The Federal government now has a website offering English classes online. The site targets new U.S. Citizens and Spanish speakers.
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS)
Phone: 800-375-5283 TDD: 800-769-1833
Provides accurate and useful information regarding citizenship and immigration services, granting immigration and citizenship benefits, promoting awareness and understanding of citizenship. To
schedule an appointment, visit the website above!
Church World Service
New York Corporate Center
475 Riverside Dr. Suite 700
New York, NY 10115
Phone: 212-870-2061
When refugees are admitted to the United States for resettlement, their travel is arranged under a loan program by the International Organization for Migration. Refugees sign a promissory note stating that
they will repay the interest-free loans to cover travel costs over a pre-determined period. CWS's Immi-
gration and Refugee Program oversees the repayment process for the refugees we resettle. By guiding
them through the repayment process, our loan counselors help refugees gain a basic understanding of personal credit literacy.
Bethany Refugee Services
Refugee Resettlement Program
1050 36th Street SE Suite 400
Grand Rapids, MI 49508-5581
Phone: 616-284-3262
- Reception and Placement resettlement services
- Matching Grant employment services
- Preferred Communities Intensive Case Management
Detroit Office of Immigrant Affairs
Mayor's Office
2 Woodward Ave. Suite 1126
Detroit, MI 48226
Phone: 313-224-3400
Assists immigrants integrate into the community, provides resources and supports.
Michigan Immigrant Rights Center
Washtenaw Office:
15 S. Washington Street Suite 201
Ypsilanti, MI 48197
Phone: 734-239-6863
Michigan Immigrant Rights Center
Detroit Office:
7700 Second Avenue, Suite 603
Detroit, MI 48202
MIRC advocates for immigrants, provides support and training, and builds coalition and partnerships.
Also, offices in Lansing, Kalamazoo and Grand Rapids.
Southeast Michigan Community Alliance (SEMCA)
Refugee and Immigrant Navigator
6451 Schaefer
Dearborn, MI 48126
Phone: 734-229-3518 313-720-6427
Provides services to overcome language and cultural barriers, and resources including immigration
assistance, English as a Second Language (ESL) classes, training, continuing education, employment assistance, affordable housing, healthcare, mental health, civil rights, transportation, government and
public assistance and legal aid.
State of Michigan Office of Refugee Services
The State of Michigan has launched a new program that will offer rental assistance for refugees in MI for
up to a year! The Newcomer Rental Subsidy provides rent aid from $300 to $500 per month, based on immigration status and household income.
To be eligible, a beneficiary must have an eligible immigration status as defined by the Office of Refugee Resettlement which includes: Refugees, Asylees, Special Immigration Visa (SIV), Victims of Human Traff-
icking, Cuban and Haitian entrants, Afghan Nationals, and Ukrainian Humanitarian Parolees. Other immi-
gration statuses include individuals who arrived under the Cuban, Haitian, Nicaraguan and Venezuelan
(CHNV) program; individuals who arrived under the Family Reunification Parole Process for El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Colombia, individuals with a pending asylum application, and other immigrant individuals on a case-by-case scenario.
State of Michigan Dept. of Human Services
The Refugee Assistance Program is a federally-funded program which helps persons admitted into the
U.S. as refugees to become self-sufficient after their arrival. Temporary refugee cash assistance and ref-
ugee medical assistance is available to eligible refugees who do not qualify for cash assistance (through
the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program), Supple- mental Security Income or Medicaid.
Refugee cash and medical assistance is available for up to eight months after entry into the U.S. Employ- ment Services, health screenings and foster care services for unaccompanied minors are other programs available to refugees.
Eligibility for refugee cash and medical assistance is available for up to eight months after entry into the U.S.,or date asylum was granted, if you have one of the following immigration statuses:
- Iraqi or Afghan Special Immigrant VISA (SIV) holders
Immigration status is determined by officials from U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services.
The Newcomer Rental Subsidy Program Just added 10/5/24
The Newcomer Rental Subsidy program provides Refugees and other Newcomer population-eligible households with rental assistance up to $500 per month for up to 12 months, with eligibility based
on immigration status and household income. To see the requirements of this program, please go to
Immigration Law Outreach
Cooley Law School / Administrative Office
3 South Capital Ave.
Lansing, MI 48933
Phone: 517-371-5140
Phone: 734-372-4994 Auburn Hills campus
Students and attorneys of Cooley's Law School-Auburn Hills Campus teach and prepared qualified
individuals for the naturalization process. In addition, pro-bono attorneys offer free 30-minute con-sultations on non-naturalization matters relating to immigration law.
Cooley Law School Immigrant Rights and Civil Advocacy Clinic at its Ann Arbor campus. The clinic
will address a range of issues immigrants face, from landlord-tenant disputes & unfair wage claims
to problems with their immigration status. Cooley officials met with lawyers, judges and community leaders in Washtenaw County to learn what free legal services were most needed.
Immigration Legal Services Strategic Partnership / Archdiocese of Detroit Refuge Services
5575 Conner #104
Detroit, MI 48213
Phone: 586-416-1113
Provides services in the following areas:
- Asylum and refugee applications
- Deportation/removal proceedings
- Citizen and nationality law
- Non-immigrant visas and work authorizations
Archdiocese of Detroit Refugee Services Offices works with the newest residents of the Detroit Metro
region as well as translation and housing assistance, transportation, referrals for ESL classes, medical and other refuge benefits, employment services, advocacy for refugees and community education on
refugee re-settlement.
Michigan Family Law Program & The Michigan Poverty Law Program (MPLP)
420 N. Fourth Ave.
Ann Arbor, MI 48104
Phone: 734- 665-6181
The Michigan Poverty Law Program (MPLP) provides state support services to local legal aid programs
& other poverty law advocates. MPLP engages in systemic advocacy to help alleviate barriers faced by
low-income individuals. Since inception in 1997, MPLP has supported, trained and provided case con- sultation to advocates on thousands of cases involving low-income individuals and families in MI.
Since 2008, the Michigan Advocacy Project through MPLP has expanded significantly and created success-
ful statewide programs to respond to emerging legal needs in MI. The statewide programs include: the MI Immigrant Rights Center, the Michigan Foreclosure Prevention Project, the Michigan Elder Justice Initiative
& Michigan Legal Help Program.
The Salvation Army William Booth Legal Aid Clinic
Harbor Light Center
3737 Lawton
Detroit, MI 48208
Phone: 313-361-6340
Provides FREE legal services to people who are pre-screened and referred to them by the Eastern
Michigan Division of The Salvation Army in the following areas:
- Public Benefits and Entitlements
The University of Detroit Mercy School of Law
651 E. Jefferson
Detroit, MI 48226
Phone: 313-596-0262
Offers the following Clinics:
- The Immigration Law Clinic
- The Appellate Advocacy Clinic
- The Environmental Law Clinic
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services
USCIS is the government agency that oversees lawful immigration to the United States.
English Language Institute
Wayne State University
351 Manoogian Hall
Detroit, MI 48202
Phone: 313-577-2729
The only intensive English language program in the Metro-Detroit area. Specializes exclusively in
teaching English communication, cultural orientation and academic preparation skills to non-native speakers of English from all over the world.
Jewish Family Services of Metro Detroit
6555 W. Maple
W. Bloomfield, MI 48322
Phone: 248-592-2300
25900 Greenfield #405
Oak Park, MI 48237
Phone: 248-592-2300
Translation and Interpretation:
Our Russian language translators can provide interpreting services at medical appointments and
written translation for the following:
- Birth and death certificates
- Immigration and naturalization documents
- Letters of recommendation
L.A.H.C. (Leaders Advancing and Helping Communities)
5275 Kenilworth
Dearborn, MI 48126
Phone: 313-846-8480
Translation of personal and corporate documents (fee for service): Translators are proficient in English, Arabic and French. All translation services are provided for a fee; however, a sliding fee scale will be app-
lied for low-income households. Types of documents available for translation include: birth certificates, death certificates, diplomas, divorce decrees, driver’s license, family inscriptions, immunization records, individual inscription, judicial records, marriage certificates, medical reports, newspaper articles, pass-
ports, personal identification cards, report cards, school transcripts, and more.
Many of the resources below ALSO offer ESL courses as well and be sure to visit the LITERACY RESOURCES webpage on this website as well for even more!
Association of Chinese Americans
4750 Woodward Ave. Suite 211
Detroit, MI 48201
Phone: 313-831-1790
ACA Canton Service Center
46000 Summit Pkwy.
Canton, MI 48188
Chinese Community Center
32585 Concord Dr.
Madison Hts., MI 48071
Phone: 248-585-9343
ACA is proud to provide services and programs that help strengthen and enhance the well-being
of the community. ACA is a non-profit organization.
Asian Center of Southeast Michigan
24666 Northwestern Hwy.
Southfield, MI 48075
Phone: 248-227 4374
Asian Center is a 501c3 non-profit organization. It was founded in 1994 by Dr. Douglas Chung in Grand Rapids to respond to culturally sensitive human services needs among Asian Americans in West Mich. Grants have been received from local and state agencies for its operation. In 2009, a second location
was launched in Southfield to respond to the needs of Asian Americans in Southeast Michigan.
Caribbean Community Service Center
111 E. Kirby
Detroit, MI
We offer a variety of service areas such as Community Services, Professional Development, Sports, Arts,
& Culture, Education Development and Community Advocacy. It is our responsibility as members of the global community to ensure that each person that enters the shores of the United States from the Carib-
bean Region is provided with the basic living necessities to settle, strive and grow.
Global Refuge
Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services
Administrative Office:
700 Light Street
Baltimore, MD 21230
Phone: 410-983-4000
The Global Refuge Legal Services team has been hard at work navigating the many policy changes under
the new administration and have created a suite of resources to help newcomers and social service providers understand our new landscape. Check out their resource hub for up-to-date guidance on SIV status, humanitarian parole, TPS, and more!
iAmerica Center
8594 N. Canton Center
Canton, MI 48187
1061 Inkster
Garden City, MI 48135
19445 W. Warren Ave.
Detroit, MI 48228
3120 Carpenter Ave. Suite 211
Hamtramck, MI 48212
25350 Eureka
Taylor, M I 48180
Phone: 313-307-0088
Most of our staff and providers are fluent in Arabic, Chaldean, Hindu, Purdu, Punjabi, Ukrainian, Russian, Spanish and French. Our main focus is to advocate for the underserved: the Non-English speaker such as individuals from African and Asian American communities. Offers a wide variety of services!
Korean American Cultural Center of Michigan
24666 Northwestern Highway
Southfield, MI 48075
Phone: 248-455-9939
KACCM has been successfully served Korean Community and community at large in the greater Detroit
area since 1965. A building committee was established within the Korean community in mid-1990s to purchase a home for the community. The results of the community effort, our current center was purch-
ased on March 25, 2002. Since then, KACCM has been provided the Michigan Korean community as well
as community at large with a variety of Korean cultural activities, cultural exchange events, health pro-grams, education and counseling services, Korean as second language (KSL), and English as second language (ESL) classes which are designed to enhance understanding of different cultures.
Mai Family Services
32401 8 Mile
Livonia, MI 48152
Phone: 248-477-4985
We are the only organization serving the South Asian Community for crisis Intervention and Prevention
regardless of gender, religion and ethnicity. MaiFS offers services with a holistic approach. Our case
workers offer nonjudgmental, empathetic and culturally sensitive counseling and emotional support.
If needed, a case worker or a volunteer will accompany clients to provide support, interpretation or
assistance in navigating through the legal system by helping with paperwork. Referral services are
provided to Emergency shelters, Family Counselors, Therapists, Psychologists & Psychiatrists, Fam-
ily Law & Immigration attorneys, General Physicians, Job training/ Employment assistance, and Social
Services. Toll-free and confidential helpline and support in multiple Indian languages.
Culturally appropriate counseling for:
- Adjustment to new culture
- Grief and bereavement support
- Referrals to shelters, attorneys, community health resources, therapists
28555 Middlebelt
Farmington Hills, MI 48334
Phone: 248-217-4473
As part of our services to the Russian speaking community as well as our American friends we offer:
- Translation services (documents, diplomas, and other paperwork) from Russian to English
- Personal assistance translation services during visits to the doctor’s office, the Secretary of
- State, or the Immigration and Naturalization Service
- Transportation around Oakland and Wayne counties
- English as a Second Language Classes
- Classes in Russian for American friends
- Tutoring for high school students
For the newly arrived:
- If you are looking for help in any aspects of your new life in the United States, call us!
- We try to help you at no charge.
- We can also refer you to a professional Russian-speaking child or adult psychologist
Please contact the center if you are interested in any of the above-mentioned services or if you have
any suggestions.
Poblo International
35555 Garfield Suite 7
Clinton Township, MI 48035
Phone: 586-477-1530
How We Serve:
Clinton Township, Michigan serves as the main location for POBLO International Ministries’ operations
due to its large population of Muslims and other immigrants and refugees. The State of Michigan has
the greatest population of Arab-Muslim-Americans in the United States, as well as the largest mosque
in North America. Michigan’s population of immigrants and refugees are increasing rapidly, giving us limitless opportunities to reach the immigrant and refugee population and share the Gospel with them.
In Michigan, we not only share the gospel, but we also have programs set in place to help the immigrant
and refugee population thrive in America. Some of our volunteer services in Michigan include: counseling, supporting persecuted converts, helping with refugee resettlement assistance, cultural assimilation, and more. We also have five International Friendship Centers where missionaries and volunteers teach English, citizenship, and sewing classes.
Vietnamese American Association of Michigan (VAAM
Asian Pacific American Chamber of Commerce (APACC)
PO Box 54
Clawson MI 48017
Phone: 248-430-5855
To preserve the Vietnamese culture and heritage, to assist underprivileged Vietnamese Americans with healthcare, social and civic issues, and to accelerate the integration into American society
Wayne Metropolitan Community Action Agency
Detroit HQ:
7310 Woodward Suite 800
Detroit, MI 48202
Phone: 313-324-7922 Deanne Surles
LEAPS / Learning, Excelling and Parenting Successfully:
LEAPS offers Citizenship workshops and support for how to complete the N-400 application for natural- ization as well as the Civics test portion of the Naturalization exam.
Women of Banglatown
Future home:
2960 Lawley St.
Hamtramck, MI
Women of Banglatown (WOB) is a neighborhood-based community arts organization that provides a supportive, culturally-sensitive space for arts and well-being programming for first generation &
immigrant girls and young women (10-26 years of age) from the Banglatown neighborhood of Detroit
and Hamtramck. Over the past decade, we’ve held over 500 workshops (in-person and virtual) and e
vents, collaborating with women artists, entrepreneurs, teen members, neighbors, and trauma-informed facilitators on topics and experiences important to members.
2651 Saulino Ct.
Dearborn, MI 48120
Phone: 313-842-7010
Southeast Michigan Community Alliance (SEMCA) Refugee and Immigrant Navigator
6451 Schaefer
Dearborn, MI 48126
Phone: 734-229-3518 (Sameh Elhady) 313-720-6427 (Adel Dalou)
Provides services to overcome language and cultural barriers, and resources including immigration
assistance, English as a Second Language (ESL) classes, training, continuing education, employment assistance, affordable housing, healthcare, mental health, civil rights, transportation, government &
public assistance and legal aide.
ACCESS One-Stop Employment & Human Service Center
Social Services Department
6451 Schaefer
Dearborn, MI 48126
Phone: 313-945-8380
ACCESS strives to enable and empower individuals, families and communities to lead informed,
productive & culturally sensitive lives. As a nonprofit model of excellence, we honor our Arab
American heritage through community-building and service to those in need, of every heritage.
ACCESS is a strong advocate for cultural and social entrepreneurship imbued with the values of
community service, healthy lifestyles, education & philanthropy. Offers a WIDE variety of services!
Mailing Address:
3319 Greenfield #260
Dearborn, MI 48120-1212
Physical Address:
2600 Saulino Ct.
Dearborn, MI 48120-1212
Phone: 313-894-2522
Angel House is a multicultural organization reaching out to the immigrant community in the areas of
social, family, vocational, and physical needs, through services in education, health, and counseling.
We provide a wide range of opportunities in volunteerism and outreach, as well as education in Arab
culture and Islam for those outside this immigrant community. Our location within the largest Middle
Eastern population in N. America provides a unique immersion experience within this vibrant yet iso-
lated ethnic community. With the high level of personal interaction, small class size, and caring volun-
teer staff, Angel House prides itself on its community building and support, though mainly focusing
on the personal needs of our individual students. Offers a wide variety of services!
Detroit Office of Immigrant Affairs
Mayor's Office
2 Woodward Ave. Suite 1126
Detroit, MI 48226
Phone: 313-224-3400
Assists immigrants integrate into the community, provides resources and supports.
Mailing Address:
PO Box 9208
Detroit, MI 48209
Physical Address:
1777 N. Rademacher
Detroit, MI 48209
Phone: 313-964-4320
Freedom House Detroit is a temporary home for indigent survivors of persecution from around the
world who are seeking asylum in the United States and Canada. Our mission is to uphold a funda-
mental American principle, one inscribed on the base of the Statue of Liberty, providing safety for
those “yearning to breathe free." Guided by our belief that all persons deserve to live free from
oppression and to be treated with justice, compassion and dignity, we offer a continuum of care &
services to our residents as well as to other refugees in need. We advocate for systemic change
that more fully recognizes the rights of asylum seekers. In 2012 we became a formal partner in the
Northern Tier Anti-Trafficking Consortium servicing victims of human trafficking.
ICNA RELIEF / Muslim Family Services
12500 Mitchell
Detroit, MI 48212
12346 McDougall
Detroit, MI 48212
Phone: 313-366-6800
ICNA Relief Michigan has served the Michigan community since 1998 as Muslim Family Services (MFS).
We offer full range of services to individuals, couples, and families of all backgrounds. The mission of
ICNA Relief’s Muslim Family Services is to provide a compassionate support system through our pro-
grams which will nourish, flourish, and facilitate the success of our community.
Our objective is to assist new arrivals and refugees to settle into American society as soon as they
can through empowerment and assistant programs. It is our goal and wish that they become a valuable member of the American mosaic as soon as possible.
ICNA Relief has provided refugees in the US, who face cultural and language barriers to employment,
with opportunities to obtain jobs and training and improve their English language skills. This program promotes self- sufficiency. Services include: employment placement, English classes, our Fast Track
job readiness preparation, transitional and work support and case management to remove barriers to employment.
Immigration Legal Services Strategic Partnership Archdiocese of Detroit Refuge Services
5575 Conner #104
Detroit, MI 48213
Phone: 586-416-1113
Provides services in the following areas:
- Asylum and refugee applications
- Deportation/removal proceedings
- Citizen and nationality law
- Non-immigrant visas and work authorizations
Archdiocese of Detroit Refugee Services Offices works with the newest residents of the Detroit Metro
region to help ease their transition and welcome them as Jesus would have done. They provide classes, medical and other refuge benefits, employment services, advocacy for refugees and community education
on refugee resettlement.
111 E. Kirby
Detroit, MI 48202
Phone: 313-871-8600
Immigrants and refugees co me to the United States today from everywhere around the world. Metropolitan
Detroit, with a foreign- born population of more than 400,000, has the second largest immigrant population
in the Great Lakes region. Yet immigration leaves behind one's past for the new. Thus, to thrive, immigrants need access to resources, vital services and culturally sensitive service providers. The WELCOME MAT Det- roit catalogs a robust network of social service providers in the region and makes it as simple as possible
for immigrants to decide which provider is best suited for them.
Latin Americans for Social and Economic Development Inc. (LASED)
4138 W. Vernor Hwy.
Detroit, MI 48209
Phone: 313-554-2025
LA SED's Administrative and Family Service Center offers a wide range of programs and houses a variety
of service agencies. Our staff assesses the needs of the individuals and strives to provide them with assist- ance to resolve their particular need.
Services Include:
- Social, economic and educational advocacy
- Social Security services and assistance
- Emergency food & shelter referrals
- Translation & Interpretation services
- Secretary of State Licensing Services
- Citizenship & ESL classes
- Immigration and Legal Consultations
- Senior & Youth Initiatives
North American Indian Association of Detroit
22720 Plymouth
Detroit, MI 48239
Phone: 313-535-2966
NAIA is a contractor for the United States Department of Labor, delivering Employment and Training
Services and Education Services under the Workforce Investment Act, Indian and Native American
Programs (WIA-INAP) to Native Americans in our designated service area of Wayne County.
Eligibility Requirements:
1. Must be able to produce residency in Wayne County
2. Must be able to document a minimum of ¼ Blood Quantum of Native American or Alaska Native
ancestries from either a U.S. Federally recognized tribe, a state recognized tribe or status identi -
fication from a Canadian tribe in the form of a Band Letter or status card.
Over the past several years NAIA has only offered our WIA services here at our center, however you
will also be able to sign up at our satellite location over at AIHFS twice a month. Scheduled times will
be posted on the calendar page for your convenience. Also this year, you do not need an appointment,
just come in during normal business hours and we will be sure to help you.
SAMARITAS (formerly Lutheran Social Services of Michigan)
8131 E. Jefferson Ave.
Detroit, MI 48214
Phone: 313-823-7700
As the largest refugee resettlement agency in the state & fourth largest in the nation, Samaritas has
resettled thousands of people from dozens of countries in Europe, Asia, Africa, the Middle East and
Central and South America. Samaritas has been the MI affiliate of Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service since the 1950s. In 2002, Samaritas became the MI affiliate of Episcopal Migration Ministries
as well. Offers a wide variety of resources!!
Southwest Solutions
1700 Waterman Ave.
Detroit, MI 48209
Phone: 313-297-1376
This organization offers a WIDE variety of services; too many to list here!
Our Locations:
2470 Collingwood
Detroit, MI 48206
6961 Mead
Dearborn, MI 48126
35555 Garfield
Clinton Township, MI 48035
Phone: 248-659-2063
Refuge for Nations is a nonprofit social enterprise committed to empowering refugee women across
in Detroit, Hamtramck, Dearborn and Clinton Township. We provide all the support needed for women
to not just survive, but to thrive in the new life ahead of them.
Zaman International
Administrative Offices:
26091 Trowbridge
Inkster, MI 48141
Phone: 313-551-3994
Offers many services to newly arrived residents! Please see the website!
Lenawee Community Action Agency
400 W. South
Adrian, MI 49221
Phone: 517-263-7861 800-438-1845 Toll-Free
Community Action of Lenawee County provides programs to empower migrant workers who seasonally
tend farms in the area and may need information regarding health care, immunizations, literacy and trans- lations. Migrant Outreach Services provides the following services to people in Lenawee County:
Who Is Eligible?
Migrant families in the local migrant communities.
Fast Facts:
To provide medical aid, Migrant outreach Services takes a weekly health clinic to the migrant camps in Lenawee County during the summer months. Lenawee County has 7 migrant camps.
See Catholic Social Services of Southeastern Michigan at the top of the page!
Our Locations:
2470 Collingwood
Detroit, MI 48206
6961 Mead
Dearborn, MI 48126
35555 Garfield
Clinton Township, MI 48035
Phone: 248-659-2063
Refuge for Nations is a nonprofit social enterprise committed to empowering refugees across in Detroit, Hamtramck, Dearborn and Clinton Township. We provide all the support needed for women to not just
survive, but to thrive in the new life ahead of them. From breaking down language barriers with our ESL (English as a Second Language) courses to learning skilled trades that leads to eventual employment,
our organization empowers women with the tools needed to build a meaningful life for themselves as
well as their families.
See Catholic Social Services of Southeastern Michigan at the top of the page!
Oaks Village
924 E. 2nd
Monroe, MI 48161
Phone: 734-244-5444
Oaks also collaborates with several different agencies to serve as an educational hub.
We offer financial literacy, life skills classes, literacy programs and partner with the Learning Bank
for GED completion.
Classes and programs run throughout the year at various times. Please contact us for class availability.
This service is free for anyone who needs help with education.
Arab-American and Chaldean Council (A.C.C.)
Administrative Office:
363 W. Big Beaver Suite 300
Troy, MI 48084
Phone: 248-5591990
In 1979, ACC opened a one-person office, housed within the International Institute in Detroit, and
served 421 clients during its first year of operation. Currently, ACC provides over 500,000 services
annually to those in need through its 40 outreach offices. Offers a WIDE variety of services!
Centro Multicultural La Familia
35 W. Huron Suite #500
Pontiac, MI 48342
Phone: 248-858-7800
Our Mission is to provide culturally-competent support services to families in a holistic approach
in order to improve their quality of life.
We Provide Spanish & English:
- Domestic Violence Program
- Youth Mental Health First Aid
- Cultural Competence Training
- Bilingual Health Education
- Assistance with Health Insurance Applications
- English Courses & Citizenship Classes and more
Chaldean Community Foundation
30095 Northwestern Hwy. Suite 101
Farmington Hills, MI 48334
Phone: 248-851-1200
3601 15 Mile
Sterling Heights, MI 48310
Phone: 586-722-7253
Core programs of the Chaldean Community Foundation include:
Refugee Acculturation Sustainability and Training (RAST):
Helps refugees and others acculturate and become less dependent on federal and state subsidies
and services
Refugee Mental Health:
Supplies much-needed mental health referral services to refugees and others in SE MI
English as a Second Language (ESL):
Teaches individuals English through a partnership with Macomb Community College
Beaking Barriers:
Provides assistance and advocacy to the disabled and respite to caregivers.
Braille ESL Acculturation Mobility (B.E.A.M.) Program:
Helps better equip those with visual impairments to live independent lives
Hard of Hearing, ESL, American Sign Language, Life Skills (H.E.A.L.) Program:
Helps better equip those with hearing impairments to live independent lives
Helps individuals apply for lawful permanent resident status and to become naturalized citizens
U.S. Naturalization Courses:
Instruction and training for successful completion of the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services
(USCIS) Naturalization Examination
Career Services:
Provides job search, training and placement
Certified Healthcare Navigators:
On-site to enroll individuals in the Affordable Care Act and Healthy Michigan Plan (Funded entirely
through community donations)
Cultural Competency Training:
Provides education and information to community, health and government organizations on and
about the Chaldean community
Project Bismutha (the “act of healing”):
Provides free or reduced-cost healthcare to Iraqi Christian and Chaldean refugees without medical
insurance through the Chaldean American Association for Health Professionals. (Funded entirely
through community donations)
Loan Fund:
Provides low-interest loans to help refugees purchase a car (Funded entirely through community
Academic and Endowed Scholarship Programs:
Provides financial aid assistance for Chaldean students to help meet the escalating costs of education.
(Funded entirely through community donations)
Giving Hearts:
Philanthropic Chaldean women’s collaboration in memory of the late Vivian Esshaki Shouneyia.
Legacy project committed to alleviating the financial duress related to medical care expenses and
burdens of breast cancer. (Funded entirely through community donations)
Waad Murad Advocacy Fund:
Memorial fund that offers a reward for information that leads to the arrest and conviction of the
assailant(s) of violent crimes perpetuated against Chaldean business people. (Funded entirely
through community donations).
Oakland Livingston Human Service Agency
Central Office:
196 Cesar Chavez Ave.
PO Box 430598
Pontiac, MI 48343-0598 Toll-free 800-482-9250
Phone: 248-209-2600
South Office (Oakland County)
1956 Hilton
Ferndale, MI 48220-1719
Phone: 248-542-5860
OLHSA (Livingston County)
2300 E. Grand River Suite 107
Howell, MI 48843-7574
Phone: 586-546-8500
OLHSA is the largest private nonprofit agency delivering human services to Oakland and Livingston Co's.
We welcome those in need with a comprehensive set of services, focusing on meeting the basic needs of senior citizens, persons with disabilities, and people suffering from economic hardship. Our broad range of connected services empowered more than 20,000 clients last year to reach or maintain self-sufficiency.
Our services address specific needs in Oakland and Livingston County communities. Has many mobile
offices too!
St. Thomas Chaldean Church
Adopt-a-Refugee Family Program
6900 W. Maple
West Bloomfield Township, MI 48323
Phone: 248-788-2460
The Adopt-a-Refugee Family program has been successfully working with the Jesuits to aid these
refugees for years.
United Community Family Services/CALC (Chaldean American Ladies of Charity)
2033 Austin
Troy, MI 48083
Phone: 248-528-0130
Citizenship Program:
The Refugee Asylee Citizenship Program is designed to navigate lawful permanent residents of the United States through acculturation and naturalization. The agency offers a variety of services including, but not limited to, translations, interpretation, employment, financial, benefits assistance, food pantry and basic
needs. The agency offers free English as a Second Language (ESL) courses, citizenship instruction and
legal assistance in applying for naturalization. Program enrollees are educated on U.S. history and gove-
rnance, receive interview preparation and more.
Elderly Refugee Program:
The Elder Refugee Program, a collaborative effort between UCFS, the Area Agency on Aging 1B, and the Michigan Office of Refugee Services and is designed to reduce social isolation, increase integration and community connections, and promote overall health and wellness for refugees 60 years and older. The
program provides participants and their families with information about services for elders, assists with benefits applications, and helps service providers enhance their skills in working with refugees. Over 200
Older Adult Refugees are served each year through this program.
Jewish Family Services of Washtenaw County
2245 S. State
Ann Arbor, MI 48104
JFS offers low-cost assistance with a wide range of Immigration Services including Green Card and
citizenship applications, preparation of affidavits of invitation, relationship and support for individuals interested in bringing relatives to the U.S., adoption-related legal paperwork, translation of legal paper-
work, translations of legal documents, as well as inquiry.
Resettlement Client Career Services
To accommodate the special needs of our resettlement clients, JFS has career services designed
specifically for refugee/immigrant groups. The program offers a unique approach to pre-employ-
ment training and job development of participants and policies of the American labor market.
New Americans Community Club:
The JFS New Americans Community Club (NACC) combines social support with practical assistance for
foreign-born older adults. We help these new neighbors access social and medical services, plus direct psychological support, so that the members can successfully integrate into the greater Ann Arbor comm- unity. We offer services in English and Russian and include translation, English as a Second Language
classes, emergency financial assistance, resource advocacy, case management, and cultural programs.
Intake services are offered in English and in Russian on an on-going basis and additional translating
services are available, as needed. During the intake process, clients are presented with options avail-
able from an array programs and services.
NACC currently provides assistance in the following areas:
1. Case Management / Social Services
2. Housing Referrals /Discounts
3 Emergency Financial Assistance
4. Burial Services Assistance
5. Referrals/ Resource Advocacy
6. Transportation
7. Interpretation/Translation Services
8. Assistance with issues related to immigration and naturalization
9. English as a Second Language Program
10. Language Partnership Program
11. Vocational Services (working in partnership with the Senior Aide program in Washtenaw County)
12. Meals-On-Wheels referrals and arrangements
13. Friendly Home Visits
14. The Professional Clothes Closet
15. Food Pantry Program
16. Therapeutic and mutual help group participation
17. Short and long-term counseling
18. Health education
19. Cultural and other educational program
20. Field trips
Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Detroit
6735 Telegraph
Bloomfield Hills, MI 48301
Phone: 888-902-4673
As the major instrument of Jewish philanthropy and engagement in the Detroit area, we are a community-
driven organization committed to taking care of the needs of the Jewish People and building a vibrant
Jewish future, in Metro Detroit, in Israel and around the world.
Washtenaw Interfaith Coalition for Immigrant Rights
Phone: 734-355-2707
For immigration-related emergencies
The Washtenaw Intertoal MISSION:
To provide a culturally sensitive and supportive urgent response to undocumented people and their
families, educate the targeted and allied communities, impact local governmental policies to empower
and protect immigrant community members, and to work toward humane national immigration reform
that provides a pathway to citizenship for all undocumented workers and people.