For more Resources, please check on this website under the following webpages:
Phone: 888-373-7888
Toll-free hotline is answered live 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
The National Human Trafficking Hotline is a national, anti-trafficking hotline & resource
center serving victims and survivors of human trafficking and the anti-trafficking comm-
unity in the United States. Callers can speak with the Hotline in English or Spanish, or in more than 200 additional languages using a 24-hour tele-Interpreting service. When you
call the Hotline, you can expect a specially trained and experienced Anti-Trafficking Hot- line Advocate who will speak with you about your needs, your options, and the resources
we have available to help.
National Center for Missing & Exploited Children
333 John Carlyle Suite 125
Alexandria, VA 22314-3175
Phone: 703-224-2150 OR 800-THE LOST (800-843-5678) 24 Hour Call Center
NCMEC provides specialized technical assistance, analysis and recovery
services on cases involving child sex trafficking, including:
1. Reviewing CyberTipline reports related to child sex trafficking
2. Assisting on cases of missing children involved in, or at risk of, trafficking
3. Providing technical assistance and training to help with the identification,
location and provision of recovery planning and services to victims of child
sex trafficking
4. Supporting the recovery of victims by making referrals for post-recovery
resources and services
for child sex trafficking victims and their families
5. Providing peer-to-peer support for families of child sex trafficking victims
National Network for Youth
741 8th Street
Washington, DC 2003-2802
Phone: 202-783-7949
Youth struggling with homelessness may need legal advice to understand their options
in obtaining vital documents. This national hotline for youth can provide resources and assistance in obtaining:
- State ID cards and licenses
All inquiries to the hotline are strictly confidential.
Shared Hope International
P.O. Box 1907
Vancouver, WA 98665
Phone: 866-437-5433
Shared Hope International is dedicated to bringing an end to sex trafficking through our three-pronged approach – prevent, restore, and bring justice.
Hope Against Trafficking
P.O. Box 431413
Pontiac, MI 48343
Phone: 248-838-9189
Hope Against Trafficking provides a 24-month residential holistic program to adult women survivors of human trafficking. The program includes rent-free housing & comprehensive services focused on the physical, mental, and economic transformational needs in order
to empower them to thrive.
Michigan Human Trafficking Task Force Text to BeFree (233733)
P.O. Box 811653
Lansing, MI 48917
What We Do:
Engages innumerable agencies to work together for the collaborative impact of awareness, support of prosecution of offenders, and identifying victims and put-
ting forth every effort to assist them to become survivors.
1 . Fosters creation and leadership in order for regional task forces to engage
within communities to best identify victims and resources for anti-trafficking
2. Provides necessary funding and training for Michigan police officers
3. Creates training, education, and Train the Trainer to innumerable groups such
as NGO’s, victim service providers, faith- based groups, medical providers,
teachers, students, political leaders, & community groups.
4. Advocates for needed research and data collection
5. Disseminates reliable and informed data and information
6. Sponsors, organizes, and provides state-wide conferences
7. Continually assessing and disseminating transfer of new information and pronouncement of responsible education
8. Acts as an intermediary between victims working to become survivors and
provides a connection to access available services
9. Actively recruits and enlists volunteers
10. Publishes on social media regularly that includes Facebook, Twitter, a Web
Site and a Blog.
11. Supports a peer to peer self-help group for survivors
12. Provides research and information to legislature and other governmental entities
when requested
13. Advocates a victim centered approach, and trauma informed trained professionals
The Joseph Project
P.O. Box 36115
Grosse Pointe Farms, MI 48236
Phone: 855-GEN-5020
The Joseph Project is a nonprofit organization that connects human trafficking survivors with pro-bono legal services. It is inspired by the Biblical account of history’s earliest recorded survivor, who transitioned from exploitation to empowerment (Genesis 37-50).
Our mission is to connect human trafficking survivors with skilled pro bono legal counsel. By leveraging the law, we empower the enslaved, addressing the legal consequences of commercial exploitation and transitioning survivors toward an empowered future.
Women At Risk International
2790 44th SW
Wyoming, MI 49519
Phone: 616-855-0796 877-END-SLAVERY (363-7528) Toll-Free
Creating Circles of Protection & Hope:
Women At Risk, International (WAR Int'l) is a Michigan based, non-profit organization,
established to create circles of protection around those at-risk. Through culturally sen-sitive, value-added intervention projects and partnerships, we provide safe places to
heal from abuse, trafficking, exploitation, and more. Our passion is to empower survi-
vors to live and work with dignity and hope.
Our programs and partnerships span the globe, reaching over 40 countries, including
the United States. Each month, additional projects & partnerships are formed, increas- ing our ability to offer the rescued and at-risk a "hand-up" instead of a handout.
All Worthy Of Love
2844 Livernois
PO Box 99067
Troy, MI 48099
Phone: 313-923-7477
All Worthy of Love is a justice focused non-profit that reaches out to men & women en-
slaved by street prostitution. Our mission is to restore broken dwellings, based on the teachings of Isaiah 58. We work in a three stranded cord; prevention, rescue, & restoration. We prevent sex-trafficking through awareness. We promote awareness through various speaking engagements at local churches, schools, and small groups to educate the com- munity of modern-day slavery. We rescue victims of trafficking through weekly outreach.
We restore victims of trafficking through partnerships with local organizations that offer
safe housing and restorative care.
Michigan Abolitionist Project
PO Box 180603
Utica, MI 48318
Programs that prevent and address modern slavery are critical to creating healthy, safe & resilient communities. We are committed to strengthening and expanding our programs &
services to address the root causes of slavery and restore dignity to its victims and survivors.
Mai Family Services
32401 8 Mile
Livonia, MI 48152
Phone: 248-477-4985
We are the only organization serving the South Asian Community for crisis Intervention and Prevention regardless of gender, religion and ethnicity. MaiFS offers services with a holistic approach. Our case workers offer nonjudgmental, empathetic and culturally sen- sitive counseling and emotional support. If needed, a case worker or a volunteer will accompany clients to provide support, interpretation or assistance in navigating through
the legal system by helping with paperwork. Referral services are provided to Emergency shelters, Family Counselors, Therapists, Psychologists & Psychiatrists, Family Law & Immigration attorneys, General Physicians, Job training/ Employment assistance, and Social Services.
Toll-free and confidential helpline and support in multiple Indian languages.
Culturally appropriate counseling for:
- Adjustment to new culture
- Grief and bereavement support
- Referrals to shelters, attorneys, community health resources, therapists
Sparrow Freedom Project
30773 Milford PMB 196
New Hudson, MI 48165
What We Do:
We help provide aid and support to survivors of human trafficking. Assistance includes: food, clothing, emergency housing rental costs, transportation, and other basic needs.
Education is key in the fight against Human Trafficking. We offer a Human Trafficking 101 Training Course for all licensed professionals in the state of Michigan. If you are interested in booking a speaker for your community, school, church, or business event, please visit our How to Help page and scroll down to our Speaker Request Form.
The Institute on Human Trafficking Education
37637 Five Mile Suite 111
Livonia, MI 48154
Phone: 517-580-9188
About The Institute for Human Trafficking Education:
To encourage and support charitable and community projects that promote the prevention of human trafficking through education, training and resources.
We assist other public foundations and outreach programs organized to educate and
inform the community and to conduct events, seminars and other activities to promote
these purposes.
We raise funds from the general public to build awareness about Human Trafficking.
We launch housing or shelter pilot programs as it relates To the needs of survivors
and victims to regain education and life skills.
We establish training programs that educate citizens, local law enforcement and other community groups and businesses relating to Human Trafficking.
TRUE NORTH to Freedom Anti-Human Trafficking Center
P.O. Box 725
Phone: 586-453-7129
Sterling Heights, MI 48311
We will help restore the lives of survivors by providing case management, linking them with wrap-around resources and encouraging healthy relationships. TNTF will provide survivors the opportunity to increase life skills through education, workshops and expressive arts. Our goal is to walk alongside survivors and assist them as they move forward toward full recovery and health integration into society including education,
job placement, nutrition, housing and stability because every human life is valuable,
and every human being is created in the image of God.
P.O. Box 178
Zachary, LA 70791
Phone: 225-644-1005
Our Mission:
To deliver a model program of recovery and rehabilitation for female youth victims of
human trafficking.
About Metanoia:
Metanoia Manor was founded in 2018 by Fr. Jeffery Bayhi and is a faith-based residential facility. This programs offers a place of refuge to female adolescent victims of human trafficking, in which to heal physically and mentally. Metanoia is licensed to provide direct services mental, physical, and spiritual health, instruction in academics, and life skills to biologically born girls aged 0-18 .
200 W. 2nd Suite # 842
Royal Oak, MI 48068
Phone: 248-574-9373
Services Provided:
- Health & Wellness Consulting
- Addiction Recovery Meetings and IOP availability
- Opportunities for Spiritual Growth
- Gain / regain emotional and psychological stability
- Improve / enhance / gain life skills
- Receive education towards personal goals & career opportunities
- Secure full time employment during the program
- Gain ability to contribute to future \success through peer support
- Be involved in Community Outreach and Education
- Graduate from 2-year program
- Secure appropriate housing upon graduation
- Maintain a relationship with Sanctum House
Coverage Area: This program covers residents of the following counties: Lapeer,
Livingston, Macomb, Oakland, Saint Clair, & Wayne County.
Alternatives for Girls
903 W. Grand Blvd.
Detroit, MI 48208
Phone: 313-361-4000 #295 888-234-3919 24-hour hotline
AFG’s Shelter Program provides a stable home, counseling, and life skills training to home- less young women aged 15-21 and their children. The goal is to empower them to lead pro- ductive & fulfilling lives. AFG’s Shelter can house up to 30 young women and their children. In addition to providing homeless young women with a safe and stable place to stay, AFG also provides life skills classes, counseling and case planning services to those we serve—all with the goal of giving them the tools they need to lead fulfilling and independent lives.
Shelter programs include:
Stepping Stones:
A program for homeless and runaway young women ages 15-17 with the goal of reunifying
them with their families.
Emergency Shelter:
A program for homeless young women ages 15-21 and their children, with the goal of pro- viding a short-term safe and stable environment until they can get back on their feet.
Transition to Independent Living:
Provides homeless young women with long-term shelter combined with life skills classes, case planning services, and counseling, with the goal of providing young women with the tools they need to be successful on their own.
Provides continuing support to young women ages 15-21 that have moved out of our shelter as well as to youth who are homeless or are at risk of becoming homeless in the community.
Covenant House Michigan
2959 Martin Luther King Jr Blvd.
Detroit, MI 48208
Phone: 313-463-2000
We provide direct care for survivors of trafficking and work to stop this exploitation as part of the strongest anti-trafficking coalition in the U.S.
Detroit Phoenix Center
8801 Woodward Ave.
Detroit, MI 48202
Phone: 313-482-0916
A low barrier, safe space for young adults, ages 18-24 who are at risk of and/or currently experiencing homelessness.
Young adults can access:
1. Showers
2. Meals
3. Laundry Services
4. Transportation Assistance
5. Basic need items and clothing
6. Career readiness, life skills and
7. Housing crisis support through
8. Computer lab available for Online searching and resume development,
Tuesday - Thursday 11:00 am -3:00 pm
18-24 years of age (Opportunity Youth)
Tuesday - Thursday 4:00 pm -8:00 pm
13-18 years of age (High School Students)
Fridays by appointment only*
Please bring a form of ID when visiting ABRC
R.I.S.E Emergency Services Fund:
An emergency services fund reserved for providing youth and young adults immediate respite from the elements using housing vouchers and support with basic needs that
can prevent homelessness.
Mailing Address:
PO Box 9208
Detroit, MI 48209
Physical Address:
1777 N. Rademacher
Detroit, MI 48209
Phone: 313-964-4320
Freedom House Detroit is a temporary home for indigent survivors of persecution from around the world who are seeking asylum in the United States and Canada. Our mission
is to uphold a fundamental American principle, one inscribed on the base of the Statue of Liberty, providing safety for those “yearning to breathe free." Guided by our belief that all persons deserve to live free from oppression and to be treated with justice, compassion & dignity, we offer a continuum of care and services to our residents as well as to other ref- ugees in need. We advocate for systemic change that more fully recognizes the rights of asylum seekers.
Phone: 313-733-1201
Haven Homes of Detroit was founded in 2021 to be a safe home in Detroit for women
leaving human trafficking or prostitution who are facing homeless or housing insecurity.
We are a 2-year residential program that provides hope & healing by caring for women's physical and emotional health and offering services that help them secure employment.
Perfecting Community Development Corporation
Amelia Agnes Home for Women & Children
7616 E. Nevada
Detroit, MI 48234
Phone: 586-323-7066 313-365-2273
Serves Oakland, Wayne & Macomb Counties.
THE Amelia Agnes Transitional Home is our homeless shelter program where women and children can begin again with dignity and respect. The program provides each family with
a private suite & support services in efforts to assist them with becoming self-sufficient. Residents learn to combat homelessness while improving decision making and problem-solving skills along with eliminating barriers hindering educational and economic growth while gaining intervention tools for life restoration.
Ruth Ellis Center
77 Victor
Highland Park, MI 48203
Phone: 313-252-1950 (Administration) Phone: 313-867-6936 (Second Stories)
Provides information & referrals, sort-term & long-term residential safe space, Second Stories Drop-in Center, low-barrier access to food, clothing, showers, laundry, case management, out-patient mental health services and family group decision making.
The Housing Department at Ruth Ellis Center exists to connect youth and their families
to safe and stable housing. REC currently operates two housing programs, Rapid Re-Housing and the Kelly Stough Project as well as the Clairmount Center, the Center’s permanent supportive housing program.
Phone: 313-293-9752
Offers a wide variety of housing options for women fleeing domestic violence or human trafficking and also offers substance abuse resources.
PO Box 381220
Clinton Township, MI 48038-0078
Phone: 313-444-4066
BRANCH is committed to providing safety, healing and a new beginning for rescued victims of human trafficking. Currently, BRANCH is renovating a house that will soon become our first safe home. This will be the first of several BRANCH locations where
victims will receive unique care, begin to heal and start the journey to rebuild their
lives through access to education and life-coaching.
2964 Northampton
Troy, MI 48083
Phone: 586-242-9280
Our mission is to abolish sex trafficking in the city of Detroit through building relation-
ships, offering safe shelter, and providing education. Elli’s House is, a non-profit organi- zation, committed to helping the young girls and women of Detroit, who have run away
from home or found themselves involved in human trafficking. We want to help reunite
the family, if possible, by providing caring support, education, and innovative programs
to help restore the unity of the family. If reunification is not possible, then outside resour-
ces will be used in order to provide a safe, loving environment for the teen.
Grace Centers of Hope
PO Box 430618
35 E. Huron
Pontiac, MI 48342-0618
Phone: 248-334-2187 #1123
Eligibility for Emergency Shelter or Life Skills Program:
- Children accompanied by parent or legal guardian
- Homeless, addicted and/or victim of domestic violence
This One-Year Life Skills program helps women and families transition into productive members of society within our community. The life skills program is a Christ-centered,
in-house program that focuses on our “core issue”, separation from God. Through men- toring, discipleship, and accountability our goal is to reconcile residents back to God and give them the tools they need in order to live a responsible, productive life that is free from addiction, homelessness, or abuse. This new found freedom allows our residents to enjoy all the benefits life has to
Centro Multicultural La Familia
35 W. Huron Suite 100
Pontiac, MI 48342
Phone: 248-858-7800
We offer WORKSHOPS in English and Spanish to schools or other organizations
about different topics Including:
Offers a great deal of bi-lingual services to victims!
Oakland County Human Trafficking Resources
1200 N. Telegraph
Pontiac, MI 48341
Phone: 248-858-1280
Call or Text the Common Ground Resource & Crisis Helpline at 800-231-1127
Ozone House
1600 N. Huron Dr.
Ypsilanti, MI 48197
Phone: 734-662-2265 Crisis Line 734-662-2222 (24 hours)
Monday thru Thursday 9 -8 p.m., Friday 9-5 p.m.
Ypsilanti Youth Drop-In Center
102 N. Hamilton (1 block from bus station)
Ypsilanti, MI 48197
Phone: 734-485-2222
We are the only agency in Washtenaw County (Ann Arbor, Ypsilanti, and the surrounding areas) that provides free, confidential, and voluntary shelter and support services to homeless youth including runaways and high-risk youth ages 10-20 and their families.
Ozone House is now offering regular hours to screen young people, ages 17.5 – 24, for housing opportunities.
These include:
- Transitional Living Program
- Permanent Supported Housing
- Family Reunification Program
Counselors available on TEXT line Monday-Thursday 10 a.m.-7 p.m. and Friday 10 a.m.-
4 p.m.