


Adult & 



Children &

Children & 
Medical & 


(OR Other






(Help For 
& Raising 
Your Baby)



Employment Training 






"Meals on 


Caregivers Resources


Help With 
Rent & 

Furnishing Assistance



Immigration Resources

Immunization Resources




Car & Car 

Mortgage Assistance



(for Youths)


Parenting Resources






And Their 


Transportation Resources


(And Their 



Weatherization Resources


This page was last updated: March 12, 2025
+++​Be sure to check on this site under CAREGIVER RESOURCES and if applicable, 
Also, CHORE RESOURCES if you need home repairs, modifications, etc.

Michigan-based 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, Stronger Warrior Foundation (SWF) says they are accept-
ing applications for the Adaptive Warrior Grant which provides up to $6,000.00 for home and / or auto modifications for disabled veterans regardless of the disability or how it occurred.
“The Adaptive Warrior program is designed to reach injured Veterans who need modifications for their 
homes or vehicles. Our goal is to help make a Veteran’s living situation easier; Whether their injury was service-related or not,” said Zachary Osaer, Director of Adaptive Warrior. “The program is unique because 
it aims to help those who may not be getting sufficient monetary assistance for these needed modifications from the VA."
Adaptive Warrior Eligibility:
Injury occurred in either:
Other eligibility requirements include:
For more information, contact Adaptive Warrior Director, Zac Osaer at zac@strongerwarriorfoundation.org 
or visit www.strongerwarriorfoundation.org.

Social Security Now has Online Services Available!

Website: https://www.ssa.gov/myaccount
People aged 18 and older who are NOT receiving benefits can sign up for a My Social Security account to
get a personalizes personalized online Social Security statement (rather than having to wait to receive one once a year as was previously done). The online statement provides eligible workers with secure and con- venient access to their Social Security earnings and benefit information and estimates of future benefits 
they can use to plan for their possible disability and/or retirement. In addition, the portal also includes links
to information about other online services, such as applications for retirement, disability and Medicare.  


If you are a Veteran, please go to VETERAN RESOURCES on this site!  Please click on the highlighted link above!  All Veterans are entitled to a FREE ramp at any point in their life should they need it!

Bella's Bumbas 
1170 Ridge Rd. #208
Webster, NY 14580
Email: bellasbumbas@gmail.com
Website: https://bellasbumbas.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bellasbumbas/eid=ARAaxZlF36IkzxMvB8Jh2njmUiy
Providing Wheelchairs to Young Children with Any Type of Mobility Challenge!
We hand-build each child's' chair in our workshop located in Webster, NY with the assistance of many 
volunteers. We do not charge families for the chairs, we only ask that the families cover the shipping 
costs. In the United States, the shipping ranges from $62.40 to $74 depending on the seat style chosen 
the seat style chosen. 

Friends of Man
P.O. Box 937
Littleton, CO 80160-0937
Phone: 303-798-2342
Website: https://www.friendsofman.org
At Friends of Man we are a 501(c)(3), non-profit, tax-exempt charity using 100% of donations for charitable assistance. We work through Referring Professionals (caseworkers, case managers, healthcare workers, social workers, school counselors, teachers, clergy) who apply on behalf of their patients and clients needing mobility equipment, prosthetics, glasses, dentures, hearing aids, and much more!

Habitat for Safe Seniors Free Ramp Program
Operational Headquarters
322 West Lamar 
Americus, GA  31709-3543
Phone: 800-HABITAT   800-422-4828    229-924-6935 
Administrative Headquarters
Habitat for Humanity International
285 Peachtree Center Ave NE     Suite 2700
Atlanta, GA  30303 
Phone:  800-HABITAT     800-422-4828   229-924-6935
Website: https://www.habitat.org/our-work/aging-in-place
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/habitat
If you’re a senior citizen in need of a ramp to make your home more accessible, you may be eligible for the Habitat for Safe Seniors Free Ramp Program. This program is offered by Habitat for Humanity International and provides free ramps to low-income senior citizens who own their homes. To be eligible, seniors must meet income guidelines and have a permanent disability that makes it difficult to use stairs.
If approved, Habitat for Humanity will build a ramp at no cost to the senior citizen. The ramp will be built according to specifications provided by an occupational therapist or other medical professional. For more information about the program or to apply, visit the Habitat for Humanity International website.

Kids Mobility Network Inc.
7390 S. Fraser St.  Unit A
Centennial, CO  80112
Phone: 313-248-8281
Website: https://www.kidsmobility.org/get-equipment
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100064710035060
Kids Mobility Network is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization providing children with disabilities with com-
plex rehab technology and therapeutic recreation equipment such as wheelchairs, standers, adaptive 
bikes, activity chairs, and other medical equipment. We operate our organization with caring and integrity.

Multiple Sclerosis Association of America
375 Kings Highway North
Cherry Hill, NJ  08034
Phone: 800-532-7667 #154
Email: msaa@mymsaa.org
Website: https://mymsaa.org/msaa-help/assistive-equipment
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/msassociation
Equipment Distribution Program:
Individuals with MS can experience difficulty with balance, coordination, fine motor skills & mobility. The MSAA Equipment Distribution Program offers products designed to improve safety, mobility, activities of 
daily living, along with exercise/wellness opportunities. MSAA provides these products at no charge to individuals with MS who qualify for assistance, and items are shipped directly to the client.
Products distributed through the program range from grab bars, shower chairs, and walkers to wide-grip utensil sets and yoga mats. MSAA can assist in providing clients equipment products every three years.

Prosthetics for Amputees By 50 Legs 
100 S, Belcher
Clearwater, FL 33758
Email: steve@50legs.org
Website: https://50legs.org
Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/50LegsIn50Days
1.  Apply online
2. ​ We’ll reach out to you within 5-10 business days
3.  No insurance? We’ll schedule your appointment right away
4.  Have insurance? We’ll work with them to figure out what’s covered. Don’t worry, 50 Legs will cover 
5.  You’ll go to one of our partner prosthetic facilities for 7–14 days to get professionally fitted
6.  We cover the cost of your travel & hotel
7.  You’ll leave our trusted provider with your finished legs and no bills!

The Parker Lee Project, Inc.
1810 S. Kaufman  Suite 204
Ennis, TX 75119
​Phone: 469-441-1485 
Email: megan@theparkerleeproject.org 
Website: http://theparkerleeproject.org/charitableregistrations.html
While the majority of children get things supplied through insurance, some items are not covered or not enough supply is provided. The Parker Lee Project can help fill that gap. The Parker Lee Project knows 
how hard it is to get all the supplies and equipment you need for a special needs child. Especially the 
ones insurance deems a 'luxury,' although actually essential. The Parker Lee Project also knows the 
struggle it is to find agencies to help get these items or the therapies needed for your child. The Parker 
Lee Project has learned more than our fair share through diligent research, caring for Parker and being 
a support to friends and their children as well as their support of us. The Parker Lee Project wants to help 
as many families and children as possible.

USDA Rural Repair and Rehabilitation Grants                      JUST ADDED 2/15/25 
Website: https://www.ncoa.org/article/what-is-the-usda-single-family-housing-repair-loans-and-grants-program
The Home Repair program's loans can be used to fund household repairs such as fixing a leaky roof 
or replacing a broken-down heating system. They can also be applied toward cosmetic or structural improvements, such as additions and kitchen and bath upgrades.  
The Home Repair program's grants, however, are intended to be used primarily to eliminate health and 
safety risks for older residents, such as winterizing a drafty house or repairing faulty electrical wiring. 
Grants can also be applied toward improving accessibility for residents with disabilities (e.g., installing 
a wheelchair ramp). Grants cannot be used to modernize or make cosmetic upgrades to a home. Be sure 
to check with your area Rural Development field office for specific funding guidelines.

Variety – The Children’s Charity / Freedom Program 
600 South Adams Road  Suite 230
Birmingham, MI 48009
Phone: 248-258-5511
Email: info@variety5detroit.com
Website: https://usvariety.org/freedom
Variety’s Freedom Program delivers vital life-changing equipment and services for mobility, independence and social inclusion. Together through the Freedom program, they change children’s lives by granting items and services that provide independence, mobility, and freedom. Grants under the Freedom program are made to individual children and children’s organizations.
This program provides:
- Assistive technology
Freedom grants may cover:
- Manual and powered wheelchairs
- Adaptive bicycles and trikes
- Assistance animals
- Hoists and lifts
- Modified vehicle access
- Standing and walking assistance like gait trainers, walkers, standing frames and positioning systems
- Specialized car seating, shower, and toilet chairs, and many more
For further information on Variety’s Freedom Program or to find out information on qualifying to receive 
help, please contact Variety of the United States or a local Variety Office.

Wheelchairs 4 Kids
1976 S. Pinellas Ave.
Tarpon Springs, FL  34689
Phone: 727-946-0963
Email: Info@wheelchairs4kids.org
​Website: https://wheelchairs4kids.org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wheelchairs4kidsorg
Let’s Roll’s Four Key Areas of Assistance:
Wheelchairs – Our most popular request. Wheelchairs 4 Kids provides new or nearly new wheelchairs 
for children who have outgrown their current equipment or need a chair with more features and support 
as their abilities deteriorate due to one of the myriads of progressive diseases that afflict our children.  
Vehicle Modifications – Wheelchairs 4 Kids provides wheelchair ramps or lifts for vehicles meet 
certain criteria. The parent or guardian must own the vehicle or provide a notarized letter from the 
owner permitting the modification.
Home Modifications – Wheelchairs 4 Kids provides some home modifications such as ramps, door 
widening, grab bars, etc. Each home modification is evaluated on a case by case basis dependent 
on the structure of the home. The parent or guardian must own the home or provide a notarized letter 
from the owner permitting the modification.
Therapeutic and Assistive Equipment – Wheelchairs 4 Kids provides therapeutic and assistive equip-
ment such as hoyer lifts, gait trainers, bathing solutions, adaptive trikes, standers, and many other 


Great Lakes Loan Closets / Michigan Loan Closets
P.O. Box 19614
Kalamazoo, MI 48019
Email: janice@michiganloanclosets.us
Website: https://loanclosets.org
Great Lakes Loan Closets is designed to help residents of Michigan, Wisconsin, Northern Indiana, &
Northern Illinois find organizations that lend medical equipment for minimal or no cost. Loan Closets, 
also known as medical equipment loaning programs or re-use programs, lend home equipment from members of the community who no longer need it. They clean the equipment, check to make sure it's
in good condition and lend it to those who need it. Loan closets typically have durable medical equip-
ment (DME) such as wheelchairs, shower chairs, bedside commodes, walkers, crutches, canes, and 
high-rise toilet seats. Some may also have hospital beds or electric wheelchairs available. Each loan 
closet is unique, with its own set of eligibility requirements, equipment, and loan period. Enter your 
area into the online database to find loan closets in your area!

LOAN CLOSETs in Wayne, Oakland & Macomb Counties
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1150925175614336/permalink/1184518805588306

Also call the following organizations in YOUR area as many have Loan Closets too! 
City Hall / Recreation Department / Senior Center / Churches / VFW's / American Legions / Local Hospitals / Fire Depts, etc.  You can also find some equipment at local thrift stores such as Goodwill and be sure to check the Facebook FREE pages!*-------------

ALS of Michigan
24359 Northwestern Hwy. Suite #100
Southfield, MI 48075
Phone: 248-354-6100      800-882-5764
Email: alsofmi@alsofmi.org
Website: https://alsofmichigan.org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/alsofmichigan
Equipment Loan Closet: 
Our medical equipment loan closet is available free of charge to all of our Michigan pALS. Durable equip-
ment for loan include ramps, lifts, wheelchairs, communication devices, & more. We also accept donations 
of new or used equipment that is clean and in working order. Items that we cannot accept include cough assist or BiPAP machines, beds, shower chairs, commodes or any type of tubing.

Michigan Department of Human Health Services - Children with Special Needs Fund
320 South Walnut Street    6th Floor
Lansing, MI  48913                              This fund also works in conjunction with St. Joseph Helpers below!
Phone: 517-241-7420
Email: csnfund@michigan.gov
Website: https://www.michigan.gov/csnfund
The CSN Fund provides support for children in Michigan with special health care needs when help is not available through any other funding source. The CSN is for children enrolled in or eligible to enroll in the Children's Special Health Care Services (CSHCS) Program. The Fund helps with the purchase of equipment and services that promote optimal health, mobility, and development, enhancing the lives of children and 
their families.
The fund may provide partial or full payment items including, but not limited to:
To apply, you can access the application on our website. Applications should be faxed, emailed, or mailed 
to the CSN office. You can call for assistance, or you may ask your local health department for assistance.
Documents Required:
Financial Assessment Form (DCH-1273) (for children not enrolled in CSHCS) | A letter from the child's parent or legal guardian/caregiver explaining the need and reason for the request | A letter of medical necessity from the child's specialty physician | Documentation of Assistance form (DCH-2423) showing you contacted at least two (2) sources for assistance in purchasing the equipment | Signed Landlord Agreement form (DCH-2424)

Disability Eastern Michigan    (listing ONLY the counties this Website serves!)
Troy Office
1709 John R
Troy, MI 48083
Phone: 586-268-4160
Email: info@dnemichigan.org
Website:  https://www.dnemichigan.org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DNEMichigan
Disability Network Eastern Michigan is a Center for Independent Living serving Huron, Lapeer, Macomb, Oakland, Sanilac, St. Clair and Tuscola Counties.
Disability Network Wayne County Detroit
5555 Conner Ste. 2224
Detroit, MI  48213 
Phone: 313-923-1655
27459 Five Mile 
Livonia, MI  48154
Phone: 313-923-1655
Email: info@dnwayne.org
Website: https://disabilitynetworkwcd.org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DisabilityNetworkWayneCounty
Our Mission is to empower, educate and advocate for individuals with disabilities while promoting inde- pendent living, inclusion and accessible pathways.
DNWML Loan Closet:
The DNWML is happy to provide individuals with disability-related equipment at no cost. Equipment avail-ability, color, brand, or style may vary. Our loan closet’s inventory is dependent upon new or gently-used donations.
Equipment includes (but might not be limited to:
Other items are considered on a case-by-case basis. 
Disability Network Washtenaw Monroe Livingston 
Washtenaw + Livingston
3941 Research Park Dr.
Ann Arbor, MI 48108
Phone: 734-971-0277
Email: krystina@dnwml.org
Website: https://www.dnwml.org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AnnArborCIL
15515 S Dixie Hwy
Monroe, MI 48161
Phone: 734-682-5271
DNWML Loan Closet:
The DNWML is happy to provide individuals with disability-related equipment at no cost. Equipment avail- ability, color, brand, or style may vary. Our loan closet’s inventory is dependent upon new or gently-used donations. Equipment includes (but might not be limited to:
Other items are considered on a case-by-case basis.
disAbility Connections / Lenawee & Jackson counties)
1040 S. Winter  Suite 3010
Adrian, MI 49221
Phone: 517-264-5330
Email: lora@disabilityconnect.org
Website: https://www.disabilityconnect.org/contact
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/disAbilityConnectionsJackson

Duchenne Family Assistance Program / Team Joseph & Little Hercules Foundation
5745 W. Maple Suite 204
West Bloomfield, MI 48322
Phone: 833-428-3301
Email: marissa@teamjoseph.org
Website: https://www.teamjoseph.org/family-assistance
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/teamjosephinfo
The Duchenne Family Assistance Program is a collaboration between Team Joseph and Little Hercules Foundation, and provides personalized assistance to individuals and families affected by Duchenne 
Muscular Dystrophy.
A life with Duchenne is constantly changing. If you need assistance obtaining equipment that is not 
covered by your insurance, we are here to help.
Do you need assistance purchasing an accessible vehicle or modifying a van? Please reach out for 
help with resources or to request financial assistance.

Easter Seals AgrAbility
4065 E Hills Ct SE
Grand Rapids, MI 49546
Phone: 800-956-4106
Email: NStoller@essmichigan.org
Website: www.michiganagrability.org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MichiganAgrAbility
Beyond the emotional and physical challenges of adapting to a disability, farm families often face finan-
cial challenges and uncertainties about the future of their farm operation. Michigan AgrAbility offers assistance and solutions that make a difference. All services are provided free of charge. Michigan Agr-
Ability staff helps farm operations adjust to manage disabling conditions, such as, arthritis, chronic back pain, joint injuries, amputations, spinal cord injuries, hearing loss and any other condition that may limit 
a farmer’s ability to work.
​The information and referral services and farm-site assessments are offered at no cost to the farmer. The 
cost of new equipment or modifications made to old equipment, the farm operation, or the farm home is typically covered through the state via Michigan Rehabilitation Services and Easter Seals Michigan, and 
our other partners and sponsoring organization. Michigan AgrAbility staff will help the farmer navigate 
the state system to access these supporting funds.

Michigan Disability Rights Coalition
3498 East Lake Lansing Road    Suite 100
East Lansing, MI   48823   
Phone: 517-333-2477   800-578-1269
Email: mdrc@mymdrc.org
Website: https://dnmichigan.org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mymdrc
We are dedicated to helping persons with disabilities achieve full participation in their community and
life and remain self-sufficient. For you, this means access to the 15 Centers For Independent Living (
CILs) serving the entire state; your CIL in your community. As the network for accessibility resources, information and advocacy — We are YOUR statewide network.
Michigan Assistive Technology Loan Fund
23077 Greenfield Road
Southfield, MI 48910
Phone: 248-557-5070
Email: info@mi-ucp.org
Website: https://mi-ucp.org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/michiganucp
What can I purchase with my assistive technology loan?
The Michigan Assistive Technology Loan Fund (MATLF) promotes community development by providing Michiganders with disabilities and their families financial opportunities to increase independence and
quality of life. The MATLF supports the purchase of needed technology through low (or no) interest and
loan guarantees. It is supported through the Michigan Assistive Technology Program.
Assistive Technology is any item, piece of equipment, or product system, whether acquired commercially
off the shelf, modified, or customized, that is used to increase, maintain, or improve the functional capab-ilities of a person with a disability.
Michigan United Cerebral Palsy
Lansing Michigan 48910
Phone: -203-1200 
Website: www.mi-ucp.org

Oracle Health Foundation
8779 Hillcrest Road   Dock 2048
Kansas City, MO 64138
Phone: 816-201-1569
Email: oraclehealthfoundation_ww@oracle.com
Website: https://www.oraclehealthfoundation.org
We believe all children deserve equal access to healthcare, no matter their life circumstance, and strive toward our vision of an equitable world where individuals and communities thrive.
Life-saving and life-changing grants:
Financial constraints and insurance limitations sometimes make it impossible for families to cover their child's medical expenses. Oracle Health Foundation's pediatric grants connect children to needed care 
when finances stand in the way. Applications are accepted from the United States and through select international providers.
Pediatric grants:
Life-changing and life-saving grants for life-saving organ transplants, custom wheelchairs so children 
can safely explore the world around them, travel expenses to help families stay together during treatment, physical therapy, and more.

MPVA Loan Closet Program / Paralyzed Veterans of America-Michigan Chapter
46701 Commerce Center Drive   (Located inside the Michigan Life Science and Innovation Center)
Plymouth, MI  48170
Phone: 248-476-9000
Website: www.michiganmpva.org 
Facebook: ChapterHQ@MichiganPVA.org
Michigan Paralyzed Veterans of America (MPVA) has served Michigan since 1961, "making a difference"
in the lives of veterans, their families, and the public. We are a leadership organization reaching out on 
behalf of our members (veterans with spinal cord injury or disorders), associate members, and all people
with disabilities to provide the highest possible quality of life in Michigan.

St. Joseph's Helpers
20600 Eureka Rd.    Suite #710              
Taylor, MI 48180 
Phone: 800-303-5075  #1 Intake   #2 Project Manager 
Email: SJH@SJHelpers.org
Website: https://sjhelpers.org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100086461951773
A non-profit organization, founded on Christian values, composed of vetted & background-screened 
men & women who volunteer their time and talents to provide those in need with BASIC household 
repairs & chores. We install safety equipment such as railings & banisters, shower bars, smoke alarms 
& do MINOR electric & plumbing & carpentry repairs. (This agency does NOT do roof & gutter replace-
ment or repairs, painting of homes inside or out, renovations of bathrooms or kitchens, etc. They don't 
clear flooded basements or clean mold. They also do NOT build structures such as garages, sheds and porches). 
We serve Seniors, Veterans and those who verifiable disabilities in the counties of Macomb, Monroe, 
Livingston, Oakland, St. Clair, Wayne & Washtenaw counties. Please send your work request via the 
application on the website preferably OR call. Be SURE to give the right phone number and key the 
agency number in your phone so you will know when the office is calling to arrange a repair! If they 
cannot reach you, you will be placed in the "inactive" file. 
New Ramp Program!     Effective May 2024
Will be providing steel, temporary ramps to those who are confined to wheelchairs and cannot leave
their home safely due to this. All applicants will be vetted by a Social Worker with a medical back-
ground and you MAY have to provide a doctor's prescription if there is a question about the need for 
a ramp. The ramp will be ordered and delivered to client's home and installed by SJ Helper volunteers.
You will need to sign a form stating that when the ramp is no longer needed, it will be returned to the 
program to be passed on to the next client in need. A Project Manager will visit the client's home be-
fore any installation to measure & photograph the home to confirm that the ramp can be safely installed.
Please send pictures of the outside of the home to JulieKC@sjhelpers.org. If for some reason our ramps
will not fit on your home, we will provide a list of other organizations who can build you a wooden ramp
although there may be a waiting list for these agencies. 


Detroit Home Accessibility Project            
Detroit Housing Resource Hotline: 866-313-2520
Website: chnhousingpartners.org/Detroit/DHAP  To apply!
The City of Detroit, in partnership with CHN Housing Partners (CHN) and Detroit Housing Network (DHN), announced the opening of the application process for the Detroit Home Accessibility Program, which will make safety and access improvements at the homes of Detroit residents with disabilities and low-income seniors.
This groundbreaking initiative, funded with $6.6 million from City of Detroit ARPA funds, aims to improve 
the living conditions of residents who struggle with basic access to and inside their own homes.
Interested residents can apply at the website above or by calling the number above OR by walking into 
a Detroit Housing Network location. Applicants MUST submit an eligibility form to qualify.
Types of Improvements offered:

23077 Greenfield   Suite 205
Southfield, MI 48075
Phone: 248-557-5070      800-827-4843
1325 S. Washington Ave.
Lansing, MI 48910
​Phone: 517-203-1200     800-827-4843
Email: info@mi-ucp.org
Website: https://www.mi-ucp.org/accessibilityandmobility
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/michiganucp
Email: quickramps@mi-ucp.org
Website: https://www.mi-ucp.org/accessibilityandmobility
Application: https://www.mi-ucp.org/_files/ugd/749e4f_2b99805e06ee4760b29fd7db53eff389.pdf
QuickRamps are a simple, portable ramp solution for children who use a wheelchair. Unlike costly built-to-order ramps, QuickRamps are inexpensive and immediately functional. Upon delivery, just open the box, 
pick it up, & place the ramp over the home’s stairs. These ramps are easy to fold and transport, allowing a world of different locations to become more accessible.
Email: rampsforindependence@mi-ucp.org
Ramps for Independence is a MI-UCP program designed to improve the quality of life for people with disabilities, seniors and veterans with low to moderate income by making their housing more accessible. People who use wheelchairs or other mobility devices need ramps to get in and out of their homes. The 
cost of a ramp is often prohibitive for people with low to moderate income and building programs are very limited here in Michigan. 

The Helm Life Center (formerly Services for Older Citizens)
158 Ridge 
Grosee Pointe Farms, MI  48236
Phone: 313-882-9600
Email: info@helmlife.org
Website: https://helmlife.org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheHelmLifeCenter
Medical Equipment Lending:
Phone: 313-649-2108
Has hospital equipment and supplies to borrow at no charge. We rely on the generous donations from our community to keep the loan closet full. Our supplies change depending on seniors’ needs, as well as do- nations received. Serves older adults in the Grosse Pointes and Harper Woods.

Variety - The Children's Charity Detroit
600 S. Adams   Suite 230 
Birmingham, MI 48009
Phone: 248-258-5511
Email: info@varietydetroit.com
Website: http://variety-detroit.com/how-we-help/variety-bikes-for-kids
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/VarietyDetroit
The Variety Bikes for Kids Mobility Program works year-round to provide prescriptively modified, adaptive therapy bikes to children with special needs. For eligibility requirements for an adaptive bike for a child in need, please email Variety or call. Applicants for consideration must submit a detailed application with let-
ters of recommendation, from the child’s physician or specialist and therapist and a detailed quote for the bike requested. 
Variety - the Children's Charity Detroit is the founder of a very unique and integral program serving children with upper limb differences since 1981. The Variety Myoelectric Center at Beaumont Children’s Hospital is a unique and comprehensive program in North America that provides a doctor, prosthetist, occupational thera- pist and the necessary funding for equipment and therapy services to children with upper limb differences due to congenital or traumatic limb loss. With guidance from Dr. Edward Dabrowski of Beaumont Children’s and prosthetic care from Hanger clinic Livonia, this historically underserved population of children is pro- vided with life-like, state-of-the-art myoelectric arms with hands that open and close, allowing them to use 
two hands to perform daily tasks. 
Myoelectric limbs typically range between $25,000-$40,000 each. The recurring process of evaluating, fit-
ting, creating, and providing therapy is a costly one. Often, families find that insurance companies deem myoelecmtric prostheses a “luxury”, preferring to cover a hook or nothing at all. Frequently, insurance companies will cover a single prosthesis, failing to provide the repeated coverage needed as the child 
grows and requires replacement prostheses. 

World Medical Relief
21725 Melrose Ave.
Southfield, MI 48075
Phone: 313-866-5333
Email: info@worldmedicalrelief.org 
Website: http://www.worldmedicalrelief.org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/World-Medical-Relief-Inc-92544848549
Medical Supply Service (for individual clients in Metro Detroit):
By working closely with other non-profits in our community, we are able to provide a variety of medical supplies to people in need. These supplies include dressings, kerlix bandages, gloves, and liquid nutrit-
ional supplements. We also have adult diapers, pull-ups, and bed-pads available. There is a small hand-
ling fee for the service.
Durable Medical Equipment Program (for individual clients in Metro Detroit)
This program enables low-income clients to obtain items such as canes, walkers, hospital beds, over-the-
bed tables, and tub benches. To take part in the program, clients must have the ability to pick up their med-ical equipment from our Southfield warehouse. There is a handling fee for DME.
Blanket Relief Program (Wayne, Oakland, and Macomb County)
Working with over 60 homeless shelters and agencies assisting families in need, we distribute free twin 
size blankets, hygiene kits, and baby blankets. The blanket program runs prior to the winter season in November and December. Hygiene kits are available year-round. Agencies interested in collaboration
may contact World Medical Relief's local program manager at info@worldmedicalrelief.org.


United Way of Monroe / Project Ramp / United Way of Monroe & Lenawee Counties  
216 N. Monroe  
Monroe, MI 48162
Phone: 734-242-1331  
136 East Maumee  Suite 15
Adrian MI 49221
Phone: 517-264-6821
Email:  lpipis@unitedwaymlc.org
Website: https://www.unitedwaymlc.org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/UnitedWayMLC
Project Ramp was established in 1990with a partnership from the United Way of Monroe / Lenawee Counties and the Monroe / Lenawee County AFL-CIO Central Labor Council. It was a vision of both organizations to help create an accessible home for all in Monroe / Lenawee Counties. Since 1990, Project Ramp has built hundreds of ramps across Monroe and Lenawee Counties. For Ramp Application call 517-264-6821.


Kiwanis Club of Shelby Golden K Medical Equipment Closet 
51660 Van Dyke Ave. 
Shelby Twp., MI 
Phone: 248-821-1496  Rich 
The Kiwanis Club of Shelby Township Golden K offers free mobility devices and home help equipment to anyone who needs it, but especially seniors and veterans. Items include: manual wheelchairs in all sizes, power wheelchairs and scooters, transport and lift chairs, Rollators, knee scooters, medical beds, shower seats, transfer shower chairs, commodes, toilet risers, Hoyer lift hoists, toilet seat safety frames, walkers, canes, crutches, diapers, bed tables, ramps, pedal exercisers, and reaching grips. The service is a godsend 
to people who don’t have medical insurance.
A club volunteer is at a 2,000 square-foot storage facility (a former court site) 9-11 a.m. on Tuesdays and Fridays to help folks pick out equipment.

Macomb Community Action Community Services Division / Home Injury Prevention Program 
21885 Dunham Suite 10 
Clinton Township, MI 48036
​Phone: 586-469-6329
Email: Steve Schuster at steve.schuster@macombgov.org
Website: https://mca.macombgov.org/MCA-ES-ActionCenters
Temporary Modular Ramps:
Macomb Community Action installs temporary modular aluminum ramps on a short-term basis for disabled seniors. When the ramps are no longer needed, they are removed and used for new participants. The number of ramps is limited. A waiting list is maintained for this project. There is a nominal usage fee for the ramps. 
Macomb County resident
Age 60 and older
Home Injury Prevention Program installs devices to ensure safety and prevent falls and injuries in the homes of eligible Macomb County seniors. Program staff will conduct an assessment, make recommendations and install one or more of the following safety devices:
The suggested contribution is $10 per device and $10 for the safety assessment.
Loan Closet:
If you need a wheelchair, cane or walker:
Email: mcaseniors@macombgov.org
Website: https://mca.macombgov.org/MCA-Seniors-Loan
When emailing questions regarding services, please include your name, phone number or other contact information and city of residence. This helps us to serve you more efficiently. Items are available on a 
first-come, first-serve basis. It is recommended that you call the office first at 586-469-5228 to inquire if 
the equipment that you need is available.  


Habitat for Humanity of Monroe County / Project Serve 
14930 LaPlaisance     Suite 111 
Monroe, MI 48161
Phone: 734-243-2048
Email: cwillis@habitatmonroemi.org
Website:  https://habitatmonroemi.org/volunteer/#programs
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/hfhmonroe
Habitat Monroe’s ramp program serves people in need of safe and independent access in and out of their homes and is a fantastic resource for many Veterans. Ramp projects are subject to approval by the buildi-
ng inspector & obtaining a proper building permit. Each project may take 6 to 8 weeks for completion. 
These projects are subject to the availability of funding. This program serves homeowners in Monroe Co.
We are happy to accept your application for consideration. Also does basic home repairs for Veterans. 

United Way of Monroe / Project Ramp / United Way of Monroe & Lenawee Counties  
216 N. Monroe  
Monroe, MI 48162
Phone: 734-242-1331  
136 East Maumee    Suite 15
Adrian MI 49221
Phone: 517-264-6821
Email:  lpipis@unitedwaymlc.org
Website: https://www.unitedwaymlc.org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/UnitedWayMLC
Project Ramp was established in 1990 with a partnership from the United Way of Monroe / Lenawee Co's
and the Monroe / Lenawee County AFL-CIO Central Labor Council. It was a vision of both organizations to help create an accessible home for all in Monroe / Lenawee Counties. Since 1990, Project Ramp has built hundreds of ramps across Monroe and Lenawee Counties. For Ramp Application call 517-264-6821. 


​Faith in Action / Mission Possible 
3252 University Dr.  Suite 140
Auburn Hills, MI  28326
Phone: 248-820-3767
Email: lauraine.faithinactionoakland@gmail.com
Website: http://faithinactionoakland.org/about.html
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FIAOC
Multiple home repairs, such as ramps and other safety issues.


Faith In Action 1
603 S. Main 
Chelsea, MI 48118
Phone: 734-475-3305
Email: sarahshugart@faithinaction1.org
Website: https://faithinaction1.org/contact-faith-in-action
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FIA.ChelseaDexter
Free Medical Equipment Closet: Donated durable medical equipment is made available to anyone who 
needs it.

Office of Community and Economic Development  
Accessibility Ramp Program
415 W. Michigan Ave.
Ypsilanti, MI 48197
Phone: 734-544-3008
Website: https://www.washtenaw.org/765/Accessibility-Ramp-Program
The Accessibility Ramp Program offers funding for the installation of exterior wheelchair ramps in order 
to improve the accessibility of a home. Homes must be owner-occupied to qualify for the program. Manu- factured homes are eligible for this program on a case-by-case basis. The program provides funding for 
the material and labor cost to install a ramp for homeowners throughout the Urban County jurisdictions. Household income must be at or below 80% of the area median income.
All accessibility projects shall include a property lien, which covers the cost of installation. The terms of 
the property lien shall be in the form of a deferred, zero percent interest loan that is forgiven at the rate of one-fifth per year for a five-year period following project completion. After five years the lien is 100% for-given. Rental properties are not eligible for this Program.


Veterans who need Disability Ramps for their homes, can apply to receive one FREE thru the V.A. no matter their age or the reason they became disabled.  

You must have an examination by a V.A. doctor in order to receive a prescription & ramp from the V.A.

National Resource Directory
Website: https://nrd.gov
The National Resource Directory (NRD) is a United States Government inter-agency web portal for Wound-
ed Warriors, Service Members, Veterans, their families and caregivers.[1] It provides information and links
to thousands of national, state and local resources.[2] The NRD was established to support the reintegra-
tion, recovery and rehabilitation of our members of the U.S.  Armed Forces. Visitors to the web portal can 
find information about Veterans' benefits, including disability and pension benefits, VA health care and  educational opportunities, homeless assistance and employment resources. The site also provides infor- mation for those who care for Veterans, such as access to emotional, financial and community assistance. The links include federal, state and local government agencies, Veterans service organizations, non-profit 
and community-based organizations, and academic institutions and professional associations.

Habitat for Humanity of Monroe County / Veteran Ramp Project 
14930 LaPlaisance Suite 111 
Monroe, MI 48161
Phone: 734-243-2048
Email: dgraves@habitatmonroemi.org
Website: https://habitatmonroemi.org/veterans
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/hfhmonroe
Aging in Place program:
Website: https://www.habitat.org/our-work/aging-in-place
Our local Habitat affiliates collaborate with human services organizations to evaluate individual needs and provide critical home repairs, modifications and community services specific to each homeowner’s lifestyle to preserve their home and their independence.
​Veteran Ramp Program: 
Website: https://habitatmonroemi.org/veterans/ramp-application
Habitat Monroe’s ramp program serves people in need of safe and independent access in and out of their homes & is a fantastic resource for many Veterans. Ramp projects are subject to approval by the building inspector & obtaining a proper building permit. Each project may take 6 to 8 weeks for completion. These projects are subject to the availability of funding. This program serves homeowners in Monroe County. We
are happy to accept your application for consideration.

Paralyzed Veterans of America / Michigan Chapter  
Our Chapter Office is located at:
46701 Commerce Center Dr.
(Located inside the Michigan Life Science and Innovation Center)
Plymouth, MI  48170
Phone: 248-476-9000   Michigan Toll-free: 800-638-MPVA (6782)
Our Service Office is located at:
McNamara Federal Building
477 Michigan Ave.
Detroit, MI  48226
Phone: 313-471-3996    Toll-free: 800-795-3608    
Website: www.michiganpva.org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/michiganpva
MPVA's Loan Closet / Equipment Donation Program focuses on the needs of people disabilities. We only accept items that assist individuals with mobility issues. Our program focuses on the needs of people with spinal cord injury or disease. You may keep the equipment as long as necessary.  
Anyone in need is eligible in ALL Michigan counties. 
We only accept items that assist individuals with mobility issues, like:

500 Fox Ridge 
Saint Louis, MO  63131
Phone: 800-401-7940
Website: http://www.segs4vets.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Segs4Vets
Segs4Vets has provided over 2,150 Universally Designed mobility devices to our Nation's Veterans. Segs4Vets provides over 400 maintenance and Support services to our Veterans each year.

VA Automobile Allowance and Adaptive Equipment 
Phone: 800-827-1000       800-829-4833 for hearing impaired
Veterans with a service-connected disability and injured service members still serving on active-duty 
with an injury that prevents them from driving an automobile may qualify for a VA program to purchase 
a specially modified motor vehicle. VA assists in paying for adaptive equipment, repairs, replacements,
and reinstallations for automobile gear. Benefits are typically granted to individuals who have a service- connected disability, such as:
Please note that Veterans or active duty must have at least one disability to qualify for disability benefits 
from the VA. Approved applicants may receive a one-time payment for up to $21,058.69 to help with spec- ialized purchases for their automobile. In some cases, a person may receive one or more adaptive equip-
ment grants so that they can add additional features to their vehicle (power steering, brakes, lift equip-
ment, etc.), allowing individuals easier access to their vehicle. To obtain benefits, people must file a claim 
for disability compensation, which the VA must approve before buying a vehicle or adaptive equipment.
For those who already filed a claim for VA disability, use VA Form 21-4502 “Application for Automobile or Other Conveyance and Adaptive Equipment” when applying for assistance.
To apply, people must:
1.  Complete all items on Section I and II of the form.
2.  Submit and send the form to the nearest VA regional office. If approved, VA will complete Section III 
      and return the form.
3.   Purchase a vehicle. Once you receive the seller’s vehicle and adaptive equipment, complete Section IV            and return the form.
In some instances, applicants may only qualify for adaptive equipment. If so, Veterans will need to fill out
VA Form 10-1394 “Application for Adaptive Equipment—Motor Vehicle.”

BE SURE TO SCROLL ALL THE WAY TO THE BOTTOM of the page to find ALL the Resources!!