The Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program offers free tax help to people who generally make $55,000 or less, persons with disabilities and limited English speaking taxpayers who need assistance in preparing their own tax returns. IRS-
certified volunteers provide free basic income tax return preparation with electronic filing to qualified individuals.
In addition to VITA, the Tax Counseling for the Elderly (TCE) program offers free tax help for all taxpayers, particularly those who are 60 years of age and older special- zing in questions about pensions and retirement-related issues unique to seniors. The IRS-certified volunteers who provide tax counseling are often retired individuals associated with non-profit organizations that receive grants from the IRS.
Unless otherwise noted, listed below are FREE TAX SERVICES to those who are:
A HOMEBOUND PROGRAM for seniors and those physically unable to visit
tax site is available via mail by contacting the Accounting Aid Society at 313-
647-9620 and asking for a Homebound Packet.
What Is IRS Free File?
The IRS Free File Program is a public-private partnership between the IRS and
many tax preparation and filing software industry companies who provide their online tax preparation and filing for free. It provides two ways for taxpayers to prepare and file their federal income tax online for free:
Guided Tax Preparation provides free online tax preparation and filing at an IRS partner site. Our partners deliver this service at no cost to qualifying taxpayers. Taxpayers whose AGI is $73,000 or less qualify for a free federal tax return. Free
File Fillable Forms are electronic federal tax forms, equivalent to a paper 1040
form. You should know how to prepare your own tax return using form instruct-
ions and IRS publications if needed. It provides a free option to taxpayers whose income (AGI) is greater than $73,000.
Internal Revenue Service
500 Woodward Ave.
Detroit, MI
Phone: 313-628-3722
FREE Tax Counseling for the Elderly (TCE) and Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA). Home-bound taxpayers can ask for a volunteer home visit.
If you are experiencing financial hardship related to a tax issue, you might qualify
for free, confidential help from the Taxpayer Advocate Service. The independent organization works within the I.R.S. to help taxpayers navigate the tax system & settle issues. Request help by dialing 877-777-4778 or by going to
AARP will do FREE tax preparation for basic returns.
Contact the AARP at 888-227-7669 to find a site in Michigan.
on "AARP In Your State". If you've made lots of stock trades the AARP won't do free returns.
It only handles simple tax returns for low and middle income taxpayers with special attention to those age 60 and older.
AARP Foundations Property Tax-Aid Program
Phone: 833-263-9014
More than 9 million Americans likely qualify for property tax relief, but only
about 8 percent of them apply for it according to AARP Property Tax-Aide re-
search. The program helps homeowners & renters determine if they qualify
for state-administered property tax relief programs and provides resources
to help with applications. Eligibility criteria for property tax relief are set by
states and often depend on age and income level as well as veteran and dis-
ability status. Filing deadlines vary by state.
ALSO: The State of Michigan also has a list of FREE tax preparation through-
ACTIVE-DUTY MILITARY: You can file for free online at MilitaryOneSource
and have access to TurboTax Basic and 1040 EZ for Federal and State returns.
Lakeshore Legal Aid Counsel & Advocacy Law Line
16250 Northland Dr. Suite 363
Southfield, MI 48075
Phone: 248-443-8068 New Client Intake: 888-783-8190
Lakeshore Legal Aid is a not-for-profit law firm providing a range of free
civil legal services to people who are low-income, seniors, and survivors
of domestic violence and sexual assault in our communities.
Covers a WIDE variety of legal matters!
Now serving residents of Wayne, Oakland and Macomb counties.
Lakeshore Legal Aid has 14 locations across S.E. MI.
ACCESS One-Stop Employment & Human Service Center
Social Services Department
6451 Schaefer
Dearborn, MI 48126
Phone: 313-203-1874
Clients MUST meet the following income guideline set by the IRS to qualify:
individuals with the annual income of $20,000 or less and families & the
annual income of $42,000 or less.
Accounting Aid Society Tax Assistance Program
Accounting Aid Society HQ
3031 W. Grand Blvd. Suite 470
Detroit, MI 48202
Phone: 313-556-1920
Full Service Tax Help:
Families and individuals with incomes up to $56,000 may be eligible for our
full-service tax help. If so, we can work with you to prepare and file your fed-
eral, state, and local income tax returns, and to ensure you receive all of your
federal and state Earned Income Tax Credits (EITC). If you struggle to make
sense of your taxes, or if you worry that you may miss key refunds and credits,
we’re here to help.
A Homebound Program for seniors and those physically unable to visit a tax
site is available via mail by contacting the Accounting Aid Society at 313-647-
9620 and asking for a Homebound Packet.
Detroit Communities Tax & Resource Center
25245 Five Mile
Redford, MI 48239
Phone: 313-818-1749
Offers free income tax preparation for low-income households, as well as
information on opening a credit union account, home ownership programs
and getting assistance paying utility bills. Call for appointment and infor-
mation! Arabic & Spanish speaking preparers!
Focus: HOPE
1400 Oakman Blvd.
Detroit, MI 48238
Phone: 313-494-5500
Economic Mobility:
In partnership with LISC and the United Way of S.E. MI, Focus: HOPE is an
Opportunity Center, also known as one of the region’s Centers for Working
Families helping adults pursue the financial success they are after.
Financial Success Classes and Coaching:
Offers FREE classes and one on one coaching that help improve credit score,
set budgets, developing a plan and more.
Income Support Assistance:
Not only does the Michigan Department of Health Human Services (DHHS) have
a permanent presence on Focus: HOPE’s campus with Counselors available Mon-
day through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., our participants have access to a range
of other easily accessible income supports. This free tax preparation through the Accounting Aid Society.
Matrix Human Services
Central Office:
1400 Woodbridge
Detroit, MI 48207
Phone: 313-526-4000 #1411
Services and support designed to assist clients in reaching their personal
economic upward mobility goals.
Services within this Center include:
- One-on-one financial coaching and counseling
- Free credit reports and FICO scores
- Financial capabilities classes
- Tax Prep Assistance (during tax time only)
The Luella Hannan Memorial Foundation
4750 Woodward Ave.
Detroit, MI 48201
Phone: 313-833-1300 #13 to make an appointment
AARP Tax-Aide Service/AARP volunteers are in the service center on Tuesdays
and Fridays, during tax season to help seniors prepare their tax return and apply
for tax credits. Open to all people, 60 and older in Metro Detroit.
Wayne Metropolitan Community Action Agency
WM East Service Center @ Samaritan Center NEW OFFICE!!
5555 Conner Avenue Suite 107
Detroit, MI 48213
Phone: 313- 388-9799
Out-County Service Hub:
2005 Biddle Ave. NEW ADDRESS eff.: 1/20/25
Wyandotte, MI 48192
Phone: 313-284-6999
Out-County Service Hub
11131 Wayne
Romulus, MI 48174
Wayne Metro’s Free Tax Preparation Program provides free tax preparation
services to residents of Wayne County and surrounding communities. These
free tax preparation services are available year round at several locations with
a wide range of convenient office hours.
- Wayne Metro tax preparers are certified by the Internal Revenue Service
- Go back and prepare un-filed taxes up to three years
- Annual household income of up to $57,000
- Online self-preparation tax services are now available to individuals at any income levels
Property Tax Assistance For Detroit Residents: Detroit Tax Relief Fund
This program is for Detroit homeowners who LIVE IN and OWN their home & are
struggling with property tax debt. The first step of this program is to apply and be
approved for the City of Detroit HOPE property tax exemption for current year prop- erty taxes. Begin an eligibility review for the Detroit Tax Relief Fund online or by phone! 313-244-0274
What is the Detroit Tax Relief Fund?
The Detroit Tax Relief Fund was created by the Gilbert Family Foundation & Rocket Community Fund to eliminate remaining delinquent property taxes for Detroit home- owners who have been approved for Homeowners Property Exemption (HOPE) pro- gram and the Pay As You Stay (PAYS) program.
Property Tax Assistance: Wayne County
If you are a Wayne County resident who does not live within Detroit and are seeking
Property Tax Assistance, please call 313-244-0274.
Community Action Agency Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Program (VITA)
400 W. South
Adrian, MI 49221
Phone: 517-263-7861 800-438-1845
Community Action Agency provides free Federal, state and city income tax prep-
aration services through the IRS sponsors the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program. CAA provides trained IRS certified volunteer tax preparers to complete and e-file returns.
Tax preparers work with each client to ensure the client receives all of the money they are entitled to receive. This money could be from the Child Tax Credit, Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC), Homestead Property Tax Credit, Home Heating Credit, among others. Returns are electronically filed (e-filed) to speed up the receipt of
the refund. Returns for prior years may be able to be completed for you.
Eligible households must have income of $56,000 or below.
See Accounting Aid Society under Wayne County!
Macomb County Community Services Agency
21885 Dunham Suite #10
Clinton Twp., MI 48036
Phone: 586-469-6999
Northern Action Center:
58144 Gratiot
New Haven, MI 48048
Phone: 586-749-5146
Armada, Bruce Twp., Chesterfield Twp. (north of 23 Mile Road), Lenox, Macomb
Twp. (south of 23 Mile Road), Mount Clemens, New Baltimore (south of 23 Mile
Road), Shelby Twp. (south of 23 Mile Road), St. Clair Shores, Sterling Heights, or Utica.
Central Action Center:
18 Market Suite C
Mount Clemens, MI 48043
Phone: 586-469-6964
Chesterfield Twp. (south of 23 Mile Road), Clinton Twp., Fraser, Harrison Twp., Macomb Twp. Mile Rd.), St. Clair Shores, Sterling Heights or Utica.
South Action Center:
22856 Ryan
Warren, MI 48091
Phone: 586-759-9150
Roseville, Center Line, Eastpointe, or Warren.
Free tax preparation! Appointments needed.
Warren City Hall (Conference Room)
1 City Square
Warren, MI 48091
Phone: 586-574-4539
Those 60 and older can receive help filing their personal income tax returns. Assistance is available.
Samaritan House
62324 Van Dyke
Washington, MI 48094
Phone: 586-336-9956
Free Tax Preparation Program:
Samaritan House partners with the Accounting Aid Society to prepare State and Federal beginning in late January and continuing until the last Saturday before April 15th. Appointments are required. Call or email Samaritan House
for details or to make an appointment.
Monroe Community Opportunity Program / M.C.O.P.
1140 S. Telegraph
Monroe, MI 48161
Phone: 734-241-2775
MCOP is offering free tax preparation services for qualifying Monroe County
County residents. Let us help you put some money back in your piggy bank. Contact us for eligibility requirements, questions, or to arrange an appoint-
Oakland Neighborhood Tax Center
1956 Hilton (North of 9 Mile, East of Woodward)
Ferndale, MI 48220.
Phone: 866-673-0873
Offering free tax preparation--call for current times.
OLHSA (Oakland Livingston Human Services Agency)
Central Office (Oakland County)
196 Cesar E. Chavez Ave.
P.O. Box 430598
Pontiac, MI 48343-0598
Phone: 248-209-2600 Toll-Free: 800-482-9250
Free Tax Preparation:
Free tax preparation for qualified Oakland and Livingston County residents.
Financial Management Education:
FREE and open to the public, Financial Management Education provides a certification through a curriculum that includes money management skills,
developing a spending plan, borrowing basics, consumer protection & rights, banking basics and services, debt reduction and saving, insurance and long-
term planning and home ownership and maintenance. The certification fulfills the requirements for programs such as Individual Development Accounts (IDA),
Key to Own (KTO, Family Self Sufficiency (FSS) and Habitat for Humanity.
Manchester Community Resource Center
710 E. Main Rooms 229 & 231
PO Box 433
Manchester, MI 48158
Phone: 734-428-7722
- We can connect you with financial coaches
- We have volunteers to assist with financial literacy
- We provide free tax preparation through VITA
University of Michigan Low Income Tax Clinic
701 S. State St.
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1215
Phone: 734-936-3535
When you arrive at South Hall, please call your student attorney.
He or she will meet you and take you to the meeting room.
We are funded by the University of Michigan Law School and the Taxpayer Advo-
cate Service of the Internal Revenue Service.
Although the Low-Income Taxpayer Clinic (LITC) receives funding from the IRS,
the LITC and its employees and volunteers are not affiliated with the IRS. Rather,
the program is designed to provide low-income taxpayers with proper represen-tation to achieve a correct outcome in an IRS dispute, regardless of the taxpayer's ability to pay for representation.
We help low-income taxpayers with the following issues when the amount in dispute is $50,000 or less per tax year:
1. IRS Notices, including Notices of Intent to Lien or Levy and Notices
of Deficiency
2. Petitions to the United States Tax Court
3. IRS Liens and Levies
4. Offers in Compromise
5. Installment Agreements
6. Innocent Spouse Relief
7. Injured Spouse Relief
8. Collection Due Process Hearings and Appeals Conferences
9. Tax Audits
10. Earned Income Tax Credit Eligibility and Denials
11. Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) Issues
Women's Center of Southeastern Michigan
1100 Victors Way Suite #10
Ann Arbor, MI 48108
Phone: 734-973-6779
Has a list of Washtenaw County free tax sites at: