Services / Resource and Crisis Center
1200 N Telegraph Bldg. 32E
Pontiac, MI 48341
Phone: 248-451-2600
The All for Oxford Resiliency Center
1370 S. Lapeer
Oxford, MI 48371
Crisis Residential Unit
1200 N. Telegraph Bldg. 32E
Pontiac, MI 48341
Call Resource and Crisis Center above for admittance
Common Ground provides a lifeline for individuals and families in crisis, victims
of crime, persons with mental illness, people trying to cope with critical situations
and runaway and homeless youths. Helping people in need for more than 40 years,
Common Ground serves more than 80,000 individuals per year. The majority of ser-
vices are free of charge & 93% of every dollar received goes to direct service. Exper-
iencing a personal or family crisis or know someone who is? We can help.
Call our 24-hour Resource and Crisis Helpline at 800-231-1127 for free and
confidential counseling, information and referrals.
Covenant House of Michigan
Detroit Campus:
2959 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.
Detroit, MI 48208
Phone: 313-463-2000
Grand Rapids Campus:
26 Antoine Street S.W.
Grand Rapids, MI 49507
Phone: 616-608-1380
Covenant House Michigan is a faith-based nonprofit organization that provides
hope to homeless, runaway and at-risk youth ages 18-24. We provide shelter,
educational and vocational programs, as well as other as homelessness, unem-
ployment, inadequate education, violence, drugs and gangs.
Family Youth Interventions
Basic Center:
418 Cass Ave.
Mt. Clemens, MI 48043 24 hour Crisis Line 586-465-1212
Phone: 586-465-1212
The short -shelter program houses run away, homeless, and at -risk youth
ages 12-17, up to 21 days. 24 hour crisis line for information and referrals
Transitional Living;
235 Cass Ave.
Mt. Clemens, MI 48043
Phone: 586-477-1855
The long-term shelter program assists older teens and young adults ages
16-20, that are at-risk of becoming homeless or are homeless.
Rapid Re-Housing:
235 Cass Ave.
Mt. Clemens, MI 48043
Phone: 586-277-1046
Provides financial assistance and supports to homeless young adults ages 18-24.
The Transitional Living Program (TLP) is funded through the Michigan Department
of Human Services, Department of Health and Human Services and The Department
of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), and assists older teens and young adults
that are at risk of becoming homeless or are homeless. Anyone can refer a youth to
this program. This residential program houses a maximum of 6 homeless youth ages
16-20. Youth may stay up to 18 months. The youth are provided counseling and life
skills to lead the youth from life on the streets to a life of self-sufficiency. The youth
is required to find employment, continue their education, & complete volunteer hours.
Guiding Harbor
PO Box 727
525 Huron River Dr.
Belleville, MI 48112
Phone: 734-697-7242 734-634-3243 24 hour emergency
Foster Care:
The Guiding Harbor Foster Care Program provides services to children birth through eighteen years of age. The program is designed to provide a nurturing setting for
children who are either temporarily or permanently unable to return to their family of
Girlstown Residential:
Girlstown is the oldest and most well-known program that Guiding Harbor offers,
successfully serving over 500 adolescent females since inception. The Girlstown
program is an open Residential Program that offers therapeutic residential care
for girls ranging from 12 to 17 years of age referred for emotional and/or behavioral problems that impact their ability to live in the world. We provided an array of servi-
ces to the young ladies in our care, including: mental health, psychiatric services,
routine and specialist medical care follow-up, education support, social and emot-
ional skill building, independent living skills, healthy relationship development, etc.
Supervised Independant Living Program:
Guiding Harbor’s Supervised Independent Living (SIL) Program is designed to assist
young adults in developing independent living skills, enhancing educational/vocational
and career choices while offering employment opportunities. The Supervised Indepen-
dent Living Program offers services to youth age 16 and older, who are physically and emotionally able to master the skills and experiences offered. The clients referred to
this program must have a demonstrated history of functioning at a level appropriate
for community-based living. Youth are placed in homes with home providers or in in- dependent housing. Youth are expected to be self-motivated and responsible for their
life choices. A SIL provider is expected to support and encourage the youth in meeting
all goals set by the case management plan. There is no training required for this prog-
ram. Support to the SIL family is provided by a case manager who will also work directly
with the youth.
Holy Cross Children's Services
Administrative Office:
1030 N. River
Saginaw, MI 48609
Phone: 855-384-3278
Where we Serve:
Holy Cross Services is headquartered in Saginaw and serves across the state. Our
teams work out of operational hubs in Saginaw, Gaylord, Mt. Morris, Muskegon, Lan- sing, Clinton Township, and Detroit. We are designed to be mobile & meet our neigh-
bors where they are, when they need us.
Our Services:
HCS specializes in empowerment and trauma recovery for children and families en-
gaged in the child welfare system and supporting our neighbors to end their episodes
of homelessness.
Although these areas of service have significant intersection, we operate our programs through three functional arms:
- Division of Family-Based Care and Youth Transition
- Division of Residential Care and Family Healing
- Division of Housing and Community Advocacy
Administrative Office:
30301 Northwestern Hwy. Suite 100
Farmington Hills, MI 48334
Phone: 248-549-4339
Judson Center is a non-profit human service agency that provides expert, compre-
hensive services in southeastern Michigan that strengthen children, adults and
families impacted by abuse and neglect, autism, developmental disabilities, and
physical and mental health challenges so they are successful in their communities.
Judson Center has locations in Ann Arbor, Farmington Hills, Flint, Redford, Royal
Oak and Warren.
Providing life-changing services in Autism, Adoption, Foster Care, Mentoring,
Respite, Family Preservation, Vocational Services & Physical, and Mental Health.
Orchards Children's Services
Administrative Office:
24091 Northwestern Hwy. Suite 500
Southfield, MI 48075
Phone: 248-258-0440
Wayne County
7375 Woodward Ave. Suite 2510
Detroit, MI 48202
Phone: 313-416-0200
Genesee County
444 Church
Flint, MI 48502
Phone: 810-239-3264
Macomb County
14460 Lakeside Circle Suite 260
Sterling Heights, MI 48313
Phone: 586-997-3886
Washtenaw County
1995 Highland Dr. Suite F
Ann Arbor, MI 48108
Phone: 734-622-0217
Orchards Children’s Services is one of the largest child welfare agencies in the
State of MI, founded in 1962 by the National Council of Jewish Women (NCJW)
Greater Detroit Section. We also serve Jackson, Lenawee, Livingston, Monroe,
Shiawassee and St. Clair counties and provide Specialized Statewide Services.
111 S. Wallace Blvd.
Ypsilanti, MI 48197
Phone: 734-547-5519
The mission of Our House, a Washtenaw County nonprofit, is to help young people
(age 14-25) successfully transition from foster care to adulthood. Our vision is that
they become successful, self-sufficient and can live independently with confidence.
Often foster alumni do not have the resources to find an apartment and sign a lease
on their own. For some they may not have the financial resources to pay the security deposit, and for others they may not have a relative who is willing to co- sign a lease
with them. And, still for others, they may lack the maturity or confidence to live on their
own. The Launch Pad program is geared for these youth and young adults.
This program is geared toward foster alumni who already have an apartment or
college dorm yet are in need of assistance to mitigate the financial burden of in-
dependent living. Participants must have a current lease and be employed and/or
in school.
We're very excited to announce the expansion of our LAUNCH PAD program!
With support from our community and donors, we've secured a house where all
LAUNCH PAD participants will have a home and community. Our on-site resident
manager will manage the day-to-day operations of the home, guide residents in understanding and applying basic life management skills, and create a safe, nur-
turing and organized environment for all residents.
Ruth Ellis Center
77 Victor
Highland Park, MI 48203
Phone: 313-252-1950
Founded in 1999, Ruth Ellis Center (REC) has established a national reputation for
quality and innovation in providing trauma-informed services for lesbian, gay, bi-
attractional, transgender and questioning (LGBTQ+) youth, and young adults, with
an emphasis on young people of color, experiencing homelessness, involved in the
child welfare system, and/or experiencing barriers to health and wellbeing. It is our
mission, to create opportunities with LGBTQ+ young people to build their vision for
a positive future. Our vision is a world where LGBTQ+ young people are safe and
supported no matter where they go.
SAMARITAS (formally Lutheran Social Services of Michigan)
8131 E. Jefferson Ave.
Detroit, MI 48214
Phone: 313-823-7700
For almost 90 years, Samaritas has served others as an expression of the love of
Christ with programs to help Michigan’s disadvantaged families and individuals
thrive. Samaritas is the state’s largest foster care and adoption organization with
a full suite of family preservation programs and options like Substance Use Disor-
der (SUD) services to keep families together.
Spectrum Human Services
28303 Joy
Westland, MI 48185
Phone: 734-458-8736
Since 1976, we’ve worked to strengthen children, families and communities across
the state of Michigan. Our assistance directly addresses the challenges SHS users
face, including:
- Assessment and diagnostic services
- Independent and assisted living programs
- Juvenile treatment and detention
- Short and long-term residential programs
- Small group living and outpatient mental health treatment
- Substance abuse prevention and treatment services
Starr Commonwealth
Starr Detroit
22400 W. Seven Mile
Detroit, MI 48219
Phone: 313-794-4447
Starr Albion
13725 Starr Commonwealth
Albion, MI 49224
Phone: 800-837-5591
Starr Commonwealth is dedicated to the mission of creating positive environments
where children and families flourish. We specialize in residential, community-based, educational & professional training programs that build on the strengths of children,
adults and families in communities around the world.
The Children's Center of Wayne County
79 Alexandrine West
Detroit, MI 48201
Phone: 313-831-5535
The Children’s Center is proud to offer a continuum of more than 26 services divided
into 4 categories: 1) Healthy Start, 2) Healing the Hurt 3) Safe Home, and 4) Bridging
the Gap
We help foster children succeed in school, fulfill key material needs, and participate
in essential childhood experiences. Our services are tailored to help them graduate
from high school with a plan for their future. The Children’s Center also serves care-
givers by providing educational and financial support to help them navigate the chal-
lenges and opportunities of fostering, to provide the best possible experience for the
youth in their care.
Our Young Adult Self-Sufficiency Program (YASS) gives young people aging out of
the foster care program a chance to find success. We empower these young adults
with the life skills they need to become contributing members of society.
Vista Maria
20651 W. Warren Ave.
Dearborn Heights, MI 48127
Phone: 313-271-3050
What began 140 years ago as a home for girls and women in need has evolved to encompass mental health services, foster care and adoption, and secure care for
the survivors of human trafficking, along with a focus on education, independent
living, and advocacy for the welfare of children.
Wellspring Lutheran Services (formerly Boys & Girls Republic)
Corporate Office:
4100 Pier North Blvd. Suite A
Flint, MI 48504
Phone: 844-467-3356
An extensive system of support services is provided. These include foster parent
training, individual and family counseling for children, independent living services,
behavior modification therapy services when necessary for children, and case man- agement services. In most locations, support groups are offered for foster parents.
A Wellspring caseworker is assigned to each foster child and the caseworker is res- ponsible for providing services to the child, the foster family & the biological family.
Wolverine Human Services
Administrative Offices:
15100 Mack Ave.
Grosse Pointe Park, MI 48230
Phone: 800-214-6186
Wolverine Center
2629 Lenox
Detroit, MI 48215
Phone: 313-822-2400
Residential Campus
101 Enterprise Dr.
Vassar MI, 48768
Phone: 800-214-6186
Community Based Office
1311 S. Linden Road Unit D
Flint, MI 48532
Phone: 800-214-6186
Community Based Office
20300 Superior
Taylor, MI 48180
Phone: 800-214-6186
Community Based Office
14061 E. 13 Mile Road Suite 1
Warren, MI 48093
Phone: 800-214-6186
Wolverine Human Services supports diverse treatment needs such as juvenile
delinquency, substance abuse, rehabilitation, foster care placement, adoption,
high security residential treatment, and culturally- specific care. Our programs
are located throughout SE MI, with campuses in Detroit, Vassar, and Buena Vista Township. Our kids and families come from each of Michigan’s 83 counties.
Yatooma's Foundation for the Kids
2393 Pontiac
Auburn Hills, MI 48326
Phone: 888-987-KIDS
Yatooma’s Foundation For The Kids is a non-profit organization dedicated to
providing guidance, stability, and financial assistance to families with children
who have lost one or both parents. This all-too-common tragedy transcends the
lines of race, religion, and status and often forces children to prematurely assume
the burden of adult responsibility. In addition to immediate financial resources for
living expenses, Yatooma’s Foundation For The Kids attempts to provide at least
some semblance of the parent’s mentoring hand, now reduced to memories and photographs.
Generations United
80 F St NW
Washington D.C.
Phone: 202-289-3979
Generations United's National Center on Grand families works to enact
policies and promote programs to help Grand Family's address challenges. Discount Program
Phone: 855-936-7837
iFoster is the largest and most inclusive online community of young people,
caregivers, and organizations in foster care with 60,000 members in all 50
states, Puerto Rico and Guam.
Resources for Foster Care Youth, Caregivers & Organizations:
We collaborate with more than 350 corporations, government agencies, and
community organizations. This collaboration allows us to provide resources
for foster care youth including educational, employment, health, daily living,
products, services, and opportunities they need.
Jim Casey Youth Opportunities Initiative
Annie E. Casey Foundation
701 Saint Paul
Baltimore, MD
Phone: 410-685-3874
The Jim Casey Initiative works to ensure that young people ages 14–26 — who
have spent at least one day in foster care after their 14th birthday — have equit-
able access to the resources, relationships & opportunities they need to achieve
positive well-being and success as they transition into adulthood.
National Foster Parent Association
13330 Salem Church
Hagerstown, MD 21740
Phone: 800-557-5238
The National Foster Parent Association is a champion for the thousands of fam-
ilies that open their heart and their home to the over 400,000 children in out-of-
home placement in the US. NFPA believes in the importance of family-based care
for foster children and that every child deserves a permanent family. Supporting
foster, adoptive and kinship parents nationally.
1977 N. Olden Ave. Suite #292
Trenton, NJ 08618
Phone: 609-883-8484
Every voice heard. Every child loved. At One Simple Wish we believe that every child deserves love, hope and joy. Every year nearly 500,000 children are impacted
by abuse, neglect & trauma and spend time in our nation’s foster care system. It can
be lonely, confusing and a bit scary. Through our innovative wish-granting platform,
you can send some love to a child who needs a chance to just be kids, but they can
also make important connections, experience new things and find their passion!
Ticket to Dream Foundation
8413 Washington Blvd. #100
Roseville, CA 95678
1407 Valentine Ave. Suite #104
Pacific, WA 98047
Phone: 916-292-9550
We match resources to the needs of foster children across the nation. From essential
items to support services & technology, our goal is to improve thousands of foster
children’s lives. Our goal is to get resources in the hands of foster youth across the
nation. Find out how you can access resources and essentials for your foster child or
non-profit program.
Michigan Department of Human Services
As of July 1st, 2009, a foster youth is now considered "independent" when com-
pleting the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) if he/she was a ward
of the court at any time after the 13th birthday. With an independent status, you are
eligible to receive funding for your college expenses.
Foster Youth Education & Training Voucher Program
ETV covers:
- Books and school supplies
- Personal, computer/supplies
- Miscellaneous personal expenses
OR call Samaritas 1-877-660-METV
The University of Michigan offers current or former foster youths through a
new Paul and Amy Blavin Scholars Fund.
Michigan State University offers scholarships to former foster youths. One
new program is The Foster Care Youth Endowed Scholarship Program which
Western Michigan University
Kalamazoo, MI 49008-5200
Foster Youth & Higher Education Initiative / John Seita Scholars Program
Foster Care to Success
23811 Chagrin Blvd. Suite 210
Cleveland, OH 44122
Phone: 571-03-0270
Foster Care to Success' years of experience working with college-aged foster
youth have helped to shape programs across the country, including ETV, and
we were listed as the preeminent authority on grant administration for foster
youth in the Department of Health and Human Services' ETV Guidelines.
SAMARITIS (formally Lutheran Social Services of Michigan)
Education and Training Voucher (ETV)
729 W. Michigan Ave. Suite 200
Jackson, MI
Phone: 877-660-6388 Detroit: Phone: 877-433-6927
With the enactment of the Safe and Stable Families Act, H.R. 2873 - 10 section
201, the Federal Government has recently provided allocations to states. These
vouchers may be provided to eligible youth to help fund their post-secondary
educational and training endeavors. Funds from this source are called Education
and Training Vouchers (ETV).
Youth eligible for this funding opportunity must meet Michigan's Youth in
Transition (YIT) fund eligibility requirements. Youth who were adopted on
or after their 16th birthday are also eligible. Funds from this source are
available to youth until their 26th birthday as long as all eligibility require-
ments continue to be met, for up to 5 fiscal years.
Please see Friends of Foster Kids above!
Also see National Foster Parent Association above!