Please check the webpage CHORE RESOURCES FIRST for Federal or State programs you may also be eligible for!
Faith Works Michigan
PO Box 80493
Rochester, MI 48308
We serve God by volunteering to assist widows, single moms, veterans, elderly, the disabled & others in need including non-profit organizations. Projects include home repairs and improvements to assist the homeowner
in maintaining their home in a safe and usable fashion while improving the quality of their lives. Our multi-denominational Christian ministry bridges Catholics and Protestants, with representation from over 15 distinct churches. All come together, unified in unwavering devotion and service. We are based in Oakland County, but
serve many in Macomb, some in Wayne, and some in other counties.
Interfaith Volunteer Caregivers Program
25650 Kelly Road
Roseville, MI 48066
Phone: 586-757-5551
Generally, our volunteers serve individuals who meet all of the following criteria:
1. Persons who are 18 or older.
2. Persons who live in Macomb, Oakland & St. Clair Counties
3. Persons who live in their own home or apartment, not in a nursing home or assisted living facility
4. Persons who are unable to do the service they are requesting themselves because of a disability
or general frailty
5. Persons who are unable to get this kind of help through other means, such as paid help, other service
programs, or help from family members
Services provided:
Minor home repairs:
1. Various minor repairs available. No licensed work or extensive repairs. Persons requesting help are
responsible for supplies
2. Indoor & outdoor chores
3. Small routine chores or larger group projects available. Persons requesting help are responsible for
4. Routine light housekeeping or special larger projects.
Habitat For Humanity of Lenawee County
1043 E. US 223
Adrian, MI 49221
Phone: 517-265-6157
Habitat for Humanity works with low- and moderate-income homeowners to address critical repair needs. Pro-
jects are funded by grants, no-profit partially forgiven loans, or a combination of the two depending on funding availability. We do not assist with projects that are strictly cosmetic. If you are interested in applying with us, we encourage you to call Jennifer at 517-265-6157 to see if we have funding. Habitat for Humanity also maintains a
list of other community resources that may be able to help you.
Eligible repairs may include:
Lenawee Community Action Agency
400 W. South
Adrian, MI 49221
Phone: 517-263-7861 Toll Free: 800-438-1845
What is the Lead Hazard Control Program?
Community Action Agency (CAA) was awarded a grant from Michigan Department of Health and Human Services
to expand residential lead hazard control services to eligible households with Medicaid enrolled children in Len-
awee County. Funding is provided through the Michigan Medicaid Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP).
The grant allows CAA to provide services including lead inspections, lead risk assessments, and abatement of identified lead dust, lead-based paint, lead contaminated soil, and lead in water hazards.
Who is Eligible?
1. Families with Medicaid enrolled children who are 19 yrs. and under
2. Medicaid enrolled women who are pregnant.
3. Must reside in Lenawee County
4. Home ownership in not required
What We Can Do for You:
Conduct lead investigations to determine if lead-based paint hazards exist. If a hazard is found, we will be able
to remove or control the hazard through various home repairs. If your home was built before 1978, you and your family could be at-risk. What is the cost? There is no cost for eligible applicants.
Lenawee County Department on Aging
1040 S. Winter Suite 3003
Adrian, MI 49221
Phone: 517-264-5280
Lenawee Department on Aging feels that home safety is key in helping older adults remain in their homes.
A small grant allows for minor home repairs. Volunteer labor allows our funds to assist with additional repairs.
Some of our projects include grab bars to help prevent falls and handrails for stairs.
Home Help / Department on Aging
Seniors 60 and older can get help with small chores and light housekeeping.
City of Warren / Community Development Block Grant Property Rehabilitation Program
One City Square, Suite 210
Warren, MI 48093
Phone: 586-574-4686 Community Development
The City of Warren will be reviewing requests from interested residents for loans under the Community
Development Block Grant Property Rehabilitation Program. If you are interested in participating in this
Because of limited funds for Warren’s Program, you are urged to complete the attached form as soon as
possible. This form has been sent to all who have inquired about the program to date. A case number will
be assigned to the completed form and all cases will be processed on a first-come-first-served basis. When
your number comes up for processing you will be asked to complete a formal loan application and additional information will be collected at that time to determine your eligibility for program participation.
City of Warren Residential Rehabilitation Program
Phone: 586-574-4686 Community Development
If you’re in need of assistance making your home safe, sanitary, and secure, the City’s Residential Rehabilitation program may be able to help. Qualifying residents who own and occupy a single-family residence in the City may
be eligible for a deferred, zero-interest loan to bring their homes into compliance with the City’s Property Main- tenance Code and federal lead-based paint regulations. For more information on this program or to request a
mailed expression of interest form, please call Community Development at number above.
Community Housing Network
5505 Corporate Dr. Suite 300
Troy, MI 48098
Phone: 248-928-0111 Toll free: 866-282-3119
Macomb County Family Resource Center
15106 Deerfield Ave,
Eastpointe, MI 48021
Phone: 586-221-5900
Do you or someone you know need a furnace repaired OR replaced?
- Oakland and Macomb County residents only
- Household income under 80% AMI
- Furnace repair or replacement only. No water heater or air conditioner unit
- Must be able to provide proof of income & home ownership documentation
Habitat for Humanity Macomb County
22005 Van Dyke
Warren, MI 48089
Phone: 586-263-1540
Critical Home Repairs is a Home Repair program for owner-occupied homes. Due to a series of grants provided
by American House, BAE Systems, Shelby Community Foundation, Thrivent Financial and others, we are able
to mobilize our volunteers to repair or replace a number of items that the homeowner would otherwise not be
able to fix. Projects could include: handicap ramp installation, painting, trim work, porch/deck repairs, door/win-
dow replacement and more.
Office of Senior Services
21885 Dunham Road, Suite 6
Clinton Township, MI 48036
Phone: 586-469-5228
This service is available for:
*There may be limitations to services provided in rental properties or multifamily dwellings. For example, we
are not able to provide pest control service at an apartment complex.
21885 Dunham Suite 10
Clinton Township, MI 48036
Phone: 586-469-6329
Weatherization Assistance Program:
Macomb Community Action's Weatherization Assistance Program performs the installation of energy efficient
items to conserve energy in Macomb County homes. Weatherization improvements reduce energy use and can
save an average of 30 percent on heat/utility bills. A home energy audit determines which items will be installed.
- Energy saving services may include:
- Attic insulation and ventilation
- Floor/foundation insulation
- Furnace repair or replacement
- Other energy saving measures
Comprehensive Housing Rehabilitation Program:
Community Development
1 South Main Street 7th Floor
Mount Clemens, MI 48043
Phone: 586-466-6256
Each year a limited amount of funds are available for the program. Applications are processed on a “first-
come, first-completed application” basis. Currently there is a 1-year+ waiting list for both the Limited Hous-
ing Rehabilitation and Comprehensive Housing Program, call the number above.
The Handy Helper Program provides assistance with household maintenance tasks.
21885 Dunham Suite 6
Clinton Township, MI 48036
Phone: 586-460-5338
Have you heard about the Macomb County Handy Helpers program? We provide a one time assistance for
a variety of household tasks for residents age 60 or older.
1. Replacing fuses, light bulbs, electrical plugs and frayed cords
2. Replacing door locks and window catches
3. Replacing faucet washers or faucets
4. Installing weather stripping around doors
5. Repairing furniture
6. Installing window shades and curtain rods
7. Heavy-duty cleaning (limited to cleaning appliances, carpets, and rugs; washing walls
and windows; and cleaning attics and basements to remove fire and health hazards)
8. Leaf raking
9. Pest control--rodent (rats & mice)
Eligibility: The person must be at least 60 years of age and a Macomb County resident
Samaritan House
62324 Van Dyke
Washington, MI 48094
Phone: 586-336-9956
As an independent Christian organization, Samaritan House is not bound to governmental restrictions re-
garding miscellaneous assistance. When a client has a need that may not fall within other specified categ-
ories, Samaritan House can consider that need. We have been able to assist with water well pumps, struct-
ural repairs to dwellings, medical needs, and furnace and water heater repair or replacement. Much of this
assistance is given in cooperation with other agencies.
Samaritan House provides assistance to low-Income families and individuals who reside in northwest
Macomb County. Our service area includes: the Romeo, Washington Twp., Bruce Twp., Ray Twp., Armada
Twp., Village of Armada Macomb Twp., Shelby Township and the city of Utica.
Sterling Heights Home Repair Assistance
40555 Utica
Sterling Heights, MI 48313
Phone: 586-446-2724
Do you need assistance with possible home repairs? The City of Sterling Heights may be able to help with a
no interest-deferred loan. To qualify, you must be the owner-occupant of a single-family home and be of low
to moderate income. Use the chart on the website page above to determine whether you might be eligible. You
must include the income from all persons living in the home. Failure to include all requested information could exclude your application from consideration. If you are eligible for a loan, your application will be held until your application is ready for further processing. Do not solicit quotes / bids from contractors. Only city generated and approved contractor bids will be considered.
******Smoke Detector Installation Program
The MFD currently offers free smoke alarms to homeowners who live within the limits of the City of Monroe.
This program is a joint effort with DTE and the American Red Cross along with the Monroe Fire Department
to install Smoke detectors in all Homes. To request a smoke alarm, contact Lieutenant Scott Smiley at 734-
MCOP / Monroe County Opportunity Program
1140 S. Telegraph
Monroe, MI 48161
Phone: 734-241-2775
Home Chore Dept.
Phone: 734-241-2775 #216
Who qualifies?
The Home Chore Dept. assists Monroe County Seniors, 60+ years of age, with home maintenance tasks
to improve safety inside & outside of the home. Assistance for the following home maintenance tasks
are available for qualified residents:
- Install of window air conditioners
Minor Home Repair:
Phone: 734-241-2775 #218
MCOP receives funds to assist Monroe County residents age 55 and older with Minor Home Repairs such
as roof and floor repairs, minor furnace repairs, etc.
Home Repair Dept.
Phone: 734-241-2775 #217
Our Home Repair programs are available through partnerships with the County of Monroe
(Limited Home Repair) and the City of Monroe (City FIX).
Assistance available for home repairs and may include the following:
- Roof, Siding, Gutter Repair
- Electrical & Plumbing Repair
Service Partners:
Our Home Repair Our home repair program is available through partnerships with the County of Monroe
(CDBG), the City of Monroe (FIX) and direct funding through MSHDA (HOME).
Home Injury Control (HIC):
The Home Injury Control Program includes assistance for the following items:
- Bathroom chairs & grab bars
- Toilet seat risers & rails
Emergency Housing Rehab Program:
Phone: 734-241-2775 #217
The Emergency Housing Rehab Program offers qualifying homeowners with one rehabilitation project on
their home. Rehabilitation projects can include, but are not limited to: roofing repair & replacement, furnace repair/replacement, duct work repair/replacement, furnace repair/replacement, and well repair & replacement.
Oakland SAVES Applications open Monday, January 22nd, 2024!!
230 N. Washington Square Suite 300
Lansing, MI 48933
Phone: 517-484-6474
Michigan Saves is thrilled to be partnering with Oakland County on the Oakland SAVES (Simple Actions for
Valuable Energy Savings) grant program launching January 22, 2024. Oakland County has invested $5 million
of American Rescue Plan Act funds to provide Oakland County residents with grant incentives to reduce energy burdens for lower-income homeowners and promote energy efficiency in homes.
The Oakland SAVES program is available through December 31, 2024, or until funds are exhausted. Program
funds are allocated on a first come, first served basis.
City of Southfield CHORE PROGRAM
26000 Evergreen
Southfield, MI 48076
Phone: 248-796-4178
The City of Southfield's CHORE program has been helping senior adults maintain their homes since its inception
in 1983. Funded through the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), CHORE provides help with lawn care
lawn care, snow removal, window & gutter cleaning, minor plumbing, furnace and electrical repairs. Seniors must meet HUD income guidelines.
Community Housing Network
5505 Corporate Dr. Suite 300
Troy, MI 48098
Phone: 248-928-0111 Toll free: 866-282-3119
Macomb County Family Resource Center
196 N. Rose Suite 30
Mt. Clemens, MI 48043
Phone: 586-221-5900
Do you or someone you know need a furnace repaired OR replaced?
- Oakland and Macomb County residents only
- Household income under 80% AMI
- Furnace repair or replacement only. No water heater or air conditioner unit
- Must be able to provide proof of income & home ownership documentation
Faith In Action
3252 University Dr. Suite 140
Auburn Hills, MI 28326
Phone: 248-820-3767
Using volunteers & volunteer companies, builds ramps and makes repairs for those in need in Oakland Co.
Faith Works Michigan
PO Box 80493
Rochester, MI 48308
We serve God by volunteering to assist widows, single moms, veterans, elderly, the disabled & others in need including non-profit organizations. Projects include home repairs and improvements to assist the homeowner
in maintaining their home in a safe and usable fashion while improving the quality of their lives. Our multi-denominational Christian ministry bridges Catholics and Protestants, with representation from over 15 distinct churches. All come together, unified in unwavering devotion and service. We are based in Oakland County, but
serve many in Macomb, some in Wayne, and some in other counties.
Habitat For Humanity of Oakland County
150 Osmun
Pontiac, MI 48342-3125
Phone: 248-338-1843
Roofs, Ramps and Repairs is a critical home repair and home preservation program that provides needed
exterior repairs for homeowners in Oakland County so that they may maintain a safe, decent and affordable
place to live.
Habitat for Humanity of Oakland County is known for building affordable homes, but we don’t stop there!
We also care about making sure that your utility bills are affordable too. We have partnered with Consumers
Energy and their Helping Neighbors Program to offer FREE home energy assessments to qualified residents
in Oakland County.
- Benefits of the Helping Neighbors Program include:
- A free home energy assessment
- Installation of free energy-saving products
- Useful information on ways to reduce energy in your home for long-term savings
Jewish Family Services of Metropolitan Detroit / Fall Fix UP Event is being held on Sunday, Nov. 3rd, 2024
West Bloomfield Office
Sally & Graham Orley and Suzanne & Joseph Orley Building
6555 West Maple Road
West Bloomfield, MI 48322
Phone: 248-592-2300
Oak Park Office
Crown Pointe Office Building
25900 Greenfield Road, Suite 405
Oak Park, MI 48237
Phone: 248-592-2313
Fall Fix Up is a family-friendly outdoor annual event that matches enthusiastic volunteers with older adults
who need assistance with raking leaves and yard cleanup. Teams of volunteers are assigned one or two
homes to visit in the Oak Park, Southfield, Huntington Woods, West Bloomfield, or Farmington Hills area.
Oakland County Neighborhood & Housing Development
250 Elizabeth Lake Suite 1900
Pontiac, MI 48341
Phone: 248-858-0493
Qualified homeowners may receive interest-free loans of up to $18,000 to make needed home repairs, including barrier free access and energy saving upgrades. There are no monthly payments and the total loan is due and payable only when you no longer live in your home. Oakland County staff is with you all the way from helping
you apply for the loan to overseeing all repair work and paying pre-screened contractors.
To qualify, you must:
- Own and live in your own home in Oakland County (the City of Lake Angelus, Novi Township, Southfield
- Township and Village of Bingham Farms do not participate in the program).
- Meet gross household income limits set by the federal government
- Repairs must result in the home being "decent, safe and sanitary"
OLHSA (Oakland Livingston Human Services Agency)
Central Office (Oakland County)
196 Cesar E. Chavez Ave.
P.O. Box 430598
Pontiac, MI 48343-0598
Phone: 248-209-2600 Toll-Free: 800-482-9250
South Office (Oakland County)
1956 Hilton
Ferndale, MI 48220-1719
Phone: 248-542-5860
Home Injury Control Program Devices available include:
- Smoke alarms / carbon monoxide detectors
Weatherization Assistance Program
Services include appliance combustion testing, installing insulation / ventilation, and interior sealing of
major cold-air infiltration, areas utilizing blower door technology. Applicants must meet and complete app-
lication process.
- Furnace Repair or Replacement
- Combustion Appliance Testing
- Smoke / Carbon Monoxide Detectors
Energy Education
Offered in small group settings to provide low-cost, no-cost, do-it-yourself energy saving information to help participants lower utility bills through energy saving behavior. Participants receive a variety of energy saving,
easy to install products to begin their energy saving project.
Mobile Home Repair Assistance (available in limited cities)
OLHSA and its partners may have funds available for repairs to mobile homes on a first-come basis for families
who meet income eligibility requirements. Up to $5,000 may be spent per mobile home on many eligible repairs
such as roof, furnace, or hot water replacement and handicap ramps allowing barrier-free access into the home
per American Disabilities Act. To find out about eligibility, contact the Weatherization Assistance Program at 248-
Attention Lake Villa and Parkhurst Estates residents:
Phone: 248-209-2653
- Repairs to roofs, siding and gutters
- Floor repair /belly repair
- Repair or replacement of heating systems and defective electrical wiring
- Installing ramps and upgrading homes for accessibility
- Repairs to bathrooms and kitchens
- Replacement of windows and exterior doors for energy conservation purposes
Rebuilding Together
27840 Independence Bldg. 2
Farmington Hills, MI 48336
Phone: 248-482-8061 Oakland County 313-766-4010 Wayne County
Rebuilding Together Southeast Michigan provides no cost home repairs to qualified home-owners in order
to provide them with a warm, safe, dry and independent living environment. It is our belief that every home-
owner should be given the opportunity to live in a safe and healthy home. Due to Covid-19 we are currently
only addressing emergency repairs and accommodations.
Services include:
Home repairs
Eligibility requirements:
- The applicant must own and live in the home
- The applicant must be current on property taxes for the home
- The applicant must be current on mortgage payments for the home
- The applicant must have a current homeowner’s insurance policy for the property
- The home must be a free-standing, single-family home; we are not able to serve rental
- properties, condos, or mobile homes
- The applicant must meet HUD income guidelines
This program covers residents of the following counties: Oakland and Wayne County
Southfield Housing Commission Housing Services
(Southfield Home Improvement Program (SHIP)
26000 Evergreen
Southfield, MI 48076
Phone: 248-796-4177
Provides to homeowners low-interest loans designed to improve homes that do not meet health, safety, and
welfare requirements or minimum City housing codes. A home inspection is conducted to determine the ex-
tent of needed improvements. Examples of eligible home improvements include but are not limited to: new
electrical, heating, plumbing, siding, windows, hot water tank, insulation, gutters, sewer and water hook-ups, driveway, roof, ceiling and flooring repairs, and installation of handicapped facilities. New construction, add-
itions, and remodeling projects do not qualify under this program.
ELIGIBILITY: Low-to-moderate-income homeowners who live in Southfield.
Troy Community Foundation Senior Home Assistance Repair Program (S.H.A.R.P.)
PO Box 861
Troy, MI 48099
Phone: 248-212-0059
Volunteers utilize their experience and skills to assist with Carpentry, Electrical, HVAC, Miscellaneous,
Painting, Plumbing and Yardwork. The labor is free with the work; homeowners pay for supplies.
Troy People Concerned
2045 Austin Dr.
Troy, MI 48083
Phone: 248-528-9197
Troy People Concerned matches Troy senior citizens with wonderful volunteers during the fall season.
The dedicated volunteers do a fabulous fall clean-up by raking the senior's yards. This year we had fam-
ilies, students from Troy and Athens High Schools, the Troy Rotarians, and a local youth Hockey Team.
We are sincerely grateful for all of the volunteers who dedicated their time to help others with our Troy
United Way for S.E, MI / Fall Fix-up 2023 Date will be Nov. 5th, 2023
76 Williams
Pontiac, MI 48341
Fall Fix Up is a family-friendly outdoor annual event that matches enthusiastic volunteers with older adults
who need assistance with raking leaves and yard cleanup. Teams of volunteers are assigned one or two
homes to visit in the Oak Park, Southfield, Huntington Woods, West Bloomfield, or Farmington Hills area.
All the rakes and supplies are provided for you with pick up/drop off located at Congregation Shaarey Zedek
in Southfield. Teams or individuals must register by October 27.
For more information, contact us at 313-662-5687
Plymouth United Way / Fall Fix-up 2023 Date will be Nov. 4th, 2023
960 W. Ann Arbor Trail Suite 2
Plymouth, MI 48170
Phone: 734-453-6879
Fall yard cleanup day for Seniors & those with disabilities in Plymouth & Canton.
Catholic Social Services of Washtenaw County
CSSW Main Building
4925 Packard
Ann Arbor, MI 48108
Phone: 734-971-9781 #352
A variety of basic maintenance services are available to help older adults maintain their independence &
keep them safe at home. Cost share contributions are requested based on financial ability, but no one is
denied service if they are unable to contribute. Cost share contributions and donations accepted.
- Home Maintenance & Minor Repairs:
- Basic household repairs & routine maintenance
- Home Safety Installations
- Smoke alarms & carbon monoxide detectors
- Battery and light bulb exchanges
- Grab bars and shower chairs
- Raised toilet seats, hand-held showers
Friends in Deed
1196 Ecorse
Ypsilanti, MI 48198
Phone: 734-485-7658
Our mission is to help people in need and build community to end poverty. Since 1987, we have been helping Washtenaw County residents with emergency financial assistance, furniture, beds, transportation and to help
people permanently exit poverty.
Furnace Test and Tune Program
Washtenaw County OCED
415 W. Michigan Ave. Suite 2200
Ypsilanti, MI 48197
Phone: 734-544-3005
The Furnace Test and Tune Program is implemented by Washtenaw County in partnership with the DTE
Energy Efficiency Assistance Program. We provide a free furnace tune-up that ensures your furnace will
run more efficiently, last longer, and operate safely.
Other potential work may include:
- Installation of new programmable thermostat
- Installation of LED light bulbs
How to Apply:
Eligibility for the Furnace Test and Tune program is based on household income. You may be automatically
eligible if you can provide documentation showing that you qualify for one of several low-income assistance programs.
Emergency Repair Program:
This emergency assistance program is offered to owner-occupied properties in participating Washtenaw Co. jurisdictions.
Emergency repair grants or loans may be offered to pay for construction work to correct items that are determined
by the Rehabilitation Specialist to be of an immediate nature. The OCED Emergency Repair Program can currently assist eligible homeowners with urgent repairs related to furnaces, water heaters or sewer issues. Emergency grants will be limited to a one-time assistance during a five-year period regardless of whether a grant or loan was received originally. This program offers funding for urgent repairs up to $5,000 as a grant or up to $10,000 as a deferred payment loan to low-income, owner-occupied households within the jurisdictions of the Urban County.
Plumbing Repair Program
Our Plumbing Repair Program offers free plumbing improvements for qualified homeowners and renters!
You may be eligible for these repairs:
1. Improved access to hot and cold water in kitchen and bathroom
2. Faucets, toilet, shower/bath
3. Sewer, septic, well
4. Other critical plumbing repairs
Call us as soon as possible to begin the application process!
The Owner-Occupied Housing Rehabilitation Program
Assists homeowners in many areas of Washtenaw County with needed home repairs. The Housing Rehab-
ilitation Program can provide home improvements to owner-occupied homes throughout Urban County juris-
dictions for families earning 80% or less of the area median income. Through this program, eligible work is
assigned to an OCED-approved, licensed contractor. There is no immediate cost to the homeowner for these
repairs, but the cost of the project will result in a 0% interest lien that will run with the property until the house
is sold. There are no payments required until the time of sale or change in ownership. This property lien is grad-
ually forgiven over a 30-year period following the completion of the rehabilitation work. If the owner resides in
the property for the full 30-year period, the lien will be completely forgiven and no payment will be required. Due
to high demand for the program there is a long waiting list for services, approximately 6-12 months.
NOTE: At this time the Single Family Housing Rehabilitation Program waiting list is closed. We are not accepting
new applications for the Single Family Housing Rehabilitation Program at this time. You should still call us if you
are experiencing an emergency situation with your furnace, water heater or sewer line.
Huron Valley Habitat For Humanity
950 Victors Way Suite 50
Ann Arbor, MI 48108
Phone: 734-677-1558
Habitat for Humanity of Huron Valley provides critical home repairs, exterior projects, appliance replacements
and other home improvements for families, individuals, seniors and veterans in Greater Washtenaw County
who are of low-income. Our goal is to provide improvements that reduce energy consumption, energy costs
and the impact on the environment. We also strive to provide financial and personal stress relief for home-
owners who are struggling with high energy and repair costs.
Veteran Critical Repairs and Weatherization
Attention Veteran Homeowners in Washtenaw County!
Are you, or is a Veteran you know, in need of critical home repairs? Habitat may be able to help.
Our Critical Repairs Include:
• Roof replacements
• Appliance upgrades
• Bathtub to walk-in-shower conversions
• Furnace, water heater and a/c replacements
• Grab bars
• Handrails
To learn more and to see if you’re eligible, please contact:
7920 Jackson Suite A
Ann Arbor, MI 48103
Phone: 734-424-0978
Free electrical services (smoke detectors, light bulbs, switches, and more) provided by Volunteer IBEW/NECA Electricians. Check with them for qualifications.
Snow-covered sidewalks can be hazardous for everyone. The goal is to make sidewalks accessible for all ages
and abilities. The City of Ann Arbor's Snow Match Program pairs residents with nearby neighbors who volunteer
to assist them with snow removal on their sidewalks. Recipients of the volunteer services must be City residents
55+ years of age OR self-identify as having a disability; AND do not have resources (financial such as a hired ser-vice, or family, friends, neighbor, other) nearby to assist with snow removal.
Along with fostering stronger community relationship and relieving some of the stress that comes from a snow-
fall or freeze, the Snow Match program aims to make our sidewalks SAFER for those who are outside during the winter including postal carriers, children/students, neighbors, and citizens using public transportation. The goal
is to match volunteers with homes within a 10-minute walk from their location.
Washtenaw County Office of Community & Economic Development
Phone: 734-544-3008 (Beginning Tuesday, Jan. 16th, 2024 at NOON SHARP)
Do you need your roof replaced? The Washtenaw County Roof Replacement Program is opening next week!
The Roof Replacement Program offers roof replacements for income eligible residents. There is a waitlist for this
program which opens once per year. The waiting list for 2023 is closed. It will open again at noon on January 16, 2024.
Through this program, eligible work is assigned to an OCED-approved, licensed contractor. There is no immediate
cost to the homeowner for these repairs, but the cost of the project will result in a 0% interest lien that will run with the property until the house is sold. There are no payments required until the time of sale or change in ownership. This property lien is gradually forgiven over a 30-year period following the completion of the rehabilitation work. If the owner resides in the property for the full 30-year period, the lien will be completely forgiven & no payment will
be required.
- Rental properties are not eligible for this Program.
- Roofing work on outbuildings or detached garages is not eligible through this program.
Due to high demand for the program, there is a waiting list for roof replacement services.
PLEASE NOTE: The Roof Program Waitlist remains closed at this time.
The 2024 waitlist has closed. The 2024 waitlist was completely filled very quickly. The next opportunity to add
your name to the roof replacement waitlist is January 21st (Tuesday) 2025 at noon.
OCED Air Conditioner Assistance Program Waitlist opening on 2/18/25!
The Office of Community & Economic Development (OCED) will open the Air Conditioner Installation Program
waitlist on Tuesday, February 18, 2025. Sign-up for the waitlist will be available for a limited time, from noon to
4 PM. Interested individuals can sign up to join the Air Conditioner Installation Program waitlist by visiting the webpage linked below, which contains a Google form. Please share this information with your residents.
Alternatively, you can contact the Intake Coordinator, Ella Clark, to express your interest in being added to the
list. You can reach her at 734-544-3008.
This emergency assistance program is offered to owner-occupied properties in participating Washtenaw County jurisdictions. Emergency repair grants or loans may be offered to pay for critical home improvement work to
correct items that are determined by the Rehabilitation Specialist to be of an immediate nature. The OCED Emergency Repair Program can currently assist eligible homeowners with urgent repairs related to furnaces,
water heaters or sewer issues. Emergency grants will be limited to a one-time assistance during a five-year
period regardless of whether a grant or loan was received originally.
This program can fund urgent repairs up to $3,000 as a grant. Other more costly critical repairs are funded
through a deferred payment loan (0% property lien) to eligible, owner-occupied households within the juris-
dictions of the Urban County. Emergency repair loans shall be in the form of a deferred, no interest property
lien that is forgiven at a rate of one-fifth per year for the five-year period after project completion.
For additional Information please call 734-544-3008 for more information.
The Accessibility Ramp installation waitlist is currently not accepting new applications. We do not know when
the ramp waitlist will open again. The Accessibility Ramp Program offers funding for the installation of exterior wheelchair ramps in order to improve the accessibility of a home.
How to Apply:
- Eligibility is based on household income.
- There is a waitlist, which is closed at this time.
- Rental properties are not eligible.
Through this program, eligible work is assigned to an OCED-approved contractor. There is no immediate cost
to the homeowner, but the cost of the project will result in a 0% interest lien for 5 years. There are no payments required until the time of sale or change in ownership. The property lien is forgiven after a 5-year period follow-
ing completion of the work. As long as the owner resides in the property for the full 5-year period, the lien will
be forgiven, and no payment required.
Please contact us at 734-544-3008 if you have any questions about the Accessibility Ramp Program.
Accessibility ramp grants will be limited to a one-time assistance per dwelling during a five-year period.
Ypsilanti Meals on Wheels / CARE ON WHEELS PROGRAM
Phone: 734-487-9669
Our Care on Wheels program helps homebound Ypsilanti seniors care for their homes with in-home help, door-
to-door laundry service and cleaning supplies.
Minor Home Repairs:
Minor home repairs can prevent a life-changing fall, and sometimes it's as simple as installing a shower grab
bar or fixing an uneven stair. We're here to help.